University of Texas at Dallas

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Mohamed G. AbdelsalamGeology, Geophysics
AdriansyahGeophysics2000 George A. McMechan (grad student)
Rayan M. Al-AssaadOptics Physics, Electronics and Electrical Engineering2006 Dale M. Byrne (grad student)
Esam A. AlArfajCondensed Matter Physics2001 Robert Glosser (grad student)
Mohammed A. AlzamilCondensed Matter Physics2005 Robert Glosser (grad student)
Mukti N. AryalGeneral Physics, Electronics and Electrical Engineering, General Chemistry2010 Wenchuang W. Hu (grad student)
Alebachew BeyeneGeology2004 Mohamed G. Abdelsalam (grad student)
Preeti BhanejaAtmospheric Sciences2009 Gregory Earle (grad student)
Janok BhattacharyaGeology, Geophysics
Anthony G. BirdwellCondensed Matter Physics, Optics Physics2001 Robert Glosser (grad student)
Rebecca L. BishopAtmospheric Science Physics2001 Gregory Earle (grad student)
Ira Blum Physics Joseph Michael Izen (grad student)
Loig E. BourreeCondensed Matter Physics2003 Robert Glosser (grad student)
William S. BurgettAstronomy and Astrophysics
Angeline G. BurrellAtmospheric Sciences, Fluid and Plasma Physics Physics2012 Roderick A. Heelis (grad student)
Dale M. ByrneOptics Physics, Electronics and Electrical Engineering
Cyrus D. Cantrellphotonics
Juanjuan CaoGeophysics2010 George A. McMechan (grad student)
Mauro Carfora1981 Wolfgang Rindler (grad student)
Roy ChaneyGeneral Biophysics, Optics Physics
Kuo-cheng Chenphotonics2000 Cyrus D. Cantrell (grad student)
Chongyang Chenphotonics2007 Cyrus D. Cantrell (grad student)
Steve E. CollinsCondensed Matter Physics, Electronics and Electrical Engineering2001 Robert Glosser (grad student)
Carl Baxter Collins
Rucsandra M. CorbeanuGeology, Geotechnology, Petroleum Engineering, Remote Sensing2001 Janok Bhattacharya (grad student)
Michael Evan CrenshawOptics Cyrus D. Cantrell (grad student)
Richard A. CroleyElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2001 Xinchou Lou (grad student)
Austin CunninghamAtomic Physics, Electronics and Electrical Engineering
Ryan L. DavidsonAtmospheric Science Physics Physics2011 Gregory Earle (grad student)
Gazi DemirOptics Physics, Condensed Matter Physics2004 Robert Glosser (grad student)
Feng DengGeophysics2007 George A. McMechan (grad student)
Brett D. DePaolaMolecular Physics, Atomic Physics, Optics Physics1984 Carl Baxter Collins (grad student)
Ashwani DevGeophysics2008 George A. McMechan (grad student)
Kelly A. DrakeAtmospheric Sciences, General Physics2008 Roderick A. Heelis (grad student)
Gregory EarleAtmospheric Science Physics
R. H. FarahiElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Optics Physics2000 Grover C. Wetsel (grad student)
Weihong FeiGeophysics2005 George A. McMechan (grad student)
Ervin J. FenyvesElementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Electronics and Electrical Engineering
Md. R. GaniGeology2005 Janok Bhattacharya (grad student)
Nahid D. GaniGeology, Physical Geography, Remote Sensing2006 Mohamed G. Abdelsalam (grad student)
Arturo Garciaphotonics2005 Cyrus D. Cantrell (grad student)
Yuri GartsteinCondensed Matter Physics
Robert GlosserGeneral Biophysics, Analytical Chemistry, Medicine and Surgery
Patrick Gratton Physics Joseph Michael Izen (grad student)
Robert A. HaaserAeronomy, Geophysics, Atmospheric Sciences, Fluid and Plasma Physics Physics2012 Gregory Earle (grad student)
Hussein HarbiGeophysics Geosciences2011 George A. McMechan (grad student)
Richard E. HarkeGeneral Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics2000 Wolfgang Rindler (grad student)
William A. HartmanAtmospheric Sciences2007 Roderick A. Heelis (grad student)
Joseph E. HebertAtomic Physics, Molecular Physics2000 Austin Cunningham (grad student)
Roderick A. HeelisAtmospheric Sciences, Fluid and Plasma Physics
Matthew A. HeiAtmospheric Science Physics, Fluid and Plasma Physics, Electricity and Magnetism Physics2004 Roderick A. Heelis (grad student)
Dawn M. HollenbeckOptics, Electromagnetic Theory2000 Cyrus D. Cantrell (grad student)
Austin R. HowardTheory Physics, Low Temperature Physics, Condensed Matter Physics Physics2014 Anvar A. Zakhidov (grad student)
Julia Wan-Ping Hsunanoscale materials physics
Wenchuang W. HuElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Nanotechnology, General Physics
Biaolong HuaGeophysics2002 George A. McMechan (grad student)
James D. HuffmanAtomic Physics, Electronics and Electrical Engineering2001 Austin Cunningham (grad student)
Russell A. Hulse
Kanzan InoueMolecular Physics, Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Energy2005 Anvar A. Zakhidov (grad student)
Mustafa Ishak-BoushakiAstronomy and Astrophysics
Joseph Michael IzenElementary Particle Physics
Hu JinGeophysics Geosciences2014 George A. McMechan (grad student)
Santosh KCComputational condensed matter, materials science
Byung-Kyu Kim Physics Joseph Michael Izen (grad student)
Jeffrey H. KlenzingElectricity and Magnetism Physics, Fluid and Plasma Physics, Atmospheric Sciences2008 Gregory Earle (grad student)
Adam P. KoesoemadinataGeophysics2001 George A. McMechan (grad student)
Polykarp Kusch
Alexander KuznetsovGeneral Physics2008 Anvar A. Zakhidov (grad student)
Preston B. LandonCondensed Matter Physics2005 Robert Glosser (grad student)
Keumsuk LeeGeophysics, Geology2005 George A. McMechan (grad student)
Xinchou LouTheory Physics, Computer Science
W. Bruce Lowery Physics1991 Joseph Michael Izen (grad student)
Shaoming LuGeophysics, Petroleum Engineering2003 George A. McMechan (grad student)
Lloyd L. LumataBiomedical physics, dynamic nuclear polarization
Duncan L. MacFarlaneElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Optics Physics, Industrial Engineering
Gislain B. MadibaGeophysics, Petroleum Engineering2002 George A. McMechan (grad student)
Sadeq MalakootiMechanics of Advanced Materials Mechanical Engineering Hongbing Lu (grad student)
Anton V. MalkoCondensed Matter Physics, Optics Physics
Tomoyasu ManiPhysical Chemistry, General Biophysics, Inorganic Chemistry2009 A. Dean Sherry (research assistant)
Lauriston Calvert Marshall
Mark G. Mayesphotonics2005 Cyrus D. Cantrell (grad student)
George A. McMechanGeophysics
Kamil MielczarekGeneral Physics, Materials Science Engineering Physics2013 Anvar A. Zakhidov (grad student)
Sasmita MohapatraAtmospheric Sciences2009 Roderick A. Heelis (grad student)
Alvaro Munozphotonics Electrical Engineering2011 Cyrus D. Cantrell (grad student)
Anthony M. MweneAtmospheric Sciences, General Physics, Remote Sensing2008 Gregory Earle (grad student)
Harisankar Namasivayam Physics Joseph Michael Izen (grad student)
Rashmi NanjundaswamyCondensed Matter Physics2005 Anvar A. Zakhidov (grad student)
Juan Navarro SorrocheTheory Physics, Computer Science Physics2011 Xinchou Lou (grad student)
Thong Q NguyenHigh energy physics Physics20122015 Joseph Michael Izen (research assistant)
Kent C. NielsenGeology, Geophysics
Bogdan G. NitaMathematics, Astronomy and Astrophysics2001 Ivor Robinson (grad student)
Alexander NovikovCondensed Matter Physics2005 Austin Cunningham (grad student)
Anthony C. NwankwoAstrophysics Physics Physics2011 Wolfgang Rindler (grad student)
Cornel OlariuGeology, Remote Sensing2005 Janok Bhattacharya (grad student)
John S. OldowGeodesy, Geology, Geophysics
Ernesto V. OropezaGeophysics Geosciences2013 George A. McMechan (grad student)
Raquel Ovalle RoblesCondensed Matter Physics2008 Anvar A. Zakhidov (grad student)
Edgardo E. Pacheco JosanAtmospheric Sciences, Aeronomy2009 Roderick A. Heelis (grad student)
Mark PlemmonsGeneral Biophysics, Optics Physics Physics2011 Roy Chaney (grad student)
Abigail S. PlemmonsElectricity and Magnetism Physics2005 Brian A. Tinsley (grad student)
Jaime Ramos-MartinezGeophysics2000 George A. McMechan (grad student)
Suresh K. RegondaElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Nanotechnology, General Physics Physics2012 Wenchuang W. Hu (grad student)
Dianwei RenGeology, Remote Sensing2005 Mohamed G. Abdelsalam (grad student)
Timothy E. RenfroCondensed Matter Physics2004 Robert Glosser (grad student)
Wolfgang RindlerGeneral Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics
Ivor RobinsonMathematics, Astronomy and Astrophysics
Patrick A. RoddyAtmospheric Sciences2005 Gregory Earle (grad student)
Herurisa RusmanugrohoGeophysics Geosciences2011 George A. McMechan (grad student)
Claudiu RusuNuclear Physics, Radiation Physics2002 Carl Baxter Collins (grad student)
Junaid SadequeGeology2006 Janok Bhattacharya (grad student)
Jagadeesh Sankaranphotonics2003 Cyrus D. Cantrell (grad student)
Justin K. SchaefersCondensed Matter Physics2008 Robert Glosser (grad student)
Prabin ShilpakarGeodesy, Geology, Geophysics Geosciences2014 John S. Oldow (grad student)
Madhusudan SinghElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Materials Science, Flexible Electronics, Sensors, Condensed Matter Physics
Neal G. SkinnerElectronics and Electrical Engineering2006 Dale M. Byrne (grad student)
Kristian SoegaardGeology, Geophysics
John Standifird Physics Joseph Michael Izen (grad student)
Nathan SteinleAstronomy and Astrophysics Physics20172021 Michael Kesden (grad student)
Jonathan Michael StineRock Magnetism, Paleomagnetism, Geology, Geophysics, Paleoclimatology Geosciences Geosciences20152022 John W. Geissman (grad student), Dustin E. Sweet (grad student)
Russell A. StonebackElectricity and Magnetism Physics2009 Gregory Earle (grad student)
Nahid SultanaElectronics and Electrical Engineering2010 Duncan L. MacFarlane (grad student)
Robert B. SzerbiakGeophysics, Geology2002 George A. McMechan (grad student)
Charlotte A. TatschCondensed Matter Physics2001 Roy Chaney (grad student)
Brian T. TeipenElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Optics Physics, Industrial Engineering2000 Duncan L. MacFarlane (grad student)
P. L. ThambanCondensed Matter Physics2005 Robert Glosser (grad student)
Allison K. ThurmondGeology, Geophysics2007 Mohamed G. Abdelsalam (grad student)
Upendra K. TiwariGeophysics, Geology2007 George A. McMechan (grad student)
Jian TongElectronics and Electrical Engineering2006 Duncan L. MacFarlane (grad student)
Cristina Valeria TorresLIGO, physics, gravitational wave astronomy, data analysis, astronomy, astrophysics,2007 Mario C. Diáz (grad student), Wolfgang Rindler (grad student)
Tamara L. TroutAstronomy and Astrophysics2005 Wolfgang Rindler (grad student)
Geoffrey L. UsseryCondensed Matter Physics2009 Yuri Gartstein (grad student)
Boyan K. VakarelovGeology2006 Janok Bhattacharya (grad student)
Joshua L. VanderhillGlobal Atmospheric Circuit, Atmospheric Electricity Brian B. Bunton (research assistant)
Andrei V. VassilievElementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Electronics and Electrical Engineering2000 Ervin J. Fenyves (grad student)
Josef A. VeltenMaterials Science Engineering, Alternative Energy Materials Science and Engineering2012 Anvar A. Zakhidov (grad student)
Grover C. WetselElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Optics Physics
Bryan Hobson WildenthalNuclear Physics
Chester R. WildeyElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering2010 Duncan L. MacFarlane (grad student)
Wei-Cheng WongElementary Particles and High Energy Physics Physics2012 Xinchou Lou (grad student)
Kun XuGeophysics Geosciences2013 George A. McMechan (grad student)
Anvar A. ZakhidovGeneral Physics, Materials Science Engineering
Armin Zare
Faranak ZarnaniGeneral Biophysics, Analytical Chemistry, Medicine and Surgery Physics2012 Robert Glosser (grad student)
Qunshan ZhangGeophysics Geosciences2011 George A. McMechan (grad student)
Yongping ZhengMaterials Science
Xinfa ZhuGeophysics Geosciences2013 George A. McMechan (grad student)
Hejun ZhuGeophysics, Geology
Nicolae C. ZoitaNuclear Physics, Radiation Physics, Atomic Physics2005 Carl Baxter Collins (grad student)