King's College London

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
James Acton
Urte Adomaityte2021 Gabriele Sicuro (grad student)
Simon L. Altmanngroup theory, quaternions, and solid state1952 Charles Alfred Coulson (grad student)
Edward George BowenRadioastronomy Edward Victor Appleton (grad student)
Ronald Edgar BurgeBiophysics Physics1957 John T. Randall (grad student)
Chiara Cammarota
Giorgio Carugno Department of Mathematics20192022 Pierpaolo Vivo (grad student)
Frank Clive ChampionExperimental Physics
Geoffrey V. Chesterliquid helium1953 Charles Alfred Coulson (grad student)
John Drummond CraggsElectronic Engineering1941 Charles Drummond Ellis (grad student)
Simon Ellingsen War Studies20052007 Peter D. Zimmerman (grad student)
Charles Drummond Ellisnuclear physics
Davide Facoetti Department of Mathematics20152018 Pierpaolo Vivo (grad student)
Michael E. FisherCondensed matter physics1957 Cyril Domb (grad student)
Yanik-Pascal Förster Department of Mathematics20192022 Pierpaolo Vivo (grad student)
Luca Gamberi Department of Mathematics20192022 Pierpaolo Vivo (grad student)
Christopher HerzogHigh Energy Theory.
Peter W. HiggsHigh-energy physics1954 Hugh Christopher Longuet-Higgins (grad student), Charles Alfred Coulson (grad student)
John HopkinsonElectrical Engineering, Electromagnetism
Michael Levi War Studies20032006 Peter D. Zimmerman (grad student)
Edward Charles Lightowlersoptical spectroscopy of semiconductors1964 Frank Clive Champion (grad student)
Norman Henry Marchtheoretical chemistry1951 Charles Alfred Coulson (grad student)
Sergii Morozovplasmonics20152017 Riccardo Sapienza (grad student)
John T. RandallRadar, Physics, Phosphors
Owen Willans RichardsonPhysics
Gabriele SicuroDisordered systems, random combinatorial optimization problems
Lucas Gabriel Souza Françaepilepsy, seizure modelling, complex systems, fractals
Vito Susca Department of Mathematics20172020 Pierpaolo Vivo (grad student)
Pierpaolo Vivo
Richard Jerome Weiss
George Randall WilkinsonSpectroscopy William Charles Price (research assistant)
Harold Albert WilsonPhysics
Zhenxiong Xieneutrino physics
Peter D. ZimmermanMedium and high energy nuclear and particle physics; nuclear arms control and proliferation War Studies James Acton (collaborator)