Harvard University

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Edwin Plimpton Adamsmathematical physics1904 John Trowbridge (grad student)
Ryan P. Adamspoint process models
Laura L A Adamscondensed matter physics, soft matter physics, microfluidics
David Adler1965 Harvey Brooks (grad student)
Ian Keith AffleckCondensed Matter Theory1979 Sidney R. Coleman (grad student)
Katherine E. Aidalaelectronics, micromechanics2006 Robert M. Westervelt (grad student)
Charles AlcockAstronomy and Astrophysics
Gerardo V. AldanaMaya hieroglyphic history, Mesoamerican art, experimental archaeology, science studies, culture theory2001 Owen J. Gingerich (grad student)
Mark Gower AlfordNuclear Physics, Condensed Matter Physics, Astrophysics Physics1990 Sidney R. Coleman (grad student), Frank Wilczek (grad student)
Frederick Graham AllenSurface properties and angle-resolved photoemission from freshly cleaved silicon surfaces in ultra-high vacuum; dopant behaviour of silicon in Molecular Beam Epitaxial growth1955 Emory Leon Chaffee (grad student), Harvey Brooks (grad student)
Lawrence Hugh Allerplanetary nebulae, stellar atmospheres, and the chemical composition of stars and nebulae1943 Donald Howard Menzel (grad student)
Gerald Marks Almyspectroscopy and flourescence of molecules1930 Edwin Crawford Kemble (grad student)
Orlando Alvarezquantum field theory, string theory, physical mathematics1979 Steven Weinberg (grad student)
Kyle J. Alvinesynchrotron generated X-rays to study fundamental properties of condensed matter2006 Peter S. Pershan (grad student)
Babak Amir-Parviz20012003 George M. Whitesides (post-doc)
Richard AnantuaRelativistic Jets Astronomy Ramesh Narayan (post-doc)
Joseph A. Andersenexperimental particle physics Physics2012 John E. Huth (grad student)
Donald G. M. AndersonApplied Mathematics1963 Max Krook (grad student)
Philip Warren Andersonmagnetic properties of matter1949 John H. van Vleck (grad student)
Louis Wilmer AndersonAtomic Physics1960 Francis Marion Pipkin (grad student)
Peter Martin AndersonMaterials Science and Engineering Applied Science19811986 James R. Rice (grad student)
Axel Andre2005 Mikhail D. Lukin (grad student)
E. Raymond Andrewsolid state NMR, MRI1948 Edward Mills Purcell (post-doc)
Daniel G AngLow energy searches for new physics, precision measurement, quantum sensing Physics20152023 Gerald Gabrielse (grad student)
Shelley L. AnnaFluid Mechanics2000 Howard Alvin Stone (grad student)
Dionysios T. Anninos2011 Andrew E. Strominger (grad student)
Robert E. ApfelFluid and Plasma Physics, Acoustics Physics Physics1970 Frederick Vinton Hunt (grad student)
Elena Aprile19831986 Carlo Rubbia (post-doc)
Hector G. Arce NazarioAstronomy and Astrophysics2002 Alyssa A. Goodman (grad student)
Carlos Alberto Argüelles Delgadoneutrino physics
Chris Argyris
Nima Arkani-Hamedparticle physics
Natalie ArkusFluid Mechanics2009 Michael P. Brenner (grad student)
John Allan Armstrong19611963 George B. Benedek (grad student), Nicolaas Bloembergen (post-doc)
Brandon D. ArmstrongCondensed Matter Experimental Physics Physics Matthew S. Rosen (post-doc)
Richard L. Arnowitthigh-energy theory19491952 Julian Schwinger (grad student)
Arnold Boris AronsPhysics education1943 Edgar Bright Wilson (grad student)
Jonathan AronsAstronomy and Astrophysics1970 Richard A. McCray (grad student)
Matthew L. N. AshbyAstrophysics
Jonathan B. AshcomUltrafast Physics, Materials Science and Chemistry2003 Eric Mazur (grad student)
Jacqueline AshmoreFluid Mechanics2003 Howard Alvin Stone (grad student)
Yeung Auapplied mathematics, quantum mechanics, spectroscopy, intermolecular forces, solid state and materials science Chemistry and Chemical Biology2012 Roy Gerald Gordon (grad student)
Yat S. Au Physics2014 John M. Doyle (grad student)
Donald M. Aubrechtcondensed matter, colloidal dispersions, rheology Applied Physics2013 David A. Weitz (grad student)
Benjamin L. Augenbraun Physics2021 John M. Doyle (grad student)
Jacqueline Austermann2016 Jerry X. Mitrovica (grad student)
Eugene H. Avrett1962 Max Krook (grad student)
Michael J. AzizMaterials and Energy Technologies1984 David Turnbull (grad student)
Mike AzizMaterials Science Engineering, Metallurgy Engineering, Condensed Matter Physics
Mehrtash Babadi Physics2013 Eugene Demler (grad student)
Wm Randall BabbittOptics Physics, Atomic Physics, General Physics1987 Thomas William Mossberg (grad student)
Thomas M. BabinecNanotechnology, Information Technology, Quantum Physics Engineering and Applied Sciences2012 Marko Loncar (grad student)
Anthony Badeaparticle physics Physics2019 John E. Huth (grad student)
John Norris Bahcallnuclear astrophysics, the solar neutrino problem1961 David R. Layzer (grad student)
YuSheng Bai Thomas William Mossberg (grad student)
Stephen J. Baileyexperimental particle physics2001 John E. Huth (grad student)
Charles D. Bailynblack holes1987 Jonathan Ellis Grindlay (grad student)
Kenneth T. Bainbridgemass spectroscopy
James K. Baird1965 Norman F. Ramsey (grad student)
Michal Bajcsy2010 Mikhail D. Lukin (grad student)
Nikolaos Bakas2007 Brian F. Farrell (grad student)
Marshall BakerTheoretical elementary particle physics.1958 Julian Schwinger (grad student)
Waseem S. BakrAtomic Physics2011 Markus Greiner (grad student)
Pradip M. BakshiQuantum Physics, Condensed Matter Physics1962 Julian Schwinger (grad student)
Anand Bala SubramaniamSynthetic Biology, Soft Matter Physics, Colloid and Interface Science, Microfabrication and Microfluidics20112014 George M. Whitesides (post-doc), Howard Alvin Stone (grad student)
Leon Michael BalentsCondensed Matter Theoretical Physics1994 Daniel S. Fisher (grad student)
Arun BansilMolecular Physics1974 Henry Ehrenreich (grad student)
Gilad Barak Amir Yacoby (grad student)
Diana L. Barkan1990 Erwin N. Hiebert (grad student)
Pauline M. BarmbyAstronomy and Astrophysics2001 John P. Huchra (grad student)
Richard George Barnesstructures and dynamics of condensed metal-hydride compounds1953 Norman F. Ramsey (grad student)
Ryan BarnettCondensed Matter Physics2006 Eugene Demler (grad student)
James Holley Bartlettnuclear physics1930 Edwin Crawford Kemble (grad student)
Jeffrey T. Bartonapplied mathematics, quantum mechanics, spectroscopy, intermolecular forces, solid state and materials science2003 Roy Gerald Gordon (grad student)
W. Mark BatesSuper-resolution fluorescence microscopy2009 Xiaowei Zhuang (grad student)
James B. Battat2008 Christopher W. Stubbs (grad student)
Cara BattersbyAstrophysics Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics Astronomy20142017 Alyssa A. Goodman (post-doc)
Louis W. Baum2020 John M. Doyle (grad student)
Matthew T. Baumgartparticle physics2009 Nima Arkani-Hamed (grad student)
Gordon Alan Baymastrophysics, nuclear physics Physics1960 Julian Schwinger (grad student)
Ryan A. Beasley2006 Robert D. Howe (grad student)
Malcolm Roy BeasleyCondensed Matter
Thorsten W. BeckerGeophysics2002 Richard John O'Connell (grad student)
Timothy C. BeersAstronomy and Astrophysics1983 Margaret J. Geller (grad student)
Angela M. BelcherGeneral Biophysics, Molecular Biology
A BelhoutS10 Supergravity, GUT's
Mikhail A. Belkin Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences20042008 Federico Capasso (post-doc)
Carl Martin BenderMathematical Physics1969 Sidney R. Coleman (grad student), Tai T. Wu (grad student)
George B. Benedekphase transitions, self-assembly and aggregation of several biological molecules19551957 Edward Mills Purcell (grad student), Percy Williams Bridgman (grad student), Nicolaas Bloembergen (post-doc)
Panayotis BenetatosCondensed Matter Physics
Leo BeranekAcoustics1940 Frederick Vinton Hunt (grad student)
Howard C. BergMolecular motors1964 Norman F. Ramsey (grad student)
Edo BergerAstronomy
Spring M. Berman20102012 Radhika Nagpal (post-doc)
Claude William Bernardhigh energy physics1976 Steven Weinberg (grad student)
Jeremy BernsteinAuthor and Commentator1955 Abraham Klein (grad student)
Joseph J. Bernstein2009 Brian F. Farrell (grad student)
Michael J. BerryRetina Physics1996 Robert M. Westervelt (grad student)
Richard M. Berry Howard C. Berg (post-doc)
Michael Bershadsky
Richard BersohnPhysical chemistry1949 John H. van Vleck (grad student)
Harold Neal Bertrammagnetic phenomena and recording system analysis1968 R. Victor Jones (grad student)
Meredith Diane Betterton2000 Michael P. Brenner (grad student), Daniel S. Fisher (grad student)
Alexey BezryadinCondensed Matter Physics, Nanoscience2000 Michael Tinkham (grad student)
Harsha S. Bhatsolid and fluid mechanics of stressing, deformation, fracture and flow2007 James R. Rice (grad student)
Arthur Irwin BienenstockAmorphous materials, synchrotron radiation, science policy1962 Harvey Brooks (grad student)
A. Francis BirchGeophysics1932 Percy Williams Bridgman (grad student)
James C. BirdFluid Mechanics2010 Howard Alvin Stone (grad student)
Robert Walsh BirgeHigh energy physics Physics1951 Norman F. Ramsey (grad student)
Colin A. BischoffAstronomy and Astrophysics, Astrophysics Physics20102016 John M. Kovac (post-doc)
Alexandre W Bisson-Filho Ethan C. Garner (post-doc)
Rudro Rana Biswas Physics2011 Subir Sachdev (grad student), Bertrand I. Halperin (grad student)
Lindy L BlackburnEHT project
David T. BlackstockAcoustics1960 William Perin Raney (grad student), Frederick Vinton Hunt (grad student)
Guillermo Bleichmarsolid and fluid mechanics of stressing, deformation, fracture and flow2007 James R. Rice (grad student)
Ania C. Bleszynskielectronics, micromechanics2006 Robert M. Westervelt (grad student)
Nicolaas BloembergenLaser Spectroscopy, NMR19461947 Edward Mills Purcell (grad student)
Peter F. BloserX-ray Astronomy2000 Jonathan Ellis Grindlay (grad student)
Jeremy BloxhamGeophysics
Hendrik BluhmExperimental Condensed Matter Physics
Martin Blumecondensed matter theory1959 Harvey Brooks (grad student)
Raymond BlundellAstronomy and Astrophysics
David Bodanskynuclear physics, nuclear astrophysics, radon gas and the environmental effects and hazards of nuclear energy1950 Norman F. Ramsey (grad student)
Joshua A. BoehmHigh-energy physics2009 Gary J. Feldman (grad student)
Alistair N. Boettiger2016 Xiaowei Zhuang (post-doc)
Slavko B. BogdanovX-ray Astronomy2008 Jonathan Ellis Grindlay (grad student)
Bart J. BokAstronomy19291932 Harlow Shapley (research assistant), Harry Hemley Plaskett (research assistant)
Roberto BonasioImmunology, Cell Biology, Molecular Biology2006 Ulrich H. von Andrian (grad student)
Austin G. Booth Philosophy Philosophy20072014 Peter L. Smith (grad student), Peter Godfrey-Smith (grad student)
Mario F. Borunda BermudezCondensed Matter Physics Eric J. Heller (post-doc)
Lapo BoschiGeophysics2001 Adam M. Dziewonski (grad student)
Brett E. BoumaMedical Biophysics, Optics Physics
Nathaniel S. Bowden2004 Gerald Gabrielse (grad student)
Nathaniel Bowditch1818 Pierre-Simon Laplace (research scientist)
Erin E. Boydelectronics, micromechanics2011 Robert M. Westervelt (grad student)
Dolores Bozovic2001 Michael Tinkham (grad student)
William F. BraceGeophysics A. Francis Birch (post-doc)
Ann E. BraggAstronomy and Astrophysics2004 Scott J. Kenyon (grad student)
Nathaniel C. Brahms2008 John M. Doyle (grad student)
Robert H. Brandenbergertheoretical cosmology1983 Arthur Michael Jaffe (grad student)
George W. Brandenburg1970 Karl Strauch (grad student)
Lewis M. Branscombscience and technology policy1949 Donald Howard Menzel (grad student)
Laura Brattain Engineering and Applied Sciences2014 Robert D. Howe (grad student)
Philip James Brayatomic structure of glass and crystalline materials1953 Norman F. Ramsey (grad student)
Irene Bredberg Physics2012 Andrew E. Strominger (grad student)
Gregory Breitphysics19221923 Edwin Crawford Kemble (post-doc)
Michael P. BrennerFluid Mechanics
Percy Williams Bridgmanhigh pressure physics19001908 Wallace Clement Sabine (grad student), Theodore T. Lyman (grad student)
Thilo Michael BrillAcoustics19951997 Isaac Franklin Silvera (post-doc)
Ruth A. Britto-Pacumio2002 Andrew E. Strominger (grad student)
Herbert Philip Broidamolecular physics1949 Otto Oldenberg (grad student)
Clinton R. Brome2000 John M. Doyle (grad student)
Harvey Brookssolid-state physics, nuclear engineering, underwater acoustics1940 John H. van Vleck (grad student)
Keith A. Brownelectronics, micromechanics2011 Robert M. Westervelt (grad student)
Lowell S. Brownquantum field theory, plasma physics1961 Julian Schwinger (grad student)
Casey Matthew Brown2004 Peter Philip Rogers (grad student)
Luke J. Bruneaux Physics2013 Melissa Bronwen Franklin (grad student)
Dominik Benjamin BucherNMR, Quantum Sensing, Nitrogen Vacancy Center
Bernard Budianskystructural mechanics
Brendon BullardHEP-ex Physics2022 Masahiro Morii (grad student)
Kendra Stewart Burbank2008 Daniel S. Fisher (grad student)
Ian B. BurgessMaterials Science Engineering, Optics Physics, General Physics, Physical Chemistry Engineering and Applied Sciences2012 Marko Loncar (grad student)
Stephen K. BurleyGeneral Biophysics, Molecular Biology19871990 William N. Lipscomb (post-doc)
John W. M. Bushfluid dynamics1993 Jeremy Bloxham (grad student), Howard Alvin Stone (grad student)
Daniel A. ButtsInformation theory, coding, estimation, vision Garrett B. Stanley (post-doc)
Freddy A. CachazoString theory2002 Cumrun Vafa (grad student)
Liheng CaiPolymer Physics School of Engineering and Applied Science David A. Weitz (post-doc), Jeffrey Joseph Fredberg (post-doc)
John P. CallanUltrafast Physics, Materials Science and Chemistry2000 Eric Mazur (grad student)
Alastair Graham Walter CameronAstrophysics, Giant Impact theory for the origin of the Moon
Wesley C. Campbell2008 John M. Doyle (grad student)
Jimena Canales2003 Peter L. Galison (grad student)
Donald CandelaCondensed Matter Physics1978 Robert Vivian Pound (grad student)
Claude Roger Canizarescosmic X-ray sources1972 Francis Marion Pipkin (grad student)
Sergio Hiram CantuRydberg atoms, Rydberg polaritons Physics20142021 Mikhail D. Lukin (grad student)
Timothy P. Cantyatmospheric science Earth and Planetary Physics1992 Kenneth Minschwaner (grad student)
Paola Cappellaroquantum sensing, quantum computing Physics20062009 Mikhail D. Lukin (post-doc)
Manuel Cardonacondensed matter physics1959 William T. Paul (grad student)
Robert Matthew Careyhigh energy physics1989 Marjorie D. Shapiro (grad student)
Nathaniel Phillips CarletonAstrophysics1956 Otto Oldenberg (grad student)
Anders Einar Carlsson1981 Henry Ehrenreich (grad student)
John Lennart CarlstenOptics Physics1974 Francis Marion Pipkin (grad student)
George F. CarnevaleTurbulence, Vortex Dynamics19741979 Paul Cecil Martin (grad student)
Bruce W. CarneyAstronomy and Astrophysics1978 William Liller (grad student)
Christopher David CaroneNuclear Chemistry, Theory Physics, Astrophysics Physics1994 Howard M. Georgi (grad student)
Herman Yaggi Carrnuclear magnetic resonance, MRI Physics1953 Edward Mills Purcell (grad student)
Sean M. CarrollTheoretical Cosmology, Field Theory, and Gravitation1993 George B. Field (grad student)
William Bernard CarterMaterials Science, Surface Science, Smart Materials, Additive Manufacturing1997 Michael J. Aziz (grad student), David Turnbull (grad student)
Kenneth Myron CaseTheoretical and mathematical physics Physics1948 Julian Schwinger (grad student)
Steven CavanaughHigh-energy physics2010 Gary J. Feldman (grad student)
Emory Leon Chaffeewireless radiotelephone communications, vacuum tubes, optics, and radio1911 Harry Wheeler Morse (grad student), George Washington Pierce (grad student)
Kris S. ChaisanguanthumElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2008 Masahiro Morii (grad student)
Aditi ChakrabartiElastocapillarity, Soft Matter Physics, Pattern Formation Applied Math2017 Lakshminarayanan Mahadevan (post-doc)
Aditi ChakrabartiElastocapillarity, Adhesion, Gels SEAS2017 Lakshminarayanan Mahadevan (post-doc)
Aidan Durr ChambersHigh Energy Physics
Claudio ChamonCondensed Matter Physics
Ian H. Chanelectronics, micromechanics2003 Robert M. Westervelt (grad student)
David Chandlerstatistical mechanics, quantum mechanics, liquids, complexity, biophysics1969 Roy Gerald Gordon (grad student)
Spencer Changtheoretical particle physics2004 Howard M. Georgi (grad student)
Darrick E. Chang2008 Mikhail D. Lukin (grad student)
Chi-Ming Chang Physics2014 Xi Yin (grad student)
David Brian CharbonneauAstronomy and Astrophysics2001 Robert W. Noyes (grad student)
Junegone ChayParticle physics, effective theory Physics19841990 Howard M. Georgi (grad student)
Raghunath Chelakkot SEAS20122015 Lakshminarayanan Mahadevan (post-doc)
Sow-Hsin Chen Nicolaas Bloembergen (post-doc)
Haoyu H. ChenFluid Mechanics2005 Michael P. Brenner (grad student)
Lester H. Chenelectronics, micromechanics2001 Robert M. Westervelt (grad student)
K. Wendell Chen1964 Richard Wilson (grad student)
How-Hua (Hope) Chen Astronomy2011 Alyssa A. Goodman (grad student)
Francis F. Chenmagnetic fusion, laser fusion, plasma diagnostics, basic plasma physics, low-temperature plasma physics.1954 Norman F. Ramsey (grad student)
David Keun ChengAnalysis of Linear Systems, Applied Electromagnetics Department of Electrical Engineering1947 Emory Leon Chaffee (grad student)
Robert W. CherngCondensed Matter Physics2010 Eugene Demler (grad student)
Clifford W. Cheungparticle physics2009 Nima Arkani-Hamed (grad student)
Yang-Ting Chienparticle physics Physics2013 Matthew Dean Schwartz (grad student)
Akobuije D. Chijiokeultra high pressure and low-temperature physics of quantum fluids2006 Isaac Franklin Silvera (grad student)
Lilian I. Childress2007 Mikhail D. Lukin (grad student)
R. Sekhar Chivukula1987 Howard M. Georgi (grad student)
Seungyeun Cho
Hyeryun ChoeGeneral Biophysics, Virology Biology
Thiparat ChotibutStatistical Mechanics, Complex System David Robert Nelson (grad student)
Yi ChouX-ray Astronomy Astronomy19942001 Jonathan Ellis Grindlay (grad student)
John P. Chou2008 Melissa Bronwen Franklin (grad student)
Hongsong ChouAstrophysics2001 George B. Field (grad student)
Jennifer T. ChoyOptics Physics Engineering and Applied Sciences2013 Marko Loncar (grad student)
Nikolas I. ChristensenGeophysics19631964 A. Francis Birch (post-doc)
Yiwen Chu Physics2014 Mikhail D. Lukin (grad student)
Samuel H. ChungUltrafast Physics, Materials Science and Chemistry2009 Eric Mazur (grad student)
Melville ClarkFusion Physics1949 Julian Schwinger (grad student)
William Gemmell Cochran
Deborah R. Coen2004 Peter L. Galison (grad student)
Charles M. Coldwell2002 Paul Horowitz (grad student)
Robert Hugh Colechemical physics1940 John H. van Vleck (grad student)
Sidney R. Colemantheoretical physics
Jene A. ColouchenkoCondensed Matter Physics, Materials Science Engineering, Optics Physics
Lucy J. ColwellFluid Mechanics2010 Michael P. Brenner (grad student)
Colin B. Connolly Physics2012 John M. Doyle (grad student)
Jake A. ConnorsSub-mm instrumentation, Observational Cosmology Physics20152018 Raymond Blundell (grad student)
Janet Marie Conradneutrinos19861993 Francis Marion Pipkin (grad student)
Jacinta C. Conradcondensed matter, colloidal dispersions, rheology2005 David A. Weitz (grad student)
Rodney Lee CoolHigh Energy Physics1949 Jabez Curry Street (grad student)
Randall L. CooperAstronomy and Astrophysics2008 Ramesh Narayan (grad student)
Antonio J. Copete Physics2012 Christopher W. Stubbs (grad student)
Clay A. CordovaString theory Physics2012 Cumrun Vafa (grad student)
Noel Robert CorngoldApplied Physics1954 Norman F. Ramsey (grad student)
Michael William CoughlinGravitational waves Physics20132017 Christopher W. Stubbs (grad student)
Corbin CovaultAstronomy and Astrophysics1991 Jonathan Ellis Grindlay (grad student)
Lisa Crystal History of Science2013 Peter L. Galison (grad student)
Nicholas L. CucciaSoft Matter, Friction, Gels, Tribology, Hydrogel Applied Physics School of Engineering an Applied Sciences20182021 Shmuel M. Rubinstein (grad student), Michael P. Brenner (grad student)
Shanying Cui Applied Physics20092014 Evelyn L. Hu (grad student)
Jackie Wayne Culvahouse1958 Francis Marion Pipkin (grad student)
Michelle Cyrier2006 Andrew E. Strominger (grad student)
Brian R. D'Urso2003 Gerald Gabrielse (grad student)
Jose inacio Da costa filhoMicroscopy, computer vision Cell Biology2022 Tomas Kirchhausen (post-doc)
Yu (Sophia) Daiformation and evolution of galaxies2014 Giovanni G. Fazio (grad student)
Alexander DalgarnoAstrophysics
Colleen A. DaltonGeophysics2007 Adam M. Dziewonski (grad student), Goran Ekstrom (grad student)
Yaping Dan20082012 Kenneth B. Crozier (post-doc)
William C. DanchiAstronomy and Astrophysics1983 Michael Tinkham (grad student)
Ashkbiz DanehkarAstrophysics, Astronomy, Physics20152017 Julia C. Lee (post-doc)
I. John DanzigerAstronomy
Chandan Dasgupta19801981 Bertrand I. Halperin (post-doc)
Bivash R. Dasguptacondensed matter, colloidal dispersions, rheology2004 David A. Weitz (grad student)
Sujit S. Dattacondensed matter, colloidal dispersions, rheology Physics2013 David A. Weitz (grad student)
Harvey Nathaniel Davisthermodynamics1906 Edwin Herbert Hall (grad student)
Marc DavisLarge-scale structure, cosmology, evolution of galaxies
William Morris DavisGeography19771879 Nathaniel Southgate Shaler (post-doc)
Adrian Daw2000 Peter L. Smith (grad student)
Rebekah Ilene Dawson Astronomy2013 Ruth Murray-Clay (grad student)
Philippe P. de Rouffignacapplied mathematics, quantum mechanics, spectroscopy, intermolecular forces, solid state and materials science2006 Roy Gerald Gordon (grad student)
Christopher Dean1952 Robert Vivian Pound (grad student)
Robert deCarvalho2003 John M. Doyle (grad student)
Panadda DechadilokChemical Engineering, Applied Mechanics, Condensed Matter Physics2009 William M. Deen (grad student)
Nora L. DeDontneysolid and fluid mechanics of stressing, deformation, fracture and flow2011 James R. Rice (grad student)
Alperen Degirmencirobotics, ultrasound imaging, image processing, machine learning, haptics SEAS20122018 Robert D. Howe (grad student)
Nynke Hester DekkerBionanoscience2000 Mara Prentiss (grad student)
Adrian Giuseppe Del Maestro2008 Subir Sachdev (grad student)
Andrea L. Del VecchioMaterials Science, Soft Condensed Matter, Surface and Interface Science2004 Frans A. Spaepen (grad student)
Tracey A. DeLaneyAstronomy and Astrophysics Astronomy20042006 Bryan M. Gaensler (post-doc)
Sarah DemersExperimental Particle Physics physics Melissa Bronwen Franklin (research assistant)
Eugene DemlerQuantum Physics
Marine Denolle
Parag B. DeotareElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Optics Physics Engineering and Applied Sciences2012 Marko Loncar (grad student)
Stanley Desergeneral relativity1953 Julian Schwinger (grad student)
Adrien E. DesjardinsMedical Biophysics, Optics Physics2007 Brett E. Bouma (grad student)
Stephen DeVience Chemistry2014 Matthew S. Rosen (grad student)
Jonathan S. Devor Astronomy2008 David Brian Charbonneau (grad student)
Bryce S. DeWittElementary Particles and High Energy Physics1950 Julian Schwinger (grad student)
Solomon G. Diamond20002005 Robert D. Howe (grad student), David A. Boas (grad student)
Joao DiasPhysics2009 Norman Ramsey (grad student)
Eric D. DieboldUltrafast Physics, Materials Science and Chemistry2010 Eric Mazur (grad student)
Sam DillavouSoft Matter, Frictional Interfaces Physics20142020 Shmuel M. Rubinstein (grad student)
Narahara C DingariMachine Learning, Big Data, Data Science Medicine20092009 Claude P Lechene (post-doc)
Karri Folan DiPetrilloExperimental High Energy Physics Physics2019 Melissa Bronwen Franklin (grad student)
Jack M. DiSciacca Physics2013 Gerald Gabrielse (grad student)
Jacques Joseph DistlerTheory Physics1987 Luis Alvarez-Gaumé (grad student), Sidney R. Coleman (grad student)
Aaron M. Dollar2007 Robert D. Howe (grad student)
Alex DonohueMaterials Science, Soft Condensed Matter, Surface and Interface Science2007 Frans A. Spaepen (grad student)
Stephen C. Doret2010 John M. Doyle (grad student)
Joshua C. Dorr Physics2013 Gerald Gabrielse (grad student)
Jason E. DowdUltrafast Physics, Materials Science and Chemistry Physics2012 Eric Mazur (grad student)
Michael C. DownerOptics Physics, Fluid and Plasma Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics1983 Nicolaas Bloembergen (grad student)
John M. Doylecold atoms
Frank Donald DrakeRadio astronomy1958 Bart J. Bok (grad student), Thomas Gold (grad student), Cecilia Helena Payne-Gaposchkin (grad student)
Emilie M. DressaireFluid Mechanics2009 Howard Alvin Stone (grad student)
Marija Drndicelectronics, micromechanics2000 Robert M. Westervelt (grad student)
Chrisy Xiyu Du Applied Mathematics20182022 Michael P. Brenner (post-doc)
William Duane1895 John Trowbridge (grad student)
Eric R. DufresneSoft materials20022004 David A. Weitz (post-doc)
Jacques DumaisGeneral Biophysics
Mathieu DumberryGeophysics2004 Jeremy Bloxham (grad student)
David S. Duncanelectronics, micromechanics2000 Robert M. Westervelt (grad student)
Eric M. Dunhamcomplex systems Earth and Planetary Sciences20052007 James R. Rice (post-doc)
Emily Rebecca Dunkel2008 Subir Sachdev (grad student)
John Ray Dunning,Jr.1964 Michael Benedict Goitein (collaborator), Richard Wilson (grad student)
Zachary J. Duttoncold atoms and Bose-Einstein condensation2002 Lene Vestergaard Hau (grad student)
Sergei N. Dzhosyuk2004 John M. Doyle (grad student)
Adam M. DziewonskiGeophysics
Vasily Dzyaburaultra high pressure and low-temperature physics of quantum fluids Physics2013 Isaac Franklin Silvera (grad student)
Michael Aaron EdidinMembrane dynamics and organization in cells Albert Coons (post-doc)
Frank Kelley Edmondsonstellar kinematics, galactic structure, asteroid astrometry Astronomy1937 Bart J. Bok (grad student)
Samuel Frederick Edwardstheoretical study of complex materials such as polymers, gels, colloids and similar systems Julian Schwinger (grad student)
Tarraneh Eftekhari Astronomy20152021 Edo Berger (grad student)
Dimitri M. Egorov2004 John M. Doyle (grad student)
Henry EhrenreichSolid state physics
Stephen EikenberryAstronomy and Astrophysics1997 Giovanni G. Fazio (grad student)
Matthew D. EisamanCarbon dioxide removal2006 Mikhail D. Lukin (grad student)
Peter Eisenberger1967 Peter S. Pershan (grad student)
Goran EkstromGeophysics1987 John H. Woodhouse (grad student), Adam M. Dziewonski (grad student)
Audrey K. EllerbeeBiophysics, Electrical Engineering, Imaging, Photonics20082010 George M. Whitesides (post-doc)
James Ludlow Elliotplanetary astronomy1972 Giovanni G. Fazio (grad student)
Elliot L. ElsonGeneral Biophysics John Tileston Edsall (research assistant)
Martin ElvisAstronomy and Astrophysics
Mark A. ErikssonCondensed Matter Physics Robert M. Westervelt (grad student)
Jonah D. ErlebacherCondensed Matter Physics, Materials Science Engineering1999 Michael J. Aziz (grad student)
Morten Ernebjerg2007 Andrew E. Strominger (grad student)
Alexey V. Ershov2001 George W. Brandenburg (grad student), Hitoshi Yamamoto (grad student)
Albert R. Erwin1959 Anatole Morris Shapiro (grad student)
Sam EspahbodiString theory Physics2013 Cumrun Vafa (grad student)
Edward Eugene EylerAtomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics1982 Francis Marion Pipkin (grad student)
Sandra M. Faberformation and evolution of galaxies Astronomy1972 I. John Danziger (grad student)
Daniel G. FabricantAstronomy and Astrophysics1978 Robert Vivian Pound (grad student)
Adam P. FagenUltrafast Physics, Materials Science and Chemistry2003 Eric Mazur (grad student)
Harold Williams Fairbairnoptical mineralogy, geochronology1932 Esper S. Larsen, Jr. (grad student), Marland Pratt Billings (grad student)
Adam Frederick FalkElementary Particles and High Energy Physics19871991 Howard M. Georgi (grad student)
Parisa Fallahielectronics, micromechanics2006 Robert M. Westervelt (grad student)
Jieping Fangultra high pressure and low-temperature physics of quantum fluids Physics2013 Isaac Franklin Silvera (grad student)
Edward H. FarhiParticle Physics, Field Theory, General Relativity, Quantum Computing1978 Howard M. Georgi (grad student)
Daniel Farkas2006 Gerald Gabrielse (grad student)
Damon B. Farmerapplied mathematics, quantum mechanics, spectroscopy, intermolecular forces, solid state and materials science2007 Roy Gerald Gordon (grad student)
Claude-andré Faucher-giguèreGalaxy formation and evolution, including star formation, galaxy-black hole co-evolution, galactic dynamics, and connections with the intergalactic medium and cosmology. Pulsars.2010 Lars Hernquist (grad student)
Peter Alan FeddersTheoretical & Computational Condensed Matter1965 Paul Cecil Martin (grad student)
Eugene FeenbergQuantum mechanics, Nuclear physics1933 Edwin Crawford Kemble (grad student)
Eric Dennis FeigelsonAstronomy and Astrophysics1980 Riccardo Giacconi (grad student)
Efraim D. FeinsteinAMO physics, biophysics2009 Mara Prentiss (grad student)
David Feldmanparticle physics1949 Julian Schwinger (grad student)
Gary J. FeldmanHigh-energy physics1971 Francis Marion Pipkin (grad student)
Stephen Brook Fels1968 Sidney R. Coleman (grad student)
Karen R. Felzersolid and fluid mechanics of stressing, deformation, fracture and flow2003 James R. Rice (grad student), Goran Ekstrom (grad student)
Paul Robert FendleyElementary Particles and High Energy Physics19851990 Paul Henry Ginsparg (grad student)
Alexander L FetterCondensed Matter Physics Physics1963 Paul Cecil Martin (grad student)
George B. FieldAstrophysics
Gregory A. Fietequantum mechanics, scattering theory and quantum chaos2003 Eric J. Heller (grad student)
Ila R. FieteComputation, theory, coding, dynamics2004 Daniel S. Fisher (grad student)
Douglas Paul FinkbeinerHigh-energy astrophysics
Robert Jay FinkelsteinTheoretical Elementary Particle Physics1941 John H. van Vleck (grad student)
Ilya Grigoryevich Finkler2008 Bertrand I. Halperin (grad student)
Rebecca A. Fischermineral physics, planetary science20152017 Elizabeth Cottrell (post-doc)
Stefan Fischer1992 Martin Karplus (grad student)
Jay Fisher Nancy E. Kleckner (post-doc)
Daniel S. Fisherstatistical physics; theoretical evolutionary biology1979 Bertrand I. Halperin (grad student)
James Brown FiskApplied physics
Andrew Liam Fitzpatricktheoretical particle physics, cosmology2008 Lisa J. Randall (grad student)
Jonathan M Flynnparticle physics1987 Howard M. Georgi (grad student)
Sandra Foletti Amir Yacoby (grad student)
Michael Foley Astronomy2018 Alyssa A. Goodman (grad student)
Wen-fai FongAstrophysics Physics Astronomy2014 Edo Berger (grad student)
Dillon D. FongMaterials Science, Soft Condensed Matter, Surface and Interface Science2001 Frans A. Spaepen (grad student)
W FormanAstronomy and Astrophysics
Dieter Forsterfluctuation theory of liquid structure, phase transitions Physics1969 Paul Cecil Martin (grad student)
Alison M. ForsythFluid Mechanics2012 Howard Alvin Stone (grad student)
E. Norval Fortsonatomic physics1964 Norman F. Ramsey (grad student)
Jonathan Foster Astronomy20032009 Alyssa A. Goodman (grad student)
Alan B. Fowler1958 Harvey Brooks (grad student)
Earle Cabell FowlerHigh Energy Physics1949 Jabez Curry Street (grad student)
Ian W. FrankOptics Physics Applied Physics2013 Marko Loncar (grad student)
Melissa Bronwen Franklinexperimental particle physics
Steven C. FrautschiTheoretical physics1954 John H. van Vleck (research assistant)
Hugo Frickeradiation chemistry1921 Theodore T. Lyman (post-doc)
Andrew S. Friedmanobservational astronomy Astronomy2012 Robert P. Kirshner (grad student)
Robert Alan FroschTheoretical physics
Masafumi Fukutosynchrotron generated X-rays to study fundamental properties of condensed matter2001 Peter S. Pershan (grad student)
Thomas Fultonhigh-energy physics1954 Julian Schwinger (grad student)
Jerome FungOptics Physics Physics2013 Vinothan N. Manoharan (grad student)
Leon Furchtgott Sharad Ramanathan (grad student)
Steven R. Furlanetto2003 Abraham (Avi) Loeb (grad student)
Wendell Hinkle Furryparticle physics
Maria Fyta20052008 Efthimios Kaxiras (post-doc)
Gerald GabrielseLow energy tests of the Standard Model of particle physics and its symmetries, particle magnetic moments, one-particle traps, ultraviolet lasers, cryogenics, low temperature methods.
Anna M. Galea2004 Robert D. Howe (grad student)
Peter L. Galison1983 Howard M. Georgi (grad student), John P. Preskill (grad student)
Thomas Francis GallagherAtomic and molecular physics1971 Norman F. Ramsey (grad student)
Jason R. Gallicchioparticle physics2011 Matthew Dean Schwartz (grad student)
Mahesh Kumar GangishettyInorganic chemistry, materials chemistry, photochemistry, optoelectronics20172020 Daniel N. Congreve (post-doc)
Huajian GaoMechanical Engineering, Materials Science Engineering, Condensed Matter Physics Applied Science19851988 James R. Rice (grad student)
Xuan Gao chemistry20052007 Charles M. Lieber (post-doc)
Yongsheng GaoElementary Particles and High Energy Physics19962000 George W. Brandenburg (post-doc)
Margaret L. Gardelcondensed matter, colloidal dispersions, rheology2004 David A. Weitz (grad student)
Arti Garg2008 Christopher W. Stubbs (grad student)
Peter GarnavichAstronomy and Astrophysics Astronomy19941999 Robert P. Kirshner (post-doc)
Stephen GaroffInterfacial Physics1977 Robert B. Meyer (grad student)
Rafael R. GattassUltrafast Physics, Materials Science and Chemistry2006 Eric Mazur (grad student)
Jean-Marc GauguetImmunology, Oncology2005 Ulrich H. von Andrian (grad student)
Charles Daniel Gelatt1974 Henry Ehrenreich (grad student)
Margaret J. GellerAstronomy and Astrophysics
Henry B. GeorgeMaterials and Energy Technologies2007 Michael J. Aziz (grad student)
Howard M. Georgitheoretical particle physics
Ambarish Ghosh Rowland Institute20052009 Peer Fischer (post-doc)
Peter J. GieraschAstronomy and Astrophysics1968 Richard M. Goody (grad student)
Jonathon I. Gillen2009 Markus Greiner (grad student)
Owen J. GingerichAstronomy, History of Science1961 Charles Allen Whitney (grad student)
Naomi Shauna Ginsbergphotosynthetic light harvesting2007 Lene Vestergaard Hau (grad student)
Andrea GiomettoBiological Physics Physics Molecular and Cellular Biology20162020 David Robert Nelson (post-doc), Andrew W. Murray (post-doc)
John A. GirashAstrophysics2010 George B. Field (grad student)
Gary E. GladdingSciences Education, General Physics Physics1971 Michael J. Tannenbaum (grad student), Karl Strauch (grad student)
Sheldon L. GlashowTheoretical physics1958 Julian Schwinger (grad student)
Roy Jay Glauberquantum optics1949 Julian Schwinger (grad student)
Michael Benedict Goitein1968 Herman Winick (grad student)
Thomas GoldGeophysics
Leo Goldbergastrophysics1938 Donald Howard Menzel (grad student)
David Goldhaber-Gordonsemiconductor nanostructures
Martin V. GoldmanFluid and Plasma Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics1966 Donald F. DuBois (grad student)
Joshua D. Goldman2011 Gerald Gabrielse (grad student)
Alexander N. Goldowskyscience education2002 philip m. Sadler (grad student)
Garry GoldsteinCondensed Matter Physics Physics2012 Claudio Chamon (grad student)
Steve A. N. GoldsteinGeneral Biophysics, Pediatrics, Cardiology19781986 Matthew F. Mescher (grad student)
Jerry P. GollubCondensed Matter Physics, Fluid and Plasma Physics1971 Michael Tinkham (grad student)
Jene A. GolouchenkoAtomic Physics, Condensed Matter Physics, Applied Mechanics
Jene A. GolovchenkoRadiation Physics, rapid sequencing of the entire human genome.
John Golub Thomas William Mossberg (grad student)
Leonardo Golubovic
Alyssa A. GoodmanAstronomy and Astrophysics Astronomy19841989 Irwin I. Shapiro (grad student), Philip C. Myers (grad student)
Anne L. Goodsellcold atoms and Bose-Einstein condensation2010 Lene Vestergaard Hau (grad student)
Harry Manley GoodwinElectrochemistry
Richard M. Goodyatmospheric physics
Sarang Gopalakrishnan20122014 Mikhail D. Lukin (post-doc)
Michael D. Gordin2001 Peter L. Galison (grad student)
Roy Gerald Gordonapplied mathematics, quantum mechanics, spectroscopy, intermolecular forces, solid state and materials science1964 John H. van Vleck (grad student)
Vernita D. Gordoncondensed matter, colloidal dispersions, rheology2003 David A. Weitz (grad student)
Andrew Gordon Melissa Bronwen Franklin (grad student)
Alexey V. Gorshkov2010 Mikhail D. Lukin (grad student)
Kurt Gottfriedparticle physics
Mark D. Goulianbacterial regulatory circuits, two-component signaling in E. coli, directed evolution of signaling circuits1990 Arthur Michael Jaffe (grad student)
Clemens GrassbergerRadiation Physics; Biophysics; Immunomodulation
Gregory Maurice Green20102016 Douglas Paul Finkbeiner (grad student)
Geoff L. GreeneNuclear Physics, Fundamental Neutron Physics1977 Norman F. Ramsey (grad student)
Jenny E. GreeneAstronomy and Astrophysics2006 John P. Huchra (grad student), Luis C. Ho (grad student)
Lincoln J. GreenhillAstronomy and Astrophysics Department of Astronomy James M. Moran (grad student)
Jesse Leonard GreensteinAstronomy1937 Bart J. Bok (grad student), Cecilia Helena Payne-Gaposchkin (research assistant)
Markus Greiner Theodor Wolfgang Hänsch (grad student)
David Griffiths Physics Sidney R. Coleman (grad student)
David Tressel GriggsGeophysics19331941 Percy Williams Bridgman (research scientist)
Jonathan Ellis GrindlayX-ray Astronomy1971 Giovanni G. Fazio (grad student)
Benjamin GrinsteinElementary Particles and High Energy Physics, General Physics19801984 Howard M. Georgi (grad student)
Monica M. Guica2008 Andrew E. Strominger (grad student)
Joao Pedro Guimaraes da CostaElementary Particles and High Energy Physics
Nicholas D. Guise2010 Gerald Gabrielse (grad student)
Michael J. Gullans Physics2013 Mikhail D. Lukin (grad student)
Heather E. Gunter2003 Robert D. Howe (grad student)
Zengcai GuoBiology2010 Sharad Ramanathan (grad student)
Gerald S. GuralnikTheoretical Particle Physics Physics1964 Walter Gilbert (grad student)
Yulia V. Gurevich Physics2012 Gerald Gabrielse (grad student)
Michael Gutperle Physics19992002 Andrew E. Strominger (post-doc)
Carl GwinnAstrophysics and Cosmology Astronomy James M. Moran (post-doc)
Elisabeth G. GwinnCondensed Matter Experimental Physics1987 Robert M. Westervelt (grad student)
Taekjip HaSingle molecule
Mohammad Hafezi2009 Mikhail D. Lukin (grad student)
Jason H. Hafnerplasmonics, nanomaterials, biophysics19982001 Charles M. Lieber (post-doc)
Bradford H. HagerGeophysics1978 Richard John O'Connell (grad student)
John S. HaggertyHigh energy and nuclear physics Physics19771981 Francis Marion Pipkin (grad student)
Girma Hailutheoretical particle physics2003 Howard M. Georgi (grad student)
Zoltan HaimanAstrophysics Physics1998 Abraham (Avi) Loeb (grad student)
David S. Hall Physics19921997 Gerald Gabrielse (grad student)
Edwin Herbert Hall
Lawrence John Hall1981 Howard M. Georgi (grad student)
Carter Randolf HallNuclear physics2002 Melissa Bronwen Franklin (grad student)
Bertrand I. HalperinTheoretical physics: condensed matter and statistical physics
Orit Halpern2006 Peter L. Galison (grad student)
Martin B. HalpernParticle Physics1964 Walter Gilbert (grad student)
Jules P. Halpernpulsars, neutron stars; gamma-ray bursts; active galactic nuclei Astronomy1982 Jonathan Ellis Grindlay (grad student)
Galen P. HalversonGeology, Geochemistry2003 Paul Hoffman (grad student)
Frank Slagle Hamtheoretical solid-state physics1955 Harvey Brooks (grad student)
Erika T. Hamden Astronomy & Astrophysics2006 Andrew Szentgyorgyi (research assistant)
Paul Hanakata Physics2019 David Robert Nelson (post-doc)
Cindy I. Hancox2005 John M. Doyle (grad student)
David A. Hanneke Physics20012008 Gerald Gabrielse (grad student)
Heng HaoAstrophysics Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics2011 Martin Elvis (grad student)
Nan HaoMolecular Biology Erin K. O'Shea (post-doc)
Kristen A. Haring2002 Peter L. Galison (grad student)
Arthur Brooks HarrisCondensed Matter Physics19581961 Horst Meyer (grad student), R. Victor Jones (grad student)
George Russell HarrisonSpectroscopy19231925 Theodore T. Lyman (post-doc)
Thomas E. Hartman2010 Andrew E. Strominger (grad student)
Lee HartmannAstronomy and Astrophysics
Charles F. HarveyHydrogeology
Kristi R. HatchAMO physics, biophysics2008 Mara Prentiss (grad student)
Lene Vestergaard Haucold atoms and Bose-Einstein condensation Physics19881991 Jene A. Golovchenko (post-doc)
Dennis M. Hausmannapplied mathematics, quantum mechanics, spectroscopy, intermolecular forces, solid state and materials science2002 Roy Gerald Gordon (grad student)
Birgit J. HausmannNanotechnology, Optics Physics, Condensed Matter Physics Engineering and Applied Sciences2013 Marko Loncar (grad student)
Thomas C. Hayes
Christopher Charles HaywardTheoretical Astrophysics Astronomy2012 Lars Hernquist (grad student)
Matthew Peter Headrickstring theory and related areas of quantum field theory, general relativity, geometry, and quantum information theory19962002 Shiraz N. Minwalla (grad student)
Blayne R. Heckel Physics1981 Norman F. Ramsey (grad student)
Jonathan J. HeckmanString theory2009 Cumrun Vafa (grad student)
Roger A. HegstromQuantum Theory1968 Norman F. Ramsey (post-doc), William N. Lipscomb (grad student)
Craig O. HeinkeX-ray Astronomy2004 Jonathan Ellis Grindlay (grad student)
Peter HellerCondensed matter physics1963 George B. Benedek (grad student)
Myrl Chalmers HendershottOceanography1965 Henry M. Stommel (grad student)
Christopher L. HenleyFrustrated Magnetism,Quasicrystals,Condensed Matter Theory19771984 Bertrand I. Halperin (grad student)
Wade G. HenningPlanetology, Geophysics, Astrophysics Physics2011 Richard John O'Connell (grad student), Dimitar D. Sasselov (grad student)
Sarah E. HenricksonImmunology2008 Ulrich H. von Andrian (grad student)
Patrick Kenichi Herring Physics2014 Pablo D. Jarillo-Herrero (grad student)
Jesse S HerschPhysics Physics Eric J. Heller (grad student)
Paul W. Hess Physics2014 Gerald Gabrielse (grad student)
Gaelen T. HessGeneral Biophysics, Molecular Biology Biophysics2012 Angela M. Belcher (grad student)
Donald Heyda Physics Karl Strauch (grad student)
David HeyrovskyAstronomy and Astrophysics2000 Dimitar D. Sasselov (grad student)
Malcolm S. Hickenobservational astronomy2009 Robert P. Kirshner (grad student)
Ryan C. HickoxAstronomy and Astrophysics2008 Ramesh Narayan (grad student)
Fredrick W. High2010 Christopher W. Stubbs (grad student)
Marc E. Hillexperimental particle physics2001 John E. Huth (grad student)
Norton Mark Hintznuclear physics1951 Norman F. Ramsey (grad student)
William Raph Hix Astronomy19891995 Friedrich-Karl Thielemann (grad student)
Rohan J Hoare Physics Timothy E. Chupp (grad student)
Paul William HodgeLocal Group galaxies, modes of star formation, star clusters and their formation, HII regions in galaxies, meteorite craters. Astronomy1960 Cecilia Helena Payne-Gaposchkin (grad student)
Laurent Hodges1967 Henry Ehrenreich (grad student)
Paul Hoffman
Cyrus M. HoffmanExperimental particle physics and astrophysics1969 Eugene Engels (grad student)
Jennifer Eve HoffmanCondensed Matter
Jason Hoffmancorrelated electrons, complex oxide interface, magnetism, ferroelectrics, magnetoelectric coupling2014 Jennifer Eve Hoffman (post-doc)
Pierre Claude HohenbergCondensed matter physics, statistical physics, non-equilibrium phenomena, foundations of quantum mechanics and philosophy of science1962 Paul Cecil Martin (grad student)
Michael Andrew HohenseeFundamental Symmetry Tests, Gravitation, Atomic Physics2009 Ronald L. Walsworth (grad student)
Felix J.H. HolZero cost point-of-care diagnostics2014 George M. Whitesides (post-doc)
Bob Holdom Physics1981 Steven Weinberg (grad student)
John Paul HoldrenAerospace engineering, theoretical plasma physics
Ayana T. HollowayElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2006 Melissa Bronwen Franklin (grad student)
Tova Ray HolmesHEP Experiment Physics Melissa Bronwen Franklin (research assistant)
Sungkun Hong Amir Yacoby (grad student)
Tao HongUltra Cold Atoms, Optical Clocks, Optical Computing, Quantum Computing and Artificial Intelligence Physics- Center For Ultracold Atoms20052007 Mara Prentiss (research scientist)
Wei HongSolid Mechanics Mechanical Engineering20032006 Zhigang Suo (grad student)
Shannon M. Hoogerheide Physics2013 Gerald Gabrielse (grad student)
Philip F. HopkinsTheoretical Astrophysics2008 Lars Hernquist (grad student)
Norman HoringTheory Physics, Condensed Matter Physics, Electricity and Magnetism Physics Department of Physics1964 Julian Schwinger (grad student)
Sahand HormozFluid Mechanics2011 Michael P. Brenner (grad student)
Viva R. Horowitzsemiconductor spintronics Department of Physics20132016 Vinothan N. Manoharan (post-doc)
Paul Horowitzexperimental astrophysics1970 Nathaniel Phillips Carleton (grad student), Costas D. Papaliolios (grad student)
Lawrence Paul HorwitzParticle physics1957 Julian Schwinger (grad student)
Andrew W. HowardExtrasolar planets, SETI2006 Paul Horowitz (grad student)
Robert D. Howe
Qichao HuMaterials and Energy Technologies Engineering and Applied Sciences2012 Michael J. Aziz (grad student)
Qing Huapplied physics, devices, technology1987 Michael Tinkham (grad student)
Junling Huang
Lisa L. Huang2007 Andrew E. Strominger (grad student)
Jia-Sheng HuangAstronomy and Astrophysics
Yucong HuangMaterials and Energy Technologies2001 Michael J. Aziz (grad student)
Junling HuangAtmospheric and Climate Modeling Engineering and Applied Sciences2014 Michael B. McElroy (grad student)
Paul Stancyl Hubbardnuclear magnetic resonance1958 Edward Mills Purcell (grad student)
Florian G. Huber Physics2014 Markus Greiner (grad student)
David Lawrence HuberCondensed Matter Theory Physics1964 John H. van Vleck (grad student)
Tristan HubschElementary Particles and High Energy, Theory
John P. HuchraAstronomy and Astrophysics
Alanna Meredith HughesAstronomy and Astrophysics, Astrophysics Physics2010 David J. Wilner (grad student)
Yejin Huh2011 Subir Sachdev (grad student)
Joonsuk Huhquantum computing, quantum biology, quantum chemistry Alán Aspuru-Guzik (post-doc)
Charles Hull Astronomy20142017 Alyssa A. Goodman (post-doc)
Matthew T. Hummon2010 John M. Doyle (grad student)
Marissa Rachel Hummon2009 Venkatesh Narayanamurti (grad student)
Katherine J. Humphrycondensed matter, colloidal dispersions, rheology2009 David A. Weitz (grad student)
Ling-Yan Hung
Frederick Vinton Hunt1934 George Washington Pierce (grad student)
Thomas Huntelectronics, micromechanics2007 Robert M. Westervelt (grad student)
Brian T. HuskinsonMaterials and Energy Technologies Engineering and Applied Sciences2014 Michael J. Aziz (grad student)
John E. Huthexperimental particle physics
Nicholas R. Hutzler Physics2014 John M. Doyle (grad student)
Peter Huybersclimate, paleoclimate, agriculture
Chao-Wei HwangFluid Mechanics2002 Howard Alvin Stone (grad student)
Adilet ImambekovCondensed Matter Physics, Atomic Physics2007 Eugene Demler (grad student)
Andrew Perry IngersollPlanetary Atmospheres, Planetary Science1966 Richard M. Goody (grad student)
Kenneth IntriligatorElementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Theory Physics19871992 Cumrun Vafa (grad student)
Michael Ioffredo Physics Karl Strauch (grad student)
William M. Irvineastrochemistry, astrobiology1961 David R. Layzer (grad student)
Miaki IshiiGeophysics2003 Adam M. Dziewonski (grad student), Goran Ekstrom (grad student), Jeroen Tromp (grad student)
Kazi Rajibul IslamQuantum Information Processing20122015 Markus Greiner (post-doc)
David A. IssadoreCircuits and Computer Engineering2009 Robert M. Westervelt (grad student)
Kenji Ito2002 Peter L. Galison (grad student)
Heiko O. Jacobsmicro and nanomanufacturing19992001 George M. Whitesides (post-doc)
Daniel L. JafferisString theory2007 Cumrun Vafa (grad student)
Hubert Maxwell James1934 Edwin Crawford Kemble (grad student), Albert Sprague Coolidge (grad student)
Jeremiah L. James2008 Peter L. Galison (grad student)
Sumin Jang Sharad Ramanathan (grad student)
Hannah Jang-CondellAstronomy and Astrophysics2004 Dimitar D. Sasselov (grad student)
Paul H. JanzenAtomic Physics2002 John L. Kohl (grad student)
Alfonso JaramilloSynthetic Biology, Computational biology, Theoretical Physics
Louise M. Jawerthcondensed matter, colloidal dispersions, rheology Physics2013 David A. Weitz (grad student)
Ray JayawardhanaAstronomy and Astrophysics2000 Lee Hartmann (grad student), Giovanni G. Fazio (grad student)
Laura E. Jeanty Physics2013 Melissa Bronwen Franklin (grad student)
Jean L.C. Jeenerexperimental and theoretical contributions to spin thermodynamics in solids and his invention of two dimensional fourier NMR spectroscopy19581960 Nicolaas Bloembergen (post-doc)
Francis Arthur Jenkinsmolecular spectroscopy19261927 Edwin Crawford Kemble (post-doc)
Katharine E. JensenMaterials Science, Soft Condensed Matter, Surface and Interface Science Physics2013 Frans A. Spaepen (grad student)
Leif P. Jentoft Engineering and Applied Sciences2014 Robert D. Howe (grad student)
Colin Philip JessopExperimental Particle Physics1994 Melissa Bronwen Franklin (grad student)
Walt JesteadtAuditory perception, Psychoacoustics, psychophysics David Marvin Green (post-doc)
Saurabh W. Jhaobservational astronomy2002 Robert P. Kirshner (grad student)
Wonho JheAtom Physics, Laser Physics, Atomic Force Microscopy, Nano Liquid
Liang Jiang2009 Mikhail D. Lukin (grad student)
Andrew Y JoeCondensed matter experiment, 2D materials Physics20142021 Philip Kim (grad student)
Sajeev JohnOptics Physics Physics1984 Bertrand I. Halperin (grad student)
Montgomery Hunt JohnsonNuclear Physics1932 John Clarke Slater (grad student)
A. T. Charlie JohnsonCondensed Matter Physics1990 Michael Tinkham (grad student)
Walter Richard JohnsonTheoretical Physics Karl Strauch (grad student)
Kenneth Alan Johnsonquantum electrodynamics and quantum field theory Physics1955 Julian Schwinger (grad student)
R. Victor Jonessemiconductor electronics
Gregory C. Jones2006 Andrew E. Strominger (grad student)
Edward C. Jones-Imhotep2001 Peter L. Galison (grad student)
Petr Jordan2008 Robert D. Howe (grad student)
Richard I. JosephElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Optics Physics19571962 John H. van Vleck (grad student)
Ralf Jungmann2014 Peng Yin (post-doc), William M. Shih (post-doc)
Michael Alan Jurainfrared astronomy1971 Alexander Dalgarno (grad student)
Leo Phillip KadanoffCondensed matter physics, chaos, turbulence.1960 Roy Jay Glauber (grad student), Paul Cecil Martin (grad student)
Alan M. Kadin Physics1979 Michael Tinkham (grad student)
Michael A. KaganElementary Particles and High Energy Physics Physics2012 Masahiro Morii (grad student)
Dilani S. Kahawalatheoretical particle physics, cosmology Physics2013 Lisa J. Randall (grad student)
David I. Kaiserparticle cosmology2000 Peter L. Galison (grad student)
Michio KakuParticle Theory19671968 Edward Teller (research assistant)
Catherine Kallinhigh temperature superconductors, frustrated antiferromagnets, and quantum Hall systems Physics & Astronomy1984 Bertrand I. Halperin (grad student)
Nitya J. KallivayalilAstronomy and Astrophysics2007 Charles Alcock (grad student)
Atish KambleHigh Energy Astrophysics, GRB
Randall David Kamiensoft condensed matter1992 David Robert Nelson (grad student)
Maria KandylaUltrafast Physics, Materials Science and Chemistry2006 Eric Mazur (grad student)
Suzanne Amador KaneBiological physics Applied Sciences19821989 Peter S. Pershan (grad student)
Monica Jinwoo KangTheoretical Physics, Mathematical Physics Physics Department Math Department20142019 Daniel L. Jafferis (grad student), Shing-tung Yau (collaborator)
Sheila J. KannappanAstronomy and Astrophysics2001 Daniel G. Fabricant (grad student)
Jared D. Kaplanparticle physics2009 Nima Arkani-Hamed (grad student)
David B. KaplanNuclear Theory1985 Howard M. Georgi (grad student)
Kirit S. Karkare Astronomy20112017 John M. Kovac (grad student)
Robert Karplustheoretical physics, science education1948 Edgar Bright Wilson (grad student)
Lashkar M. Kashifexperimental particle physics2011 John E. Huth (grad student)
Ivan KassalChemical physics, Excitonics, Organic electronics, Quantum simulation, Photosynthesis20062010 Alán Aspuru-Guzik (grad student)
Karen E. Kaszacondensed matter, colloidal dispersions, rheology2010 David A. Weitz (grad student)
Kaushik KatariGeophysics, Geology2000 Jeremy Bloxham (grad student)
Eleni Katifori2008 David Robert Nelson (grad student)
Yevgeny Katstheoretical particle physics2010 Howard M. Georgi (grad student), Nima Arkani-Hamed (grad student)
Jens Kauffmann Initiative in Innovative Computing and Astronomy20052009 Alyssa A. Goodman (post-doc)
Adam M. KaufmanUltracold atoms, optical tweezers
Benjamin B. KaufmannGeneral Biophysics, Cell Biology2007 Alexander v. Oudenaarden (grad student)
Efthimios KaxirasComputational physics and materials science
David M. KazCondensed Matter Physics, Materials Science Engineering2011 Vinothan N. Manoharan (grad student)
Edward T. KearnsElementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Astrophysics Physics1990 Roy Frederick Schwitters (grad student), Melissa Bronwen Franklin (grad student)
Ralph F. Keelingclimate, biogeochemistry, geochemistry, global change, carbon dioxide1988 James G. Anderson (grad student)
Luke Zoltan Kelleyastronomy, astrophysics, black holes, gravitational waves, active galactic nuclei Astronomy & Astrophysics Lars Hernquist (grad student)
James B. KelloggGeophysics, Geochemistry2004 Richard John O'Connell (grad student)
Gregory J KelloggX+Ray scattering, low temperature physics, neutron scattering, liquid crystals, polymer physics Physics Physics19881988 Peter S. Pershan (grad student), Paul E. Sokol (grad student)
Kenneth F. KeltonCondensed Matter Physics Applied Physics1983 Frans A. Spaepen (grad student)
Edwin Crawford Kemblemolecular quantum physics1917 Percy Williams Bridgman (grad student)
George Clayton KennedyGeochemistry1947 Louis Caryl Graton (grad student), Esper S. Larsen, Jr. (grad student), Marland Pratt Billings (grad student)
Scott J. KenyonAstronomy and Astrophysics
Amy E. Kerdok2006 Robert D. Howe (grad student)
Samuel Benjamin Kesner Biologically Inspired Engineering Engineering and Applied Sciences2011 Robert D. Howe (grad student)
David Kestenbaum physics19952000 Melissa Bronwen Franklin (grad student)
Gregory Kestin2014 Howard M. Georgi (grad student)
Gregory Weston KilcupElementary Particles and High Energy Physics1986 Howard M. Georgi (grad student)
Can Kilicparticle physics2006 Nima Arkani-Hamed (grad student)
Taeseok Kim2008 Venkatesh Narayanamurti (grad student)
Kyoung H. Kimapplied mathematics, quantum mechanics, spectroscopy, intermolecular forces, solid state and materials science2007 Roy Gerald Gordon (grad student)
Philip KimCondensed Matter Physics1999 Charles M. Lieber (grad student)
Harold D. KimBiological physics, DNA packaging, Gene regulation Molecular and Cellular Biology20052009 Erin K. O'Shea (post-doc)
Ivan R. Kingstar clusters Astronomy1952 Harlow Shapley (grad student)
Ronold W. P. KingThe Theory of Linear Antennas
Robert P. Kirshnerobservational astronomy
Andrew M. KirulutaComputational NeuroImaging, MRI Physics
Eric D. KiserGeophysics Earth and Planetary Sciences2012 Miaki Ishii (grad student)
Takuya KitagawaQuantum Physics Physics2013 Eugene Demler (grad student)
Steven A. KivelsonCondensed Matter Physics, Theoretical Physics1979 Charles Daniel Gelatt (grad student)
Margaret G. KivelsonSpace Physics, Planetary Science1957 Julian Schwinger (grad student)
Bulent KiziltanAstronomy and Astrophysics Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics2011 Abraham (Avi) Loeb (post-doc)
Abraham KleinParticle Physics, Nuclear Physics19471950 Julian Schwinger (grad student)
Daniel Kleppner1959 Norman F. Ramsey (grad student)
Julian Knause Knipp1935 John H. van Vleck (grad student)
Aşkın KocabaşWhole brain imaging, synthetic neural networks, controllability of complex neural networks FAS Center for Systems Biology20082015 Sharad Ramanathan (post-doc)
Avi N. KoganImmunology, Cell Biology, General Biophysics2004 Ulrich H. von Andrian (grad student)
John L. KohlAtomic Physics
Walter KohnTheoretical chemistry1948 Julian Schwinger (grad student)
John Martin Kolinski SEAS SEAS20082014 Shmuel M. Rubinstein (grad student), Lakshminarayanan Mahadevan (grad student)
William S. Kolthammer2011 Gerald Gabrielse (grad student)
Paul T. KondratkoAstronomy and Astrophysics2007 Lincoln J. Greenhill (grad student)
Daniel M. KoranyiAstronomy and Astrophysics2000 Margaret J. Geller (grad student)
Kirill Sergeevich Korolev2010 David Robert Nelson (grad student)
Boris M. Korsunskyscience education2003 philip m. Sadler (grad student)
Sarah Kösterbiophysics, cell mechanics, cytoskeleton, microfluidics, microscopy, x-ray imaging20062008 David A. Weitz (post-doc)
Ashutosh Vijay KotwalHigh-energy physics1995 Richard Wilson (grad student), Francis Marion Pipkin (grad student)
Angela Kou Physics2013 Bertrand I. Halperin (grad student)
John M. Kovacastrophysics
Ivan Kozyryev Physics2017 John M. Doyle (grad student)
Jacob Jonathan Krich2009 Bertrand I. Halperin (grad student)
Helmuth Kristen Astronomy19982000 Alyssa A. Goodman (post-doc)
I. Joseph Kroll1989 Carlo Rubbia (grad student)
Leah J. Kronenberg
Max Krookapplied mathematics, astrophysics
Alex J. KruchkovCondensed Matter Theory Department of Physics2017 Ashvin Vishwanath (post-doc)
Arthur Frank Kuckes1960 Richard Wilson (grad student)
Ranjith Kunnathsolid and fluid mechanics of stressing, deformation, fracture and flow2001 James R. Rice (grad student)
Heinrich Kurz19811984 Nicolaas Bloembergen (research scientist)
Bogdan KustowskiGeophysics2007 Adam M. Dziewonski (grad student), Goran Ekstrom (grad student)
Subhaneil Lahiri2009 Xi Yin (grad student), Shiraz N. Minwalla (grad student)
Kamson Y. LaiAstronomy and Astrophysics2008 Giovanni G. Fazio (grad student)
Ann LaiFluid Mechanics2009 Howard Alvin Stone (grad student)
Rolf William LandauerCondensed Matter Physics1950 Wendell Hinkle Furry (grad student), Léon Brillouin (grad student)
David P. Landhuis2002 Daniel Kleppner (grad student), Gerald Gabrielse (grad student)
Norton David Langelectron gas and molecular electronics1968 Henry Ehrenreich (grad student)
Lauranne Lanz Astronomy and Astrophysics2013 Matthew L. N. Ashby (grad student), Howard Alan Smith (grad student)
Joshua M. Lapan2008 Andrew E. Strominger (grad student)
Lisa LapidusGeneral Biophysics, Biochemistry1998 Gerald Gabrielse (grad student)
Nadia Lapustasolid and fluid mechanics of stressing, deformation, fracture and flow2001 James R. Rice (grad student)
Philippe Larochelle2010 Gerald Gabrielse (grad student)
Daniel Larson Physics19661971 Norman F. Ramsey (grad student)
David W. Latham Astronomy1970 Owen J. Gingerich (grad student)
D W. LathamAstronomy and Astrophysics
Chun Ning (Jeanie) LauCondensed Matter Physics, Nanoscience, Materials Science Engineering2001 Michael Tinkham (grad student)
Eric Laugamechanics problems arising in physical and biological sciences2005 Michael P. Brenner (grad student), Howard Alvin Stone (grad student)
Lincoln J. LauhonNanostructured Materials Chemistry20002003 Charles M. Lieber (post-doc)
Maxim Olegovich LavrentovichPopulation Genetics, Pattern Formation, Soft Matter Physics Physics2014 David Robert Nelson (grad student)
Margaret E. Law Karl Strauch (research scientist)
John Hundale Lawrencepioneer of nuclear medicine1930 Harvey Williams Cushing (post-doc)
David R. LayzerAstrophysics Astronomy1950 Donald Howard Menzel (grad student)
Philippe Le Corbeiller
David A. Le Sage2008 Gerald Gabrielse (grad student)
Andrey V. LebedevHigh-energy physics2007 Gary J. Feldman (grad student)
Myron "Mike" Lecargravitational dynamics, planet formation, and the dynamics of our solar system
Claude P Lechene
André Roger LeClairElementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Mathematics, Condensed Matter Physics1987 Luis Alvarez-Gaumé (grad student), Paul Henry Ginsparg (grad student)
Gil-Ho Leelow-temperature transport experiment, graphene, superconductivity Physics20142017 Philip Kim (post-doc)
Dean J. LeePhysics Physics19921998 Howard M. Georgi (grad student)
Chi H. LeeQuantum Electronics, Nonlinear Optics Physics1968 Nicolaas Bloembergen (grad student)
Lawrence Lee
Lisa M. Lee SEAS20142020 Shmuel M. Rubinstein (grad student)
Julia C. Lee
Chungsok Leeelectronics, micromechanics2002 Robert M. Westervelt (grad student)
Hakho Leeelectronics, micromechanics2005 Robert M. Westervelt (grad student)
Cin-Ty A. LeeGeochemistry, Geophysics2001 Adam M. Dziewonski (grad student)
Corry L. Lee-BoehmElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2011 Masahiro Morii (grad student)
L. Don Leet
Jacques Lefrançois19571961 Richard Wilson (grad student)
Victor Fritz Lenzenphilosophy, physics19141916 Bertrand Russell (grad student), Josiah Royce (grad student)
Kelsey Leonard
Natasha Leporequantum mechanics, scattering theory and quantum chaos2003 Eric J. Heller (grad student)
Brian J. LeRoyelectronics, micromechanics2003 Robert M. Westervelt (grad student)
Horace Hardy Lester
Kathryn Liebermann LevinTheoretical physics, solid state physics.1971 Henry Ehrenreich (grad student)
Erel LevineGeneral Biophysics, Neuroscience Biology
Theresa H. Levitt2002 Peter L. Galison (grad student)
Arnon Levy2010 Peter L. Smith (grad student)
Peter M. LevyCondensed Matter Physics Department of Physics19581963 John H. van Vleck (grad student)
Zhengwen Liapplied mathematics, quantum mechanics, spectroscopy, intermolecular forces, solid state and materials science2007 Roy Gerald Gordon (grad student)
Zhefeng Liapplied mathematics, quantum mechanics, spectroscopy, intermolecular forces, solid state and materials science2011 Roy Gerald Gordon (grad student)
Gene-Wei LiPhysics and chemistry of condensed matter2010 David Robert Nelson (grad student), X. Sunney Xie (grad student)
Haifan Liang Roy Gerald Gordon (grad student)
Xiang S. LiangMathematics, Physical Oceanography, Geophysics2002 Allan R. Robinson (grad student)
Stephen B. LibbyTheoretical physics, atomic physics, condensed matter, elementary particle physics, quantum sensing, quantum computing
Alan Paige Lightman
Edward Michael Likovich2011 Venkatesh Narayanamurti (grad student)
William Liller
A. Edward Lilleyradio astronomy1954 Bart J. Bok (grad student)
Soon Wei Daniel Lim John A. Paulson School Of Engineering And Applied Sciences20182023 Federico Capasso (grad student)
Yi-Chia Lincondensed matter, colloidal dispersions, rheology2009 David A. Weitz (grad student)
Tina Lincondensed matter, colloidal dispersions, rheology Physics2013 David A. Weitz (grad student)
Tongyan LinTheory Physics, Astrophysics Physics Physics2012 Douglas Paul Finkbeiner (grad student)
Chun Chia Linmicrowave spectroscopy1955 John H. van Vleck (grad student)
Hai Lin Shing-tung Yau (post-doc)
Jeffrey Lawrence Linsky1968 Owen J. Gingerich (grad student)
Bradley Paul LipovskyMechanics of Earth Systems Earth and Planetary Sciences20172018 James R. Rice (post-doc)
Bernard Abram Lippmann Physics1948 Julian Schwinger (grad student)
Alan Michael LitkeParticle physics, Neuroscience Biology1970 Richard Wilson (grad student)
Noel Charlton Little Physics1923 Emory Leon Chaffee (grad student)
Shang LiuCondensed matter theory Physics2016 Ashvin Vishwanath (grad student)
Bo LiuT2015 Eric J. Heller (grad student)
Xinyu LiuBioengineering20092011 George M. Whitesides (post-doc)
Yajing Liusolid and fluid mechanics of stressing, deformation, fracture and flow2007 James R. Rice (grad student)
Xinye Liuapplied mathematics, quantum mechanics, spectroscopy, intermolecular forces, solid state and materials science2000 Roy Gerald Gordon (grad student)
Yiqun Liuapplied mathematics, quantum mechanics, spectroscopy, intermolecular forces, solid state and materials science2011 Roy Gerald Gordon (grad student)
Jiayu Liucondensed matter, colloidal dispersions, rheology2007 David A. Weitz (grad student)
Christopher LobbCondensed Matter1980 Michael Tinkham (grad student)
Oleg G. LogutovMarine and Ocean Engineering, Physical Oceanography2007 Allan R. Robinson (grad student)
Marko Loncar Federico Capasso (post-doc)
F. Wheeler Loomismolecular spectroscopy1917 Harvey Nathaniel Davis (grad student)
Paul M. Loschak SEAS2016 Robert D. Howe (grad student)
John M. LoSeccoExperimental and Theoretical Particle Physics and Astrophysics Physics1976 Sidney R. Coleman (grad student), Steven Weinberg (grad student)
Karin L. LouzadaGeophysics, Mineralogy2009 Sarah T. Stewart-Mukhopadhyay (grad student)
Joseph Lovering18341835 Andrew Preston Peabody (research assistant), Benjamin Peirce (research scientist)
Xi LuAtmospheric and Climate Modeling2011 Michael B. McElroy (grad student)
Peter J. Lucondensed matter, colloidal dispersions, rheology2008 David A. Weitz (grad student)
Jinsheng LuNanophotonics, Optical forces2021 Federico Capasso (post-doc)
Hsin-I Lu Engineering and Applied Sciences2013 John M. Doyle (grad student)
Tom C. Lubenskyliquid crystals1969 Paul Cecil Martin (grad student)
David Koslan Lubensky2001 David Robert Nelson (grad student)
Julius B. Lucks2007 David Robert Nelson (grad student)
Phyllis M. LuggerAstronomy and Astrophysics1982 George B. Field (grad student), William Liller (grad student)
Michael Eric LukeTheoretical particle physics: quantum chromodynamics, weak interactions, effective field theories, heavy quark physics.19871991 Howard M. Georgi (grad student)
Mikhail D. Lukin
Ragnhild LunnanUnusual transients, time-domain astronomy, observational astronomy.2015 Edo Berger (grad student)
Theodore T. Lymanspectroscopy of the extreme ultraviolet1900 Wallace Clement Sabine (grad student)
Vyacheslav Lysov Physics2014 Andrew E. Strominger (grad student)
Ruichao Ma Physics2014 Markus Greiner (grad student)
Keith B. MacAdamAtomic Physics1971 Norman F. Ramsey (grad student)
Gordon James Fraser MacDonaldgeophysics1954 George Clayton Kennedy (grad student)
Carolyn MacDonaldOptics Physics, Condensed Matter Physics1986 Frans A. Spaepen (grad student)
Lucas M. MacriAstronomy and Astrophysics2001 John P. Huchra (grad student)
Charbel S. MadiMaterials and Energy Technologies2011 Michael J. Aziz (grad student)
Robyn L. Madrak2003 Melissa Bronwen Franklin (grad student)
Lakshminarayanan MahadevanApplied Mathematics
Kalyana Thipperudraiah Mahanthappagrand unification theories, fermion mixings and masses including charge fermions and neutrinos1961 Julian Schwinger (grad student)
Rakhi Mahbubaniparticle physics2006 Nima Arkani-Hamed (grad student)
Andisheh MahdaviAstronomy and Astrophysics2001 Margaret J. Geller (grad student)
Unar MahmoodMedical Biophysics, Immunology, Oncology
Elizabeth MainSolid State Physics, High Temperature Physics2012 Jennifer Eve Hoffman (grad student)
Juan MaldacenaTheoretical physics
Alexander D. Maloney2003 Andrew E. Strominger (grad student)
Adam C. MaloofGeology, Paleoclimate Science, Geophysics Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences Paul Hoffman (grad student)
Kaisey S. Mandelobservational astronomy2011 Robert P. Kirshner (grad student)
Salvatore MandraClassical and Quantum Optimization, Spin Glass Theory, Complex Systems2013 Alán Aspuru-Guzik (post-doc)
Niall M. Mangan Systems Biology20082013 Michael P. Brenner (grad student)
Madhav ManiFluid Mechanics2010 Michael P. Brenner (grad student)
Suliana Manleycondensed matter, colloidal dispersions, rheology2004 David A. Weitz (grad student)
Aneesh V. ManoharParticle Physics1983 Howard M. Georgi (grad student)
Vinothan N. Manoharansoft matter physics
Sui Ann A. Mao Astronomy Astronomy20072012 Bryan M. Gaensler (grad student), Naomi M. McClure-Griffiths (grad student)
Liat Maoz2003 Juan Maldacena (grad student)
John David March-RussellDark matter, black holes, string theory, quantum field theory, quantum mechanics1990 Frank Wilczek (grad student), Sidney R. Coleman (grad student)
Robert A. MarcusAstronomy and Astrophysics2011 Dimitar D. Sasselov (grad student)
Charles Masamed Marcusmesoscopic physics1990 Robert M. Westervelt (grad student)
Luca Marinelli2002 Bertrand I. Halperin (grad student)
Daniel P. MarroneAstronomy and Astrophysics2006 Raymond Blundell (grad student), James M. Moran (grad student)
Mason C MarshallPrecision measurement, fundamental physics, tests of the Standard Model Physics20112019 Gerald Gabrielse (grad student)
Paul Cecil Martintheoretical physics1954 Julian Schwinger (grad student)
P. E. Martin
Verena I. Martinez OutschoornElementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Theory Physics2011 Joao Pedro Guimaraes da Costa (grad student)
Nadya MasonExperimental Condensed Matter Physics20022005 Charles Masamed Marcus (post-doc), Michael Tinkham (post-doc)
Ludwig G. Mathey2007 Bertrand I. Halperin (grad student)
Marios Mattheakismachine learning, neural networks, materials, photonics, plasmons, wave dynamics School of Engineering and Applied Science20152021 Efthimios Kaxiras (post-doc)
Carlo E. Mattoni2002 John M. Doyle (grad student)
Peter Maurer Physics2014 Mikhail D. Lukin (grad student)
Robert Dale Mawhinneytheoretical particle physics1982 Sidney R. Coleman (grad student)
Stephen E. Maxwell2007 John M. Doyle (grad student)
Iva MaxwellUltrafast Physics, Materials Science and Chemistry2007 Eric Mazur (grad student)
Alan MaxwellRadioastronomy
Robert (Bob) M. MayPopulation ecology19591961 Max Krook (post-doc)
Charles W. Maynard1957 Nicolaas Bloembergen (grad student)
Jeronimo Maze Rios2010 Mikhail D. Lukin (grad student)
Gene F. MazenkoTheoretical physics, statistical physics Paul Cecil Martin (post-doc)
Eric MazurUltrafast Physics, Materials Science and Chemistry1982 Nicolaas Bloembergen (post-doc)
Aaron D. MazzeoAdvanced manufacturing, soft materials, flexible electronics, design, and mechatronics20092012 George M. Whitesides (post-doc)
Ian N McArthursupersymmetric quantum field theory, supergravity19791984 Howard M. Georgi (grad student)
John Charles McConnellAtmospheric Science Physics, Geophysics Michael B. McElroy (research scientist)
Robert P. McConnell2011 Gerald Gabrielse (grad student)
Joseph R McCormickMolecular Microbiology
Barry M. McCoyTheoretical physics, statistical mechanics1967 Tai T. Wu (grad student)
Richard A. McCrayastrophysics
Nathan J. McDannoldRadiology, Robotics Engineering, General Biophysics
Michael B. McElroyAtmospheric and Climate Modeling
Dennis McGillicuddy1993 Allan R. Robinson (grad student)
Ryan McGortyCondensed Matter Physics, Materials Science Engineering2011 Vinothan N. Manoharan (grad student)
James W. McIverOptics Physics Physics2014 Jennifer Eve Hoffman (grad student)
Ryan McKeown SEAS20142020 Shmuel M. Rubinstein (grad student)
Karen Aline McKinnonClimate dynamics, Regional climate variability, Climate feedbacks2015 Peter Huybers (grad student)
Daniel N. McKinsey2002 John M. Doyle (grad student)
C. Keith McLaneplasma-physics1949 Otto Oldenberg (grad student)
Harry (Hap) Y. McSweenGeology, Astronomy and Astrophysics1977 John Armstead Wood (grad student)
Curtis C. Mead Engineering and Applied Sciences2013 Paul Horowitz (grad student)
Srujan Meesala Marko Loncar (grad student)
Cole Mitchell MeisenhelderPrecision measurement of the electron electric dipole moment Physics20152023 Gerald Gabrielse (grad student)
T. K. MenonAstronomy Physics and Astronomy1956 Bart J. Bok (grad student)
Donald Howard MenzelAstrophysics
N. David MerminTheoretical Physics1961 Paul Cecil Martin (grad student)
Yasmine Merozanomalous diffusion, stochastic processes, complex systems2013 Lakshminarayanan Mahadevan (post-doc)
Eugen Merzbacher1950 Julian Schwinger (grad student)
Mark D. MessierElementary Particles and High Energy Physics Physics19992002 Gary J. Feldman (post-doc)
Max MetlitskiCondensed Matter Theory Subir Sachdev (grad student)
Robert B. Meyerliquid crystals1970 David Turnbull (grad student)
Ashira Meyer
Robert Michniak2004 John M. Doyle (grad student)
David Middletoncommunication systems1947 John H. van Vleck (grad student)
Richard Henry Milburnhigh energy elementary particles1954 Jabez Curry Street (grad student)
Douglas Gordon MillerHigh Energy Physics
Judith Miller Physics Karl Strauch (post-doc)
Jeffrey B MillerNanoscience Physics2007 Charles Masamed Marcus (grad student)
Eliza Miller-RicciAstronomy and Astrophysics2009 Dimitar D. Sasselov (grad student)
Josselin Milloz Sharad Ramanathan (grad student)
Ralph C. MinehartExperimental Nuclear Physics1962 Richard Henry Milburn (grad student)
Leonid MinryGeneral Biophysics
Kenneth Minschwaner
Shiraz N. MinwallaElementary Particles and High Energy Physics
Leonid A. MirnyPopulation genetics and evolutionary theory; Polymer physics theory and simulation; Statistical interpretation of genome-wide data1998 Eugene I. Shakhnovich (grad student)
Renato E. Mirollo Mathematics1985 Phillip A. Griffiths (grad student)
Charles Anthony MistrettaRadiology, Biomedical Engineering1968 Richard Wilson (grad student)
Morton Mitchner1952 Howard Wilson Emmons (grad student)
Prahar MitraQuantum Gravity, String Theory, Asymptotic Symmetries Department of Physics20112017 Andrew E. Strominger (grad student)
Matteo Mitrano
Kevin Mizesbiophysics, neuroscience of behavior
Maryam Modjazobservational astronomy2007 Robert P. Kirshner (grad student)
Areez M. Modyquantum mechanics, scattering theory and quantum chaos2004 Eric J. Heller (grad student), Sharad Ramanathan (post-doc)
Joseph J. MohrAstronomy and Astrophysics1995 Margaret J. Geller (grad student), Daniel G. Fabricant (grad student)
Masoud Mohseni
Vivek Mohta2005 Iain W. Stewart (grad student)
Herbert A. Mookneutron scattering1965 R. Victor Jones (grad student), Clifford G. Shull (grad student)
Eun Gook Moon2011 Subir Sachdev (grad student)
Dennis W. MooreOceanography1968 Allan R. Robinson (grad student), Peter H. Stone (grad student)
James M. MoranRadio Astronomy, Supermassive Black Holes, Massive Star Formation, Active Galactic Nuclei, Extragalactic Distance Scale, Cosmic Masers.
Masahiro MoriiElementary Particles and High Energy Physics
David R. MorrisonMathematical Physics1980 Phillip A. Griffiths (grad student)
Elliot A. MosemanImmunology2011 Ulrich H. von Andrian (grad student)
Michael MosheSoft Matter Physics, Mechanics, Defects, geometry Physics20152018 David Robert Nelson (post-doc)
Thomas William MossbergOptical Physics, Quantum Optics
Ben Roy MottelsonTheoretical physics1950 Julian Schwinger (grad student)
Robert Sanderson Mulliken Frederick Albert Saunders (post-doc)
Jennifer A. MullinMaterials Science, Soft Condensed Matter, Surface and Interface Science2000 Frans A. Spaepen (grad student)
Melaku Mulunehcondensed matter, colloidal dispersions, rheology Physics2012 David A. Weitz (grad student)
Cherry A. Murraysurface, condensed matter and complex fluid physics
Ruth Murray-ClayTheoretical Astrophysics
Dale E. MuzzeyGeneral Biophysics2009 Alexander v. Oudenaarden (grad student)
Philip C. Myers
Ron NaamanBiochemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry19791980 Dudley R. Herschbach (post-doc)
Michael Nahum
Hisao NakanishiCondensed Matter Physics Physics1980 H. Eugene Stanley (grad student)
Julie B. NantaisAstronomy and Astrophysics2010 John P. Huchra (grad student)
Prineha Narang
Shobhana Narasimhan1991 David Hamilton Vanderbilt (grad student)
Ramesh NarayanAstronomy and Astrophysics
Gautham S. Narayan Physics2013 Christopher W. Stubbs (grad student)
Venkatesh Narayanamurti
Joseph M. NeilsenAstrophysics Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics2011 Julia C. Lee (grad student)
Andrew NeitzkeString theory2005 Cumrun Vafa (grad student)
David Robert NelsonPhysics and chemistry of condensed matter Bertrand I. Halperin (post-doc)
Ann Elizabeth Nelsonelementary particle physics Department of Physics1984 Howard M. Georgi (grad student)
Philip C NelsonBiological Physics Physics19811984 Sidney R. Coleman (grad student)
Alex Nemiroskielectronics, micromechanics Chemistry and Chemical Biology20112015 Robert M. Westervelt (grad student), George M. Whitesides (post-doc)
Meredith K. NettlesGeophysics2005 Adam M. Dziewonski (grad student)
Tomáš Neuman20192020 Prineha Narang (post-doc)
Harvey B. NewmanParticle physics Karl Strauch (post-doc)
Gim S. Ng Physics2014 Andrew E. Strominger (grad student)
Y. Jack NgElementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics1974 Julian Schwinger (grad student)
Scott V. Nguyen2006 John M. Doyle (grad student)
Kang-Kuen Ni
Tiffany NicholsHistory, History of Science, History of Physics, History of Astrophysics, Environmental History History of Science History of Science Peter L. Galison (grad student), David I. Kaiser (grad student)
Travis L NicholsonUltracold atoms, Quantum metrology, Quantum optics Center for Ultracold Atoms20152017 Mikhail D. Lukin (post-doc)
Alfred O.C. Nier19361938 Kenneth T. Bainbridge (post-doc)
Elise Novitskiprecision measurement
Paul M. Novotny2007 Robert D. Howe (grad student)
Robert W. NoyesSolar and stellar seismology; solar structure and dynamics; detection and characterization of planets around other stars; origin and evolution of planetary systems.
Daniyar R. Nurgaliev Physics2014 Christopher W. Stubbs (grad student)
Philip A. NutzmanAstronomy and Astrophysics Astronomy2010 David Brian Charbonneau (grad student)
Richard John O'ConnellGeophysics
Miguel OctavioSuperconductivity, Chaos1978 Michael Tinkham (grad student)
Brian C. OdomQuantum manipulation of trapped atoms and molecules for precision searches for physics beyond the Standard Model, quantum information processing, and quantum-controlled chemistry.2004 Gerald Gabrielse (grad student)
Stella S. OffnerTheory of the interstellar medium and of star formation Astronomy20092012 Alyssa A. Goodman (post-doc)
Otto Oldenberg
John F Ollom1952 John H. van Vleck (grad student)
Ahmed OmranQuantum simulations, ultracold atoms Physics20162020 Mikhail D. Lukin (post-doc)
J. Robert Oppenheimernuclear physics19221925 Percy Williams Bridgman (research assistant)
Luis Adolfo OrozcoQuantum optics19871990 Gerald Gabrielse (post-doc)
Joseph A. OswaldOptics Physics, Electricity and Magnetism Physics2001 Simon Verghese (grad student)
Eduardo R Oteiza Physics Timothy E. Chupp (grad student)
Alexander v. OudeanaardenBioinformatics Biology, General Biophysics, Molecular Biology
Alexander v. OudenaardenGeneral Biophysics, Cell Biology, Molecular Biology
Min Ouyangnanoscience2001 Charles M. Lieber (grad student)
Paul K. Oxley2004 Gerald Gabrielse (grad student)
Irving OzierMolecular Physics1966 Norman F. Ramsey (grad student)
Megha Padi2009 Andrew E. Strominger (grad student)
Paolo PadoanAstronomy and Astrophysics Astronomy19982001 Alyssa A. Goodman (post-doc)
Harald PaganettiProton radiotherapy; Medical Physics; Biophysics Radiation Oncology Michael Benedict Goitein (research scientist)
George E. Pakenuclear magnetic resonance1948 Herbert S. Gutowsky (collaborator), Edward Mills Purcell (grad student)
Arijeet PalCondensed Matter and Statistical Physics, Quantum information Bertrand I. Halperin (post-doc)
Frederic Palmer1913 Gregory P. Baxter (grad student)
Patrick Edward Palmerstar formation1968 A. Edward Lilley (grad student)
Jianfeng PanGeophysics2004 Adam M. Dziewonski (grad student)
Cristian Daniel Panda Physics2018 Gerald Gabrielse (grad student)
Costas D. Papaliolios1965 Nathaniel Phillips Carleton (grad student)
Charles Herach PapasTheory of Electromagnetic Wave Propagation1948 Ronold W. P. King (grad student)
Hongkun Park
Shinae ParkAstronomy and Astrophysics2009 Giovanni G. Fazio (grad student)
Leonard Emanuel ParkerAstrophysics and Cosmology1967 Sidney R. Coleman (grad student)
William H. ParkinsonAtomic Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics
Robert E. Parrottquantum mechanics, scattering theory and quantum chaos2006 Eric J. Heller (grad student)
Srinivas ParuchuriFluid Mechanics2007 Michael P. Brenner (grad student)
Georgios Pastrasparticle physics2009 Nima Arkani-Hamed (grad student)
Popat M. PatelElementary Particles and High Energy Physics1962 Douglas Gordon Miller (grad student)
David Patterson2010 John M. Doyle (grad student)
William T. PaulHigh Pressure in Semiconductor Physics
Jayson Joseph Paulose Engineering and Applied Sciences2013 David Robert Nelson (grad student)
Sophie Pautotcondensed matter, colloidal dispersions, rheology2002 David A. Weitz (grad student)
Cecilia Helena Payne-Gaposchkinastrophysics19231925 Henry Norris Russell (grad student)
Benjamin Peirce Mathematics Nathaniel Bowditch (grad student)
Robert A. Pelcovits1978 Bertrand I. Halperin (grad student)
Ue-Li PenAstronomy and Astrophysics
Kaloyan M. PenevAstronomy and Astrophysics, Astrophysics Physics2009 Dimitar D. Sasselov (grad student)
Amy W. Peng2010 Markus Greiner (grad student)
Robert F. PennaAstronomy and Astrophysics, Astrophysics Physics, Theory Physics Astronomy2013 Ramesh Narayan (grad student)
Rachel E. PepperFluid Mechanics2009 Howard Alvin Stone (grad student)
Rosalba PernaHigh Energy Astrophysics.1996 Abraham (Avi) Loeb (grad student)
Peter S. Pershansynchrotron generated X-rays to study fundamental properties of condensed matter1960 Nicolaas Bloembergen (grad student)
Maria C. Persson GuldaMaterials Science, Soft Condensed Matter, Surface and Interface Science Engineering and Applied Sciences2013 Frans A. Spaepen (grad student)
Dominic Walter PesceEvent Horizon Telescope project
Mariela D. PetkovaBiophysics, Developmental Biology, Neuroscience, Connectomics
Linh My Pham Engineering and Applied Sciences2013 Ronald L. Walsworth (grad student)
Thomas James PhillipsHigh-energy physics1986 Carlo Rubbia (grad student)
Susanne Pielawa2011 Subir Sachdev (grad student)
George Washington Pierce1900 John Trowbridge (grad student)
Jaime Pineda Astronomy20042010 Alyssa A. Goodman (grad student)
Francis Marion Pipkinexperimental particle physics
Julia H. Piskorski Physics2014 John M. Doyle (grad student)
Adam E. PivonkaCondensed Matter Physics Physics2012 Jennifer Eve Hoffman (grad student)
Moshe Ronen PlesserElementary Particles and High Energy Physics1991 Cumrun Vafa (grad student)
Nicola PocciaCondensed Matter Physics20162019 Philip Kim (post-doc)
Daniel PodolskyCondensed Matter Physics2005 Eugene Demler (grad student)
Joseph G. PolchinskiHigh Energy Theoretical Physics19821984 Mark B. Wise (post-doc), Sidney R. Coleman (post-doc)
H. David PolitzerTheoretical physics1974 Sidney R. Coleman (grad student)
Francesco PompeiRisk assessment and Risk-Benefit Analysis2002 Richard Wilson (grad student)
Jay W. PonderGeneral Biophysics, Condensed Matter Physics, Biomedical Engineering Chemistry1984 Elias James Corey (grad student)
Achilleas P. PorfyriadisTheoretical physics2016 Andrew E. Strominger (grad student)
Robert Vivian Poundnuclear magnetic resonance Physics19451948 Edward Mills Purcell (post-doc)
Wilson Marcy Powellelementary particle physics1933 Theodore T. Lyman (grad student)
Thomas R PowersSoft Matter, Mechanics, Biological Physics19982000 Howard Alvin Stone (post-doc)
Srivas PrasadElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2011 Joao Pedro Guimaraes da Costa (grad student)
Vikram Prasadcondensed matter, colloidal dispersions, rheology2002 David A. Weitz (grad student)
Stephen Pratt Naomi E. Pierce (post-doc)
Mara PrentissAMO physics, biophysics
Richard David Present1935 Edwin Crawford Kemble (grad student)
John P. Preskillquantum computing, quantum matter, and quantum gravity1980 Steven Weinberg (grad student)
William H. Press
Yehiam PriorNonlinear Optics19771979 Nicolaas Bloembergen (post-doc)
David E. Pritchardatom optics Physics1968 Daniel Kleppner (grad student)
Daniel E. ProberLow Temperature, Condensed Matter, Superconductivity, Bolometers, Detectors, Tunneling Junctions 1975 Michael Tinkham (grad student)
Carlton PryorAstronomy and Astrophysics1982 Myron "Mike" Lecar (grad student)
Edward Mills Purcellnuclear magnetic resonance19341938 Kenneth T. Bainbridge (grad student), John H. van Vleck (grad student)
Yang Qi2010 Subir Sachdev (grad student)
Yu QinFluid Mechanics Engineering and Applied Sciences2014 Michael P. Brenner (grad student)
Qimin QuanOptics Physics, Nanoscience, Biomedical Engineering Engineering and Applied Sciences2012 Marko Loncar (grad student)
Leo RadzihovskyGeneral Physics, Condensed Matter Physics, Theory Physics David Robert Nelson (grad student)
Suvrat Raju2008 Shiraz N. Minwalla (grad student)
Chitra Ramalingam2009 Peter L. Galison (grad student)
C. V. (Chittoor Vijayaraghavalu) Ramamoorthysoftware engineering1964 Donald Winston Tufts (grad student)
Sharad RamanathanBiology1997 Daniel S. Fisher (grad student)
Norman F. RamseyPhysics
Lisa J. Randalltheoretical particle physics, cosmology Physics1987 Howard M. Georgi (grad student)
William Perin RaneyAcoustics
Ashwin RastogiString theory Physics2013 Cumrun Vafa (grad student)
Aakash Ravifrequency combs, exoplanets, precision measurements Physics2016 Ronald L. Walsworth (grad student)
Somak RaychaudhuryAstrophysics, Cosmology, Galaxies
Glen Anderson RebkaGeneral Relativity1961 Robert Vivian Pound (grad student)
Daniel RechtMaterials and Energy Technologies Engineering and Applied Sciences2012 Michael J. Aziz (grad student)
Alfred G. RedfieldStudies of Macromolecules by Magnetic Resonance19531955 Nicolaas Bloembergen (post-doc)
Kevin RedwinePhysics2009 Norman Ramsey (grad student)
Matthew B. ReeceElementary particle physics, quantum field theory
Gil RefaelCondensed Matter Theory2003 Daniel S. Fisher (grad student)
Jonathan F. Reichert19631965 Nicolaas Bloembergen (post-doc)
Frederick Reif Physics19461953 Edward Mills Purcell (grad student)
Ioannis N RemediakisComputational Materials Science19972002 Efthimios Kaxiras (grad student)
John C. Reynolds Physics Kurt Gottfried (grad student)
John Hamilton Reynoldsgeochronology, nuclear cosmochronology1943 Leo Beranek (research assistant)
Tom Rice Astronomy20132013 Alyssa A. Goodman (research assistant)
James R. Ricesolid and fluid mechanics of stressing, deformation, fracture and flow
James Arnold RichCosmology, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics Department of Physics1979 Carlo Rubbia (grad student)
Jonathan M Richardson Physics Timothy E. Chupp (grad student)
Philip J. Richerme Physics2012 Gerald Gabrielse (grad student)
Naomi Ridge Astronomy20032006 Alyssa A. Goodman (post-doc)
Adam G. Riess1996 Robert P. Kirshner (grad student), William H. Press (research assistant)
Kenneth J. RinesAstronomy and Astrophysics2003 Margaret J. Geller (grad student)
Alfred Edward Ringwood19571958 A. Francis Birch (post-doc)
Trygve G. Ristrophcold atoms and Bose-Einstein condensation2008 Lene Vestergaard Hau (grad student)
Wayne G. RobergeAstronomy and Astrophysics Alexander Dalgarno (grad student)
Jacob T. Robinson
Allan R. RobinsonMathematics, Physical Oceanography, Geophysics1959 George F. Carrier (grad student)
Thomas Pierre RobitailleAstrophysics Astronomy20082011 Alyssa A. Goodman (post-doc)
Martin RocekTheoretical physics; supersymmetry, string theory.1979 Tai T. Wu (grad student)
Christopher A. RoeserUltrafast Physics, Materials Science and Chemistry2004 Eric Mazur (grad student)
Fritz RohrlichClassical electrodynamics, Quantum electrodynamics1948 Julian Schwinger (grad student), Norman F. Ramsey (post-doc)
Enrique R. RojasGeneral Biophysics2010 Jacques Dumais (grad student)
Jennifer Roloff Department of Physics20142019 John E. Huth (grad student)
Barbara RomanowiczGeophysics Earth Science Adam M. Dziewonski (grad student)
Aaron Romanowsky1999 Christopher Sharpe Kochanek (grad student)
Marcus L. RoperFluid Mechanics2007 Howard Alvin Stone (grad student)
Matthew S. RosenAtomic Physics, MRI, NMR, Spin hyperpolarization, Machine Learning and AI
Anna Rosen Astronomy2017 Alyssa A. Goodman (post-doc)
Sonia R. RosnerPhysiology Biology, General Biophysics Biological Sciences in Public Health2014 Jeffrey Joseph Fredberg (grad student)
Erik W. RosolowskyAstronomy and Astrophysics Astronomy20052008 Alyssa A. Goodman (post-doc)
Shmuel M. RubinsteinSoft Condensed Matter Physics20092013 David A. Weitz (post-doc)
Michael RubinsteinPolymer Theory and Computer Simulations1983 David Robert Nelson (grad student)
Jonathan Ruel Physics2013 Christopher W. Stubbs (grad student)
Jason S. RugoloMaterials and Energy Technologies2011 Michael J. Aziz (grad student)
Erich Runge1993 Henry Ehrenreich (post-doc)
Kasey Joe Russell2009 Venkatesh Narayanamurti (grad student)
Emily R. Russellcondensed matter, colloidal dispersions, rheology Physics2014 David A. Weitz (grad student)
William RyuBiophysics, Behavior2000 Howard C. Berg (grad student)
Wallace Clement Sabinearchitectural acoustics1888 John Trowbridge (grad student)
Subir SachdevCondensed Matter Theory1985 David Robert Nelson (grad student)
Allan M. Sachs1950 Edward Mills Purcell (grad student)
philip m. Sadlerscience education1992 Irwin I. Shapiro (grad student)
Carl Saganplanetary science and exobiology
Aqil Sajjadtheoretical particle physics Physics2014 Howard M. Georgi (grad student)
Jamal SakhrGeneral Physics20052007 Eric J. Heller (post-doc)
Laura Virginia SalesAstrophysics, Galaxy Formation, Cosmology Center for Astrophysics Lars Hernquist (post-doc)
Nathan K. Salwen2001 Sidney R. Coleman (grad student)
Brian M. SalzbergOptical recording, fluorescence, functional imaging Physics Karl Strauch (grad student)
Mayly SanchezHigh Energy Physics, Experimental Neutrino Physics, Neutrino Oscillations Physics20032007 Gary J. Feldman (post-doc)
Javier Sanchez-Yamagishi
Luiz Henrique Santos Physics2012 Bertrand I. Halperin (grad student)
Edward Stuart SarachikAtmospheric Science Physics, Geophysics19731979 Richard S. Lindzen (research scientist)
Kirill A. SaraikinString theory2007 Cumrun Vafa (grad student)
Robert Daniel Sardexperimental high energy physics1942 Jabez Curry Street (grad student)
Dimitar D. Sasselovextrasolar planets
Frederick Albert SaundersOptical spectroscopy, acoustics
Raymond F. SawyerCondensed Matter Theroretical Physics1958 Julian Schwinger (grad student)
Nicholas Benjamin Schadeself-assembly, soft matter, electromagnetic phenomena Physics20092015 Vinothan N. Manoharan (grad student)
Christopher B. SchafferUltrafast Physics, Materials Science and Chemistry2001 Eric Mazur (grad student)
Peter SchallSoft Matter, Statistical Physics, Colloids20022005 David A. Weitz (post-doc), Frans A. Spaepen (post-doc)
Mathias Scheurer Physics20162020 Subir Sachdev (post-doc)
Edward F. SchlaflyAstronomy and Astrophysics, Astrophysics Physics Physics2012 Douglas Paul Finkbeiner (grad student)
Christoph F. SchmidtBiophysics David Robert Nelson (post-doc)
Brian P. SchmidtAstrophysics1993 Robert P. Kirshner (grad student)
Michael Henry SchmittElectroweak boson production in hadron colliders, searches for new elementary particles and interactions, development of muon detectors.1991 Francis Marion Pipkin (grad student)
Harrison Hagan Schmittpetrology, structural geology
Scott L. SchneeAstronomy and Astrophysics2006 Alyssa A. Goodman (grad student)
Robert J. Schneider2011 Robert D. Howe (grad student)
Florian SchuederBiophysics20142015 Peng Yin (research assistant)
Jan Schuemann Radiation Oncology20102012 Harald Paganetti (post-doc)
Klaus Schultentheoretical biophysics1974 Martin Karplus (grad student), Roy Gerald Gordon (grad student)
Philip C. Schusterparticle physics2007 Nima Arkani-Hamed (grad student)
Matthew Dean Schwartzparticle physics
Alan J. SchwartzElementary Particles and High Energy Physics1983 Carlo Rubbia (grad student)
Daniel K. Schwartz1991 Peter S. Pershan (grad student)
Lawrence Murray Schwartz Physics1971 Henry Ehrenreich (grad student)
Marc S. Schwartzscience education2000 philip m. Sadler (grad student)
Jennifer M. Schwarz Physics19942001 Daniel S. Fisher (grad student)
Julian Schwingerquantum electrodynamics, quantum mechanics
Roy Frederick SchwittersParticle Physics
Maria L. ScimoneImmunology2005 Ulrich H. von Andrian (grad student)
Sara Seagerexoplanet atmospheres and interiors1999 Dimitar D. Sasselov (grad student)
H. Bolton Seed1948 Karl von Terzaghi (grad student)
Robert Floyd SekerkaTheory Physics, Condensed Matter Physics1965 John H. van Vleck (grad student)
Jonathan V. SelingerPhysical Chemistry Physics19831989 David Robert Nelson (grad student)
Kiril P. SelverovFluid Mechanics2001 Howard Alvin Stone (grad student)
Laurel E. SenftGeophysics, Geology, Astronomy and Astrophysics2009 Sarah T. Stewart-Mukhopadhyay (grad student)
Jihye SeoString theory2010 Cumrun Vafa (grad student)
Adrian W. Serohijos Chemistry20092015 Eugene I. Shakhnovich (post-doc)
Savdeep S. SethiTheory Physics Physics19911996 Cumrun Vafa (grad student)
Widagdo Setiawan Physics2012 Markus Greiner (grad student)
Sin M. SeunHigh-energy physics2007 Gary J. Feldman (grad student)
Carl Kennan SeyfertAstronomy, Seyfert galaxies Astronomy1936 Harlow Shapley (grad student)
Rebecca ShafeeAstronomy and Astrophysics, Theory Physics2009 Ramesh Narayan (grad student)
Carl Marx ShakinNuclear Physics1961 Arthur K. Kerman (grad student)
Nathaniel Southgate Shaler1862 Louis Agassiz (grad student)
Raji ShankarOptics Physics Engineering and Applied Sciences2013 Marko Loncar (grad student)
Suraj Shankar Physics2018 David Robert Nelson (post-doc)
Irwin I. Shapiroastronomy, geophysics, and physics1955 Roy Jay Glauber (grad student)
Anatole Morris Shapirohigh-energy physics
Harlow Shapleyglobular star clusters
Roman V. ShcherbakovAstrophysics Physics2011 Ramesh Narayan (grad student)
Hanna R. Shell2007 Peter L. Galison (grad student)
Yuen-Ron ShenNon-linear Optics1963 Nicolaas Bloembergen (grad student)
Nan ShenUltrafast Physics, Materials Science and Chemistry2003 Eric Mazur (grad student)
Wenda Shen1993 Roy Jay Glauber (research scientist)
Meng-Ju SherUltrafast Physics, Materials Science and Chemistry Physics2013 Eric Mazur (grad student)
Christopher A SheraAuditory biophysics19941997 John J. Guinan, Jr. (post-doc)
Daniel J. Sherman2007 Melissa Bronwen Franklin (grad student)
Byungha ShinMaterials and Energy Technologies2007 Michael J. Aziz (grad student)
Oleg G. Shpyrkosynchrotron generated X-rays to study fundamental properties of condensed matter2004 Peter S. Pershan (grad student)
Boris I. Shraimanstatistical physics1983 Paul Cecil Martin (grad student)
Frank H. ShuAstronomy and Astrophysics1968 Chia-Chiao Lin (grad student), Max Krook (grad student)
Chi Shu Physics20132016 Shengwang Du (research assistant)
Shobha Shukla20102011 Eric Mazur (post-doc)
Ho C. Shumcondensed matter, colloidal dispersions, rheology2010 David A. Weitz (grad student)
Brian J. Shuvetheoretical particle physics, cosmology Physics2012 Lisa J. Randall (grad student)
Eric D. Siggia1972 Paul Cecil Martin (grad student)
Joseph Ivor SilkCosmology1968 David R. Layzer (grad student)
Robert Herman SilsbeeSolid state physics1956 Harvey Brooks (grad student)
Henry Briggs Silsbee1951 Norman F. Ramsey (grad student)
Isaac Franklin Silveraultra high pressure and low-temperature physics of quantum fluids
Elizabeth H. Simmons1990 Howard M. Georgi (grad student)
David W. Simmons-Duffintheoretical particle physics, cosmology Physics2012 Lisa J. Randall (grad student)
Steven H SimonPhysics Physics1995 Bertrand I. Halperin (grad student)
Aaron W. Simons2007 Andrew E. Strominger (grad student)
Neil Sinclair Marko Loncar (post-doc)
Naveen N. SinhaFluid Mechanics Engineering and Applied Sciences2013 Michael P. Brenner (grad student)
Prasert Sinsermsuksakulapplied mathematics, quantum mechanics, spectroscopy, intermolecular forces, solid state and materials science Chemistry and Chemical Biology2013 Roy Gerald Gordon (grad student)
Keith Sisterson Karl Strauch (post-doc)
Patrick SlaneAstronomy and Astrophysics
John Clarke Slatertheoretical chemistry1923 Percy Williams Bridgman (grad student)
Tracy Robin Slatyerparticle physics, cosmology and astrophysics2010 Douglas Paul Finkbeiner (grad student)
Charles P. Slichtercondensed matter physics19451949 Edward Mills Purcell (grad student), John H. van Vleck (research assistant)
Christopher B. Slowecold atoms and Bose-Einstein condensation2007 Lene Vestergaard Hau (grad student)
James Hammond Smith1952 Edward Mills Purcell (grad student), Norman F. Ramsey (grad student)
Howard Alan SmithResearch Area Stars and the Interstellar Medium
Alpheus Wilson Smithgalvanomagnetic and thermomagnetic effects in metals and alloys1906 Edwin Herbert Hall (grad student)
William Vick Smith1941 Otto Oldenberg (grad student)
Peter L. SmithAstrophysics
Ben C. SmithElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2011 Masahiro Morii (grad student)
Walter Fox SmithNanoscience, condensed matter physics Physics19811989 Michael Tinkham (grad student)
William Michael SnowNuclear Physics1990 Paul E. Sokol (grad student)
James Newton Snyder1949 Wendell Hinkle Furry (grad student)
Lydia Lee Sohn19881992 Michael Tinkham (grad student)
Charles M. SommerfieldTheoretical Particle Physics1957 Julian Schwinger (grad student)
Henry Stern Sommers1941 Otto Oldenberg (grad student)
Qichen Song
Peter P. SorokinDye lasers1958 Nicolaas Bloembergen (grad student)
Veronika SoukhovitskayaGeophysics, Astronomy and Astrophysics, Applied Mathematics2010 Jeremy Bloxham (grad student)
Alexandre B. SousaPhysics, Neutrino Physics Physics20082012 Gary J. Feldman (post-doc)
Frans A. SpaepenMaterials Science, Soft Condensed Matter, Surface and Interface Science1975 David Turnbull (grad student)
Gabriel C SpaldingOptics, Optical Trapping, Quantum, Mesoscopics Physics Applied Physics19831990 Michael Tinkham (grad student), Christopher Lobb (grad student)
Jonathan E. Spanierexperimental condensed matter physics & materials science20012003 Hongkun Park (post-doc)
Benjamin N. Spaun Physics2014 Gerald Gabrielse (grad student)
William R. SpearmanElementary Particles and High Energy Physics Physics2014 Joao Pedro Guimaraes da Costa (grad student)
Andrew J. Speck2005 Gerald Gabrielse (grad student)
David N. SpergelAstronomy and Astrophysics Astronomy1985 William H. Press (grad student)
Maria Spiropuluexperimental particle physics2000 John E. Huth (grad student)
Lyman Spitzer19381939 Harlow Shapley (post-doc), Martin Schwarzschild (post-doc)
Marcus B. Spradlin2001 Andrew E. Strominger (grad student)
Mansi Srivastava
Douglas Grant StairsParticle physics1962 Richard Wilson (grad student)
Matthew G. Stanley2004 Peter L. Galison (grad student)
Sabine StanleyGeophysics2004 Jeremy Bloxham (grad student)
H. Eugene StanleyStatistical physics1967 Thomas A. Kaplan (grad student), John H. van Vleck (grad student)
Chauncey Starratomic power19351937 Percy Williams Bridgman (post-doc)
Will Steinhardt Earth and Planetary Science20102020 Shmuel M. Rubinstein (grad student)
Will Steinhardt
Paul J. Steinhardtparticle physics, astrophysics, cosmology, condensed-matter physics1978 Sidney R. Coleman (grad student)
Michael G. SterenborgGeophysics, Planetology, Applied Mathematics2011 Jeremy Bloxham (grad student)
Sarah T. Stewart-MukhopadhyayGeophysics
Andrew J. StollenwerkCondensed Matter Physics Applied Physics20072009 Venkatesh Narayanamurti (post-doc)
Peter H. StoneAtmospheric dynamics; interaction of baroclinic eddies with mean flows; general circulation of atmosphere diagnostic studies; development and application of simple climate models and coupled atmosphere-ocean models; global change; climate predictability1964 Allan R. Robinson (grad student), Norman A. Phillips (grad student)
Howard Alvin StoneFluid Mechanics
Raymond Stora
Karl StrauchHigh Energy Physics
Jabez Curry StreetCosmic radiation
Pierre S. StriehlAMO physics, biophysics2007 Mara Prentiss (grad student)
Stephen Eric StromAstrophysics1964 William Liller (grad student)
Andrew E. Stromingerquantum gravity, string theory
John Donovan StrongInfrared spectroscopy
David Gordon StroudElectricity and Magnetism Physics1969 Henry Ehrenreich (grad student)
Christopher W. Stubbs
William C. Stwalleyspectroscopy1969 Dudley R. Herschbach (grad student)
Meng SuAstrophysics Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics, General Physics Astronomy2012 Douglas Paul Finkbeiner (grad student)
E. (George) C. George SudarshanGeneral Physics, Computer Science, Mathematics19571959 Julian Schwinger (post-doc)
Neil S. SullivanQuantum solids and fluids, Low temperature physics, Magnetic resonance studies of solids1972 Robert Vivian Pound (grad student)
Chi-Kuang Sun1995 James G. Fujimoto (grad student)
Leizhi Sun Applied Physics20082014 Roy Gerald Gordon (grad student)
Zachary Gao Sunactive matter, soft matter, self-organization Materials Engineering20242025 Joost J. Vlassak (collaborator), Joost J. Vlassak (grad student)
Jung H. SungImmunology2011 Ulrich H. von Andrian (grad student)
Jerome D. Swalen1957 Edgar Bright Wilson (grad student)
Abigail L.S. SwannAtmospheric Sciences, Biogeochemistry Organismal and Evolutionary Biology20102012 Paul R. Moorcroft (post-doc)
William W. SymesMathematics, Geophysics1975 Phillip A. Griffiths (grad student)
Andrew Szentgyorgyineutrino astronomy, very high energy gamma astronomy and X-ray astronomy
Chen-To Tai19441947 Ronold W. P. King (grad student)
Rui Z. TanGeneral Biophysics, Cell Biology, Molecular Biology Biophysics2012 Alexander v. Oudenaarden (grad student)
Hidenori Tanaka20142018 David Robert Nelson (grad student), Michael P. Brenner (grad student)
Sumin TangX-ray Astronomy Astronomy2012 Jonathan Ellis Grindlay (grad student)
Chung L. TangFemtosecond Lasers1960 Ronold W. P. King (grad student)
Haruka Tanji2011 Vladan Vuletić (grad student)
Michael J. Tannenbaum
Nathanan TantivasadakarnCondensed Matter Physics Physics20172022 Ashvin Vishwanath (grad student)
Svetlin V. TassevAstronomy and Astrophysics2011 Matias Zaldarriaga (grad student)
Jan Taucsemiconductors19611962 William T. Paul (research scientist)
Thiti Taychatanapat Physics2013 Pablo D. Jarillo-Herrero (grad student)
Joseph H. Taylorastrophysics, gravitational physics1968 Alan Maxwell (grad student)
Jacob M. Taylor2006 Mikhail D. Lukin (grad student)
Alexandre D. TchekhovskoiAstrophysics Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics, General Physics2010 Ramesh Narayan (grad student)
Guillermo J. TearneyMedical Biophysics, Optics Physics
Shang-You Teecondensed matter, colloidal dispersions, rheology2005 David A. Weitz (grad student)
Stephen W. Teitsworthnanoscale systems Physics1981 Robert M. Westervelt (grad student)
Elizabeth L. Templetonsolid and fluid mechanics of stressing, deformation, fracture and flow2009 James R. Rice (grad student)
Neil A. Tenenholtz Engineering and Applied Sciences2014 Robert D. Howe (grad student)
Shu-Wen TengBiological modeling; intracellular networks; molecular biophysics Erin K. O'Shea (post-doc)
John Terning
Patrick Thaddeusradio astronomy
Jesse K. Thalerparticle physics2006 Nima Arkani-Hamed (grad student)
Shiyamala N. Thambyahpillaitheoretical particle physics, cosmology2006 Lisa J. Randall (grad student)
Friedrich-Karl Thielemann
Richard Nelson Thomas1948 Donald Howard Menzel (grad student), Fred Lawrence Whipple (grad student)
Matthew K. Thomascondensed matter, colloidal dispersions, rheology Engineering and Applied Sciences2013 David A. Weitz (grad student)
Gerald W. Thomas2007 Peter L. Galison (grad student)
Jeffrey D. Thompson Physics2014 Mikhail D. Lukin (grad student)
Carl V. Thompsonresearch on thin films and nanostructures for use in micro- and nano-systems, especially electronic, electromechanical systems and electrochemical systems1982 David Turnbull (grad student)
Matthew W. ThomsonBiology2011 Sharad Ramanathan (grad student)
Edward H. ThorndikeExperimental Particle Physics Physics1960 Richard Wilson (grad student)
Joseph H. ThywissenUltracold atoms19942000 Mara Prentiss (grad student)
Martin P. TingleyAtmospheric Sciences, Statistics2009 Peter Huybers (grad student)
Michael Tinkham
Theodore Tomaras1980 Sidney R. Coleman (grad student)
Steven L. Tomsovic Physics19881991 Eric J. Heller (post-doc)
John TonerCondensed matter physics Physics19771981 David Robert Nelson (grad student)
John TonryAstronomy and Astrophysics Physics Marc Davis (grad student)
Alexey TonyushkinMPI, AMO physics, MRI, medical imaging Physics20072010 Mara Prentiss (post-doc)
Mark A. Topinkaelectronics, micromechanics2002 Robert M. Westervelt (grad student)
Natalia Toroparticle physics2007 Nima Arkani-Hamed (grad student)
Henry Cutler Torrey1946 Edward Mills Purcell (research scientist), Robert Vivian Pound (research scientist)
William TrischukElementary Particles and High Energy Physics1990 Roy Frederick Schwitters (grad student)
Halvar J. Trodahlelectronics, micromechanics2011 Robert M. Westervelt (grad student)
Jeroen TrompGeophysics
John Trowbridgeelectricity1873 Joseph Lovering (grad student)
Victor C. Tsaisolid and fluid mechanics of stressing, deformation, fracture and flow2009 James R. Rice (grad student)
Scott TsaiFluid Mechanics Engineering and Applied Sciences2012 Howard Alvin Stone (grad student)
Nicholas C. Tsamis1984 Steven Weinberg (grad student)
John S. TsangBioinformatics Biology, General Biophysics, Molecular Biology2008 Alexander v. Oudeanaarden (grad student)
Yaroslav Tserkovnyak2003 Bertrand I. Halperin (grad student)
Edem Tsikata2009 John M. Doyle (grad student)
John Robinson Tuckerquantum tunneling1972 Paul Cecil Martin (grad student)
Donald Winston Tufts
Brian R. TullUltrafast Physics, Materials Science and Chemistry2007 Eric Mazur (grad student)
David TurnbullMaterials science
Ari M. TurnerCondensed Matter Physics2008 Eugene Demler (grad student)
Matthew J. TurnerPhysics, Quantum Sensing
Charles Wilbur Uffordspectroscopy1928 Percy Williams Bridgman (grad student)
Joel Nathan UllomSolid State Physics, Low Temperature Physics1999 Michael Nahum (grad student)
David S. Unger History of Science2013 Peter L. Galison (grad student)
Andrew S. Utadacondensed matter, colloidal dispersions, rheology2007 David A. Weitz (grad student)
David A. Vadercondensed matter, colloidal dispersions, rheology2010 David A. Weitz (grad student)
Cumrun VafaString theory
Jay Y. VaishnavMedical imaging, computed tomography2006 Eric J. Heller (grad student)
Diana ValenciaGeophysics, Astronomy and Astrophysics2008 Richard John O'Connell (grad student)
Andre X. ValenteFluid Mechanics2004 Howard Alvin Stone (grad student)
Megan T. Valentinecondensed matter, colloidal dispersions, rheology2003 David A. Weitz (grad student)
Adriaan A. van BallegooijenSolar magnetic fields; magnetohydrodynamics; nonthermal heating of the solar atmosphere; solar prominences.
Wilfred F. van Gunsterenmolecular dynamics19781980 Martin Karplus (post-doc)
Johan van Kranendonk19521953 John H. van Vleck (post-doc)
Ernst A. van NieropFluid Mechanics2009 Howard Alvin Stone (grad student)
Antoine M. van OijenMolecular microscopy and spectroscopy20012004 X. Sunney Xie (post-doc)
John H. van Vleckmagnetism19201922 Edwin Crawford Kemble (grad student), Percy Williams Bridgman (research assistant)
Andrew M. VanderburgExoplanets Astronomy Astronomy20132017 David W. Latham (grad student), John Asher Johnson (grad student)
Jiri VanicekTheoretical chemical physics19982003 Eric J. Heller (grad student)
Robert F.C. Vessotatomic clock
Maria M. Vicedo Castello2005 Peter L. Galison (grad student)
Andy Vidanelectronics, micromechanics2006 Robert M. Westervelt (grad student)
Robert C. Viescasolid and fluid mechanics of stressing, deformation, fracture and flow2011 James R. Rice (grad student)
Ashvin VishwanathCondensed Matter Physics, Quantum Physics
Vincenzo Vitelli2006 David Robert Nelson (grad student)
Michael S. VogeleyObservational and theoretical cosmology1993 Margaret J. Geller (grad student)
Anastasia Volovich2002 Andrew E. Strominger (grad student)
Ulrich H. von AndrianImmunology, Cell Biology, General Biophysics
William Stelling von Arx
Dervis VuralLow temperature physics SEAS Lakshminarayanan Mahadevan (post-doc)
Umesh WaghmareComputational Materials Science Physics19982000 Efthimios Kaxiras (post-doc)
Christopher R. Wagner2006 Robert D. Howe (grad student)
Devin G. Walkerparticle physics2006 Nima Arkani-Hamed (grad student)
James King Walker
Daniel Frank Walls1969 Roy Jay Glauber (grad student)
Ronald L. WalsworthOptics, Biomedical Imaging1993 Isaac Franklin Silvera (grad student), Robert F.C. Vessot (post-doc)
Hongtao Wangapplied mathematics, quantum mechanics, spectroscopy, intermolecular forces, solid state and materials science2009 Roy Gerald Gordon (grad student)
Xinwei Wangapplied mathematics, quantum mechanics, spectroscopy, intermolecular forces, solid state and materials science Chemical Physics2012 Roy Gerald Gordon (grad student)
Yuxuan WangAtmospheric and Climate Modeling2005 Michael B. McElroy (grad student)
Bolu Wangcondensed matter, colloidal dispersions, rheology2010 David A. Weitz (grad student)
Shyh Wangsolid-state1953 Nicolaas Bloembergen (post-doc)
Yao Wangcondensed matter physics, photon science, computational physics
Juven C. WangTheoretical Physics. Mathematical Physics. Condensed Matter Theory. High Energy Physics. Quantum Many-Body Systems. Shing-tung Yau (research scientist)
Anna Wangsoft matter, origins of life, holographic imaging, membrane biophysics, artificial cells Physics2016 Vinothan N. Manoharan (grad student)
Jeffrey M. WarrenderMaterials and Energy Technologies2004 Michael J. Aziz (grad student)
James Walter WarwickAstronomy1951 Fred Lawrence Whipple (grad student)
Eric G Wasserman Physics Timothy E. Chupp (grad student)
Ira M. WassermanTheoretical Astrophysics1978 George B. Field (grad student)
George D. WatkinsDefects in Semiconductors1952 Robert Vivian Pound (grad student)
Jessica E. WatkinsUltrafast Physics, Materials Science and Chemistry2010 Eric Mazur (grad student)
Deborah K WatsonTheoretical atomic physics Astronomy19741977 Alexander Dalgarno (grad student)
Arthur Henry WaynickIonosphere research1943 Frederick Vinton Hunt (grad student)
Shimon WdowinskiRemote Sensing, Geophysics1990 Richard John O'Connell (grad student)
David L. Weaver Chemistry1972 Martin Karplus (research scientist)
David Locke WebsterAtomic and molecular physics1913 Theodore T. Lyman (grad student)
Eric R. WeeksFluid and Plasma Physics Physics19982000 David A. Weitz (post-doc)
Zhun Wei
Erick J. Weinbergelementary particle theory1973 Sidney R. Coleman (grad student)
Steven WeinbergParticle physics, unification of fundamental interactions, cosmology, astrophysics, supersymmetry, supergravity
Jonathan David Weinstein2002 John M. Doyle (grad student)
Bryan T. WeinsteinApplied Physics Physics20122018 David Robert Nelson (grad student)
Alan Jay Weinsteingravitational waves1983 Karl Strauch (grad student)
Jonathan Weintroub1998 Paul Horowitz (grad student)
David A. Weitzcondensed matter, colloidal dispersions, rheology1978 Michael Tinkham (grad student)
Harold WeitznerPlasma physics, magnetohydrodynamics, fluid mechanics, fractional equations, chaos Mathematics1958 Julian Schwinger (grad student)
Harold Weizner Physics1958 Julian Schwinger (grad student)
David Minot WeldCondensed Matter Experimental Physics physics Melissa Bronwen Franklin (research assistant)
Alex Wellerstein2010 Peter L. Galison (grad student)
Cheng-Yen WenMaterials Science, Soft Condensed Matter, Surface and Interface Science2005 Frans A. Spaepen (grad student)
Brian P. WernickeGeology, Plate Tectonics
Elizabeth Petrik West Physics2017 John M. Doyle (grad student)
Robert M. Westerveltmesoscopic physics
Fred Lawrence WhippleAstrophysics19311934 Ernst Öpik (post-doc)
Olivia Lawrence White2006 Daniel S. Fisher (grad student)
Richard M. Whitewireless microsensors and energy scavenging devices for use in electric power systems and a portable particulate matter monitor for measuring concentrations of airborne aerosols and diesel exhaust particulates1956 Frederick Vinton Hunt (grad student)
Charles Allen WhitneyAstrophysics Astronomy1955 Richard Nelson Thomas (grad student)
Martijn P. WijnholtString theory2003 Cumrun Vafa (grad student)
Lee R Wilcox19581961 Nicolaas Bloembergen (post-doc)
Lambert Williams2012 Peter L. Galison (grad student)
Tess L. WilliamsCondensed Matter Physics2011 Jennifer Eve Hoffman (grad student)
David J. WilnerAstronomy and Astrophysics
Richard Wilsonnuclear and elementary particle physics
David J. Wineland Physics1971 Norman F. Ramsey (grad student)
Herman WinickAccelerators, light sources, synchrotrons19651969 John Ray Dunning,Jr. (collaborator)
Mark T. WinklerUltrafast Physics, Materials Science and Chemistry2010 Eric Mazur (grad student)
Donald Ferguson WinterPhysical and biological oceanography1962 Ronold W. P. King (grad student)
Zachary D. Wissner-GrossGeneral Biophysics, Neuroscience Biology Physics2012 Erel Levine (grad student)
George L. Withbroe
Carey Witkovnonlinear dynamics
George WolfVitamin A19481950 Louis Frederick Fieser (post-doc)
Richard P. WoodardElementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics Department of Physics1984 Sidney R. Coleman (grad student), Stanley Deser (grad student)
Deborah F. WoodsAstronomy and Astrophysics2009 Daniel G. Fabricant (grad student)
William Alan Worstell1980 Carlo Rubbia (grad student)
Michael Wortis1963 Kurt Gottfried (grad student)
Edward L. Wrightinfrared astronomy, cosmology1976 Giovanni G. Fazio (grad student)
Tai T. Wu1956 Ronold W. P. King (grad student)
Sau Lan WuElementary Particles and High Energy Physics1970 Karl Strauch (grad student)
Saijun WuAMO physics, biophysics2007 Mara Prentiss (grad student)
Claudia WuUltrafast Physics, Materials Science and Chemistry2001 Eric Mazur (grad student)
Jing XiaBiophysics SEAS20132020 David A. Weitz (grad student)
Yanhong XiaoAMO physics, biophysics2004 Mara Prentiss (grad student)
Cenke XuCondensed Matter Theory Physics20072010 Subir Sachdev (post-doc)
Hitoshi YamamotoElementary Particles and High Energy Physics
Tung-Mow YanQuantum field theory; Standard Model physics; heavy quark physics; large Nc QCD; structure of elementary particles1968 Julian Schwinger (grad student)
Darren YangBiophysics Physics20112016 Mara Prentiss (grad student), Wesley P. Wong (grad student)
Xingbo Yang Physics2015 Daniel J. Needleman (post-doc)
Kiyoul YangPhotonics
Liang Yang2006 John M. Doyle (grad student)
Norman Y. Yao Physics2014 Mikhail D. Lukin (grad student)
Itay Yavinparticle physics2006 Nima Arkani-Hamed (grad student)
Qisun Ye1923 Percy Williams Bridgman (grad student)
Michael M. YeeCondensed Matter Physics, Low Temperature Physics, Nanoscience Physics2014 Jennifer Eve Hoffman (grad student)
Kritika K. Yegnashankaran2010 Peter L. Smith (grad student)
Peter S. Yesley2001 Gerald Gabrielse (grad student)
Wei Yi2005 Venkatesh Narayanamurti (grad student)
Kexin Yi Physics20122012 Shengwang Du (research assistant)
Ilker Yilmaz Sharad Ramanathan (grad student)
Xi Yin2006 Andrew E. Strominger (grad student)
Yi YinCondensed Matter Physics2009 Jennifer Eve Hoffman (grad student)
Arjun G. Yodhcondensed matter physics, medical and biophysics, the optical sciences1986 Thomas William Mossberg (grad student)
Kisun Yooncondensed matter, colloidal dispersions, rheology Engineering and Applied Sciences2012 David A. Weitz (grad student)
Yi-Zhuang YouCondensed Matter Physics, Quantum Information, Machine Learning in Physics Physics20162018 Ashvin Vishwanath (post-doc)
Li YouAtomic, molecular, and optical physics
Lisa Marie Young
Albert Raymond YoungRadiation Physics1990 John L. Kohl (grad student)
Rebecca J. YounkinUltrafast Physics, Materials Science and Chemistry2001 Eric Mazur (grad student)
Denis Y. YuMaterials Science, Soft Condensed Matter, Surface and Interface Science2003 Frans A. Spaepen (grad student)
Winston Yu2003 Charles F. Harvey (grad student)
Junhua Yuan Howard C. Berg (post-doc)
Shelten G. Yuen2009 Robert D. Howe (grad student)
Gary ZabowAMO physics, biophysics2003 Mara Prentiss (grad student)
Nasser B. Zakariya2010 Peter L. Galison (grad student)
Matias ZaldarriagaAstronomy and Astrophysics
Chongzhi ZangGeneral Biophysics, Bioinformatics, Computational Biology
Ingyin Zaw2007 Melissa Bronwen Franklin (grad student)
Anthony ZeeTheoretical physics1970 Sidney R. Coleman (grad student)
Tanya Zelevinsky2004 Gerald Gabrielse (grad student)
Ilija ZeljkovicGeneral Physics, Materials Science Engineering Physics2013 Jennifer Eve Hoffman (grad student)
Ioana Alexandra ZelkoCosmology, Dark Matter, Galactic Science Physics and Astronomy20142021 Douglas Paul Finkbeiner (grad student)
Ariel Charles Zemach1955 Roy Jay Glauber (grad student)
Clarence Zenermetallurgy, materials science, solid-state physics, and viscoelasticity1929 Edwin Crawford Kemble (grad student)
Giovanni Zevi Della Porta Physics2013 Melissa Bronwen Franklin (grad student)
Qizhou ZhangAstronomy and Astrophysics
Yinan ZhangOptics Physics, Electronics and Electrical Engineering Engineering and Applied Sciences2012 Marko Loncar (grad student)
Liyuan Zhangpolymer chemistry, stem cell, microfluidics
Yaoqi ZhouGeneral Biophysics, Bioinformatics Biology19952000 Martin Karplus (post-doc)
Vyacheslav V. ZhukovElementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics2000 Michael Bershadsky (grad student)
Lukasz Jozef Zielinski2003 Bertrand I. Halperin (grad student)
Harold Zirinsolar astronomy19531954 Philip M. Morse (grad student), Donald Howard Menzel (post-doc)
Howard ZollaMagnetic Recording Division of Engineering and Applied Science19891995 Frans A. Spaepen (grad student)
Ling-Nian ZouCondensed Matter Physics Sharad Ramanathan (post-doc)
Catherine Zucker Astronomy2015 Alyssa A. Goodman (grad student)
Benjamin Michael Zuckermanorigin and evolution of planetary systems1968 A. Edward Lilley (grad student)