Dylan K. Spaulding, Ph.D.

2010 Earth & Planetary Science University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, United States 
nature and evolution of planetary interiors, as well as the properties of materials at high pressures.
"Dylan Spaulding"
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Raymond Jeanloz grad student 2010 UC Berkeley
 (Laser-Driven Shock Compression Studies of Planetary Compositions.)
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Spaulding DK, McWilliams RS, Jeanloz R, et al. (2017) Erratum: Evidence for a Phase Transition in Silicate Melt at Extreme Pressure and Temperature Conditions [Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 065701 (2012)]. Physical Review Letters. 119: 139903
Datchi F, Weck G, Saitta AM, et al. (2016) Structure of liquid carbon dioxide at pressures up to 10 GPa Physical Review B. 94: 14201
Spaulding DK, Weck G, Loubeyre P, et al. (2014) Pressure-induced chemistry in a nitrogen-hydrogen host-guest structure. Nature Communications. 5: 5739
McWilliams RS, Spaulding DK, Eggert JH, et al. (2012) Phase transformations and metallization of magnesium oxide at high pressure and temperature. Science (New York, N.Y.). 338: 1330-3
Spaulding DK, McWilliams RS, Jeanloz R, et al. (2012) Evidence for a phase transition in silicate melt at extreme pressure and temperature conditions. Physical Review Letters. 108: 065701
Loubeyre P, Brygoo S, Eggert J, et al. (2012) Extended data set for the equation of state of warm dense hydrogen isotopes Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 86
Kraus RG, Stewart ST, Swift DC, et al. (2012) Shock vaporization of silica and the thermodynamics of planetary impact events Journal of Geophysical Research E: Planets. 117
McWilliams RS, Eggert JH, Hicks DG, et al. (2010) Strength effects in diamond under shock compression from 0.1 to 1 TPa Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 81
Eggert JH, Celliers PM, Hicks DG, et al. (2009) Shock experiments on pre-compressed fluid helium Aip Conference Proceedings. 1161: 26-31
Spaulding DK, Hicks DG, Smith RF, et al. (2007) New optical diagnostics for equation of state experiments on the Janus laser Aip Conference Proceedings. 955: 1071-1074
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