Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Arnold Magowan Arthurs Mathematics Benjamin L. Moiseiwitsch (grad student)
David Robert Bates1938 Harrie Massey (grad student)
Marco Borghesi
Ashkbiz DanehkarAstrophysics, Astronomy, Physics Centre for Plasma Physics20082009 Ioannis Kourakis (grad student)
Paul Peter EwaldX-ray diffraction
Gareth A FarnanCondensed matter physics; Monte Carlo simulation Physics19972000 D George Walmsley (grad student)
James Hamiltonmathematics, theoretical physics Mathematical Physics Mathematical Physics Mathematical Physics19391943 Harrie Massey (research scientist), Paul Peter Ewald (research scientist), Richard Arthur Buckingham (collaborator)
Thomas Hodge Physics Physics2016 Matthew P. Hill (grad student), Marco Borghesi (grad student)
Anthony Roy Holt
Ioannis KourakisPlasma Physics, Nonlinear Physics
Neal F. Lanescience and technology policy Applied Mathematics19641965 Alexander Dalgarno (post-doc)
R. T. James McAteerAstronomy and Astrophysics2004 Mihalis Mathioudakis (grad student), Francis Paul Keenan (grad student)
John Charles McConnellAtmospheric Science Physics, Geophysics1969 Benjamin L. Moiseiwitsch (grad student)
Michael B. McElroyAtmospheric and Climate Modeling1962 Alexander Dalgarno (grad student)
Paul McKenna
Benjamin L. MoiseiwitschTheoretical studies in atomic, molecular and optical physics
David Neely
Mauro PaternostroQuantum Information Processing; Quantum Thermodynamics; Quantum Optics; Quantum Optomechanics
Nareshpal Singh Saini20072010 Ioannis Kourakis (post-doc)
Christopher Scott
Sharmin Sultana Ioannis Kourakis (grad student)
Peter Guthrie TaitMathematical physics, thermodynamics
D George Walmsley