Manu Prakash

2011- Bioengineering Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA 
physical biology
"Manu Prakash"
Prakash, Manu, Microfluidic bubble logic, thesis Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Dept. of Architecture (2008)

Mean distance: 12.83


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Neil A. Gershenfeld grad student 2008 MIT
 (Microfluidic bubble logic)


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Laurel A. Kroo grad student Stanford
Felix J.H. Hol post-doc 2015-2017 Stanford
Vivek N. Prakash post-doc 2014-2019 Stanford
Arnold J T M Mathijssen post-doc 2016-2020 Stanford
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Asai R, Prakash VN, Sinha S, et al. (2024) Coupling and uncoupling of midline morphogenesis and cell flow in amniote gastrulation. Elife. 12
Zhong G, Kroo L, Prakash M. (2023) Thermotaxis in an apolar, non-neuronal animal. Journal of the Royal Society, Interface. 20: 20230279
Asai R, Prakash VN, Sinha S, et al. (2023) Coupling and uncoupling of midline morphogenesis and cell flow in amniote gastrulation. Biorxiv : the Preprint Server For Biology
Kroo L, Kothari A, Hannebelle M, et al. (2021) Modified full-face snorkel masks as reusable personal protective equipment for hospital personnel. Plos One. 16: e0244422
Hol FJ, Lambrechts L, Prakash M. (2020) BiteOscope, an open platform to study mosquito biting behavior. Elife. 9
Ramirez-San Juan GR, Mathijssen AJTM, He M, et al. (2020) Multi-scale spatial heterogeneity enhances particle clearance in airway ciliary arrays Nature Physics. 16: 958-964
Coyle SM, Flaum EM, Li H, et al. (2019) Coupled Active Systems Encode an Emergent Hunting Behavior in the Unicellular Predator Lacrymaria olor. Current Biology : Cb
Prakash VN, Bhargava A, Prakash M. (2018) Local Epithelial Fracture and Healing Mechanics Dictate Morphogenesis and Asexual Reproduction in Trichoplax adhaerens Biophysical Journal. 114: 651a-652a
Gilpin W, Prakash VN, Prakash M. (2017) Flowtrace: simple visualization of coherent structures in biological fluid flows. The Journal of Experimental Biology
Gilpin W, Prakash VN, Prakash M. (2017) Reply to 'Boundary effects on currents around ciliated larvae' Nature Physics. 13: 521-522
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