Jae-Hyuk Ahn
Affiliations: | Physics | University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, United States |
"Jae-Hyuk Ahn"Mean distance: 14.48 | S | N | B | C | P |
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Lee T, Kim S, Kim J, et al. (2020) Recent Advances in Biomolecule-Nanomaterial Heterolayer-Based Charge Storage Devices for Bioelectronic Applications. Materials (Basel, Switzerland). 13 |
Kwon J, Lee Y, Lee T, et al. (2020) Aptamer-based field-effect transistor for detection of avian influenza virus in chicken serum. Analytical Chemistry |
Kwon J, Lee BH, Kim SY, et al. (2019) Nanoscale FET-Based Transduction toward Sensitive Extended-Gate Biosensors. Acs Sensors |
Kwon J, Yoo YK, Lee JH, et al. (2019) pH Sensing Characteristics of Extended-Gate Field-Effect Transistor with Al₂O₃ Layer. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. 19: 6682-6686 |
Lee T, Ahn JH, Choi J, et al. (2019) Development of the Troponin Detection System Based on the Nanostructure. Micromachines. 10 |
Lee T, Ahn JH, Park SY, et al. (2018) Recent Advances in AIV Biosensors Composed of Nanobio Hybrid Material. Micromachines. 9 |
Ahn JH, Parkin WM, Naylor CH, et al. (2017) Ambient effects on electrical characteristics of CVD-grown monolayer MoS2 field-effect transistors. Scientific Reports. 7: 4075 |
Ahn J, Choi S, Im M, et al. (2017) Charge and dielectric effects of biomolecules on electrical characteristics of nanowire FET biosensors Applied Physics Letters. 111: 113701 |
Ahn J, Moon D, Ko S, et al. (2017) A SONOS device with a separated charge trapping layer for improvement of charge injection Aip Advances. 7: 35205 |
Yun J, Ahn JH, Lee BJ, et al. (2016) Temperature measurement of Joule heated silicon micro/nanowires using selectively decorated quantum dots. Nanotechnology. 27: 505705 |