Argyro Tasitsiomi, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2005 | University of Chicago, Chicago, IL |
Astronomy and AstrophysicsGoogle:
"Argyro Tasitsiomi"Mean distance: 1205.69
Cross-listing: Astronomy Tree
Sign in to add mentorAndrey V. Kravtsov | grad student | 2005 | Chicago | |
(Lyman-alpha radiative transfer in cosmological simulations and application to a z ≃ 8 Ly-alpha emitter.) |
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Hester JA, Tasitsiomi A. (2010) Dark Matter Halo Mergers: Dependence On Environment The Astrophysical Journal. 715: 342-354 |
Tasitsiomi A. (2007) Modeling The Galaxy/Light-Mass Connection With Cosmological Simulations Arxiv: Astrophysics. 596-601 |
Johnston DE, Sheldon ES, Tasitsiomi A, et al. (2007) Cross-correlation lensing: Determining galaxy and cluster mass profiles from statistical weak-lensing measurements Astrophysical Journal. 656: 27-41 |
Slosar A, Seljak U, Tasitsiomi A. (2006) Pairwise velocities in the halo model: luminosity and scale dependence Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 366: 1455-1464 |
Tasitsiomi A. (2006) Lyα Radiative Transfer in Cosmological Simulations and Application to a z ≃ 8 Lyα Emitter The Astrophysical Journal. 645: 792-813 |
Mandelbaum R, Tasitsiomi A, Seljak U, et al. (2005) Galaxy-galaxy lensing: Dissipationless simulations versus the halo model Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 362: 1451-1462 |
Tasitsiomi A, Kravtsov AV, Wechsler RH, et al. (2004) Modeling galaxy-mass correlations in dissipationless simulations Astrophysical Journal. 614: 533-546 |
Tasitsiomi A, Kravtsov AV, Gottlöber S, et al. (2004) Density Profiles of ΛCDM Clusters The Astrophysical Journal. 607: 125-139 |
Tasitsiomi A, Gaskins J, Olinto AV. (2004) Neutralino annihilation γ-rays from clumps and the LMC New Astronomy Reviews. 48: 473-475 |
Tasitsiomi A, Gaskins J, Olinto AV. (2004) Gamma-ray and synchrotron emission from neutralino annihilation in the Large Magellanic Cloud Astroparticle Physics. 21: 637-650 |