Dmitri Kharzeev, Ph.d

Physics Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY, United States 
Theoretical Particle and Nuclear Physics.
"Dmitri Kharzeev"
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Hentschinski M, Kharzeev DE, Kutak K, et al. (2024) QCD evolution of entanglement entropy. Reports On Progress in Physics. Physical Society (Great Britain). 87
Florio A, Frenklakh D, Ikeda K, et al. (2023) Real-Time Nonperturbative Dynamics of Jet Production in Schwinger Model: Quantum Entanglement and Vacuum Modification. Physical Review Letters. 131: 021902
Hao K, Kharzeev D, Korepin V. (2019) Bethe Ansatz for XXX chain with negative spin International Journal of Modern Physics A. 34: 1950197
Kharzeev DE, Kikuchi Y, Meyer R. (2018) Chiral magnetic effect without chirality source in asymmetric Weyl semimetals The European Physical Journal B. 91
Kharzeev D, Shuryak E, Zahed I. (2018) Higher order string effects and the properties of the Pomeron Physical Review D. 97
Gürsoy U, Kharzeev D, Marcus E, et al. (2018) Charge-dependent flow induced by magnetic and electric fields in heavy ion collisions Physical Review C. 98
Kharzeev D, Tu Z, Zhang A, et al. (2018) Effect of the fluctuating proton size on the study of the chiral magnetic effect in proton-nucleus collisions Physical Review C. 97
Iatrakis I, Kharzeev DE. (2016) Holographic entropy and real-time dynamics of quarkonium dissociation in non-Abelian plasma Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology. 93
Cortijo A, Kharzeev D, Landsteiner K, et al. (2016) Strain-induced chiral magnetic effect in Weyl semimetals Physical Review B. 94
Kharzeev DE, Liao J, Voloshin SA, et al. (2016) Chiral magnetic and vortical effects in high-energy nuclear collisions-A status report Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics
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