Pramod Padmanabhan, Ph.D.

2012 Physics Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY, United States 
"Pramod Padmanabhan"
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Aiyalam P. Balachandran grad student 2012 Syracuse
 (Physics on noncommutative spacetimes.)
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Padmanabhan P, Sugino F, Trancanelli D. (2020) Braiding quantum gates from partition algebras Arxiv: Quantum Physics. 4: 311
Padmanabhan P, Sugino F, Korepin V. (2019) Quantum phase transitions and localization in semigroup Fredkin spin chain Quantum Information Processing. 18
Sugino F, Padmanabhan P. (2018) Quantum phase transitions in a frustration-free spin chain based on modified Motzkin walks The European Physical Journal Special Topics. 227: 269-284
Sugino F, Padmanabhan P. (2018) Area law violations and quantum phase transitions in modified Motzkin walk spin chains Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment. 2018: 013101
Padmanabhan P, Rey S, Teixeira D, et al. (2017) Supersymmetric many-body systems from partial symmetries — integrability, localization and scrambling Journal of High Energy Physics. 2017
Padmanabhan P, Ibieta-Jimenez JP, Ferreira MJB, et al. (2016) Deformed quantum double realization of the toric code and beyond Annals of Physics. 372: 238-259
Ferreira MJB, Jimenez JPI, Padmanabhan P, et al. (2015) A recipe for constructing frustration-free Hamiltonians with gauge and matter fields in one and two dimensions Journal of Physics a: Mathematical and Theoretical. 48
Padmanabhan P, Teotonio-Sobrinho P. (2015) Non-Abelian fusion rules from an Abelian system Annals of Physics. 361: 266-277
Ferreira MJB, Padmanabhan P, Teotonio-Sobrinho P. (2014) 2D quantum double models from a 3D perspective Journal of Physics a: Mathematical and Theoretical. 47
Balachandran AP, Padmanabhan P, De Queiroz AR. (2011) Lehmann-Symanzik-Zimmermann S-matrix elements on the Moyal plane Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology. 84
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