Michael D. Fischbein, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2003-2009 | Physics and Astronomy | University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, United States |
"Michael Fischbein"Mean distance: 15.04 | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add mentorMarija Drndic | grad student | 2003-2009 | Penn | |
(Nanocrystal quantum dot electronics and nanofabrication by electron beam ablation.) |
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Merchant CA, Healy K, Wanunu M, et al. (2010) DNA translocation through graphene nanopores. Nano Letters. 10: 2915-21 |
Fischbein MD, Puster M, Drndic M. (2010) Monolayer suppression of transport imaged in annealed PbSe nanocrystal arrays. Nano Letters. 10: 2155-61 |
Willis LJ, Fairfield JA, Dadosh T, et al. (2009) Controlling nanogap quantum dot photoconductivity through optoelectronic trap manipulation. Nano Letters. 9: 4191-7 |
Wang S, Querner C, Fischbein MD, et al. (2008) Blinking statistics correlated with nanoparticle number. Nano Letters. 8: 4020-6 |
Fischbein MD, Drndić M. (2008) Electron beam nanosculpting of suspended graphene sheets Applied Physics Letters. 93: 113107 |
Querner C, Wang S, Healy K, et al. (2008) Fluorescence dynamics of semiconductor nanorod clusters studied by correlated atomic force, transmission electron, and fluorescence microscopy Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 112: 19945-19956 |
Querner C, Fischbein MD, Heiney PA, et al. (2008) Millimeter-Scale Assembly of CdSe Nanorods into Smectic Superstructures by Solvent Drying Kinetics Advanced Materials. 20: 2308-2314 |
Fischbein MD, Drndić M. (2007) Sub-10 nm device fabrication in a transmission electron microscope. Nano Letters. 7: 1329-37 |
Hu Z, Fischbein MD, Querner C, et al. (2006) Electric-field-driven accumulation and alignment of CdSe and CdTe nanorods in nanoscale devices. Nano Letters. 6: 2585-91 |
Strachan DR, Smith DE, Fischbein MD, et al. (2006) Clean electromigrated nanogaps imaged by transmission electron microscopy. Nano Letters. 6: 441-4 |