Nanyang Technological University

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Kristín Björg Arnardóttir20132018 Ivan Shelykh (grad student)
Sébastien BiassNatural hazard modeling, quantitative risk analysis Earth Observatory of Singapore2018 Susanna Jenkins (post-doc)
I-Ming Chenwearable sensors, human-robot interaction, reconfigurable automation, parallel kinematics machines (PKM), biomorphic underwater robots, and smart material based actuators
Andy Paul ChenComputational Materials Science
Siew-Ann Cheong
Lock Yue Chew
Yidong ChongPhotonics
Hilmi Volkan DemirSemiconductor LED lighting, nanocrystal optoelectronics, energy transfer phenomena and excitonics, metal nanoparticle and nanowire plasmonics, RF wireless sensors, RF bioimplants, medical devices
Sandy Adhitia Ekahanacondensed matter physics
Michael R.R. Goodquantum fields, gravitation, thermodynamics2014 Kerson Huang (post-doc)
Mehedi Hasan Hasan
Susanna JenkinsVolcanic hazard modeling, quantitative vulnerability and risk assessment
Donghwan Richie KimBiomaterials, Neural electrodes
Marcus Lin20182023 Tuan Tran (grad student)
Xue Liu Liu20122017 Jiang Wei (grad student)
Sreemanta MitraCondensed Matter Physics, Nano Science, Transport, Magnetotransport, Low-Temperature, Magnetism Physics and Applied Physics Physics and Applied Physics20152018 Christos Panagopoulos (post-doc), Pinaki Sengupta (post-doc)
Claus-Dieter Ohl
Christos Panagopoulos
Massimo Pica Ciamarrastatistical physics
Pinaki Sengupta
Ivan Shelykh
Zhong-xiang Xiang Shen
Mirco Siercke
Hendrik Santoso SugiartoComplex Systems
Tuan Tran
Roh-Suan TungGeneral Relativity
M. Iqbal Bakti UtamaMaterials physics, nanotechnology20122015 Qihua Xiong (research assistant)
Siyuan Wei School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering20202023 Jiangwei Wang (grad student), Upadrasta Ramamurty (grad student)
Yunlong XiaoQuantum Information Theory
Mingjie XinAMO
Bo Zhang School of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering20212025 Hongwei Duan (grad student)