Alan Chodos
Affiliations: | 1982-1987 | Physics | Yale University, New Haven, CT |
"Alan Chodos"Mean distance: 11.72 | S | N | B | C | P |
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Chodos A, Cooper F, Mao W, et al. (2000) Two-dimensional model with chiral condensates and Cooper pairs having a QCD-like phase structure Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology. 61: 1-12 |
Chodos A, Poppitz E, Tsimpis D. (2000) Non-singular deformations of singular compactifications, the cosmological constant and the hierarchy problem Classical and Quantum Gravity. 17: 3865-3879 |
Chodos A. (2000) Concatenation of Scales below 1 eV Foundations of Physics. 30: 567-576 |
Chodos A, Poppitz E. (1999) Warp factors and extended sources in two transverse dimensions Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics. 471: 119-127 |
Chodos A, Minakata H, Cooper F. (1999) Cooper pairing at large N in a two-dimensional model Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics. 449: 260-266 |
Chodos A, Kaiser A. (1997) Zeta function regularization in de Sitter space: The Minkowski limit Journal of Mathematical Physics. 38: 4771-4782 |
Chodos A, Minakata H. (1997) The thermodynamic Bethe ansatz and the 1/n correction to the density phase transition in the Gross-Neveu model Nuclear Physics B. 490: 687-698 |
Kaiser A, Chodos A. (1996) Symmetry breaking in the vacuum of the static coordinate system of de Sitter spacetime. Physical Review D: Particles and Fields. 53: 787-793 |
Chodos A. (1995) Proper-time methods in the presence of non-constant background fields Lecture Notes in Physics. 447: 346-350 |
Chodos A, Minakata H. (1994) The Gross-Neveu model as an effective theory for polyacetylene Physics Letters A. 191: 39-45 |