David Radice
Affiliations: | Physics | California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA |
"David Radice"Mean distance: 13552
Sign in to add mentorLuciano Rezzolla | grad student | ||
Bernard Frederick Schutz | grad student | 2010-2013 | Max-Planck-Institut für Gravitationsphysik |
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Espino PL, Hammond P, Radice D, et al. (2024) Neutrino Trapping and Out-of-Equilibrium Effects in Binary Neutron-Star Merger Remnants. Physical Review Letters. 132: 211001 |
Perego A, Logoteta D, Radice D, et al. (2022) Probing the Incompressibility of Nuclear Matter at Ultrahigh Density through the Prompt Collapse of Asymmetric Neutron Star Binaries. Physical Review Letters. 129: 032701 |
Breschi M, Bernuzzi S, Godzieba D, et al. (2022) Constraints on the Maximum Densities of Neutron Stars from Postmerger Gravitational Waves with Third-Generation Observations. Physical Review Letters. 128: 161102 |
Radice D. (2020) Binary Neutron Star Merger Simulations with a Calibrated Turbulence Model Symmetry. 12: 1249 |
Radice D, Bernuzzi S, Perego A. (2020) The Dynamics of Binary Neutron Star Mergers and GW170817 Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science. 70: 95-119 |
Endrizzi A, Perego A, Fabbri FM, et al. (2020) Thermodynamics conditions of matter in the neutrino decoupling region during neutron star mergers The European Physical Journal A. 56 |
Agathos M, Zappa F, Bernuzzi S, et al. (2020) Inferring prompt black-hole formation in neutron star mergers from gravitational-wave data Physical Review D. 101 |
Nagakura H, Burrows A, Radice D, et al. (2020) A systematic study of proto-neutron star convection in three-dimensional core-collapse supernova simulations Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 492: 5764-5779 |
Bernuzzi S, Breschi M, Daszuta B, et al. (2020) Accretion-induced prompt black hole formation in asymmetric neutron star mergers, dynamical ejecta, and kilonova signals Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 497: 1488-1507 |
Fuller GM, Kusenko A, Radice D, et al. (2019) Positrons and 511 keV Radiation as Tracers of Recent Binary Neutron Star Mergers. Physical Review Letters. 122: 121101 |