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Philip M. Morse grad student 1937 MIT
 (Theory of the Collisions of Nuclei of Light Elements)
J. Robert Oppenheimer research scientist 1938-1940 UC Berkeley


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Walter E. Meyerhof grad student 1946 Penn
Bernard Serin grad student 1946 Penn
Larry Spruch grad student 1948 Penn
George Parzen grad student 1950 Stanford
Richard Freeman Post grad student 1950 Stanford
Abraham Goldberg grad student 1960 Stanford
Robert V. Wagoner grad student 1965 Stanford
Geoffrey B. West grad student 1966 Stanford
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Schiff LI. (1964) Theory of the electromagnetic form factors of H3 and He3 Physical Review. 133: B802-B812
Schiff LI. (1962) Particle theory approach to the two-pion and three-pion systems Physical Review. 125: 777-781
Schiff LI. (1957) Note on the elastic scattering of high-energy particles Nuclear Physics. 4: 632-633
Saxon DS, Schiff LI. (1957) Theory of high-energy potential scattering Il Nuovo Cimento. 6: 614-627
Schiff LI. (1955) Nuclear dispersion contribution to high-energy electron scattering Physical Review. 98: 756-760
Schiff LI. (1954) On an Expression for the Total Cross Section Progress of Theoretical Physics. 11: 288-290
Schiff LI. (1953) Lattice-space quantization of a nonlinear field theory Physical Review. 92: 766-779
Schiff LI. (1952) Radiative correction to the angular distribution of nuclear recoils from electron scattering Physical Review. 87: 750-752
Feshbach H, Schiff LI. (1947) Thresholds for creation of particles Physical Review. 72: 254
SCHIFF LI. (1946) Production of particle energies beyond 200 Mev. The Review of Scientific Instruments. 17: 6-14
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