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John Archibald Wheeler grad student 1971 Princeton
 (Investigations in Gravitational Collapse and the Physics of Black Holes.)


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Mihalis Dafermos grad student 2001 Princeton (MathTree)
Michael C. Dafermos grad student 2001 Princeton
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Christodoulou D, Perez DR. (2016) On the formation of shocks of electromagnetic plane waves in non-linear crystals Journal of Mathematical Physics. 57: 81506
Christodoulou D. (1999) The instability of naked singularities in the gravitational collapse of a scalar field Annals of Mathematics. 149: 183-217
Christodoulou D. (1999) On The Global Initial Value Problem And The Issue Of Singularities Classical and Quantum Gravity. 16
Christodoulou D. (1994) Examples of naked singularity formation in the gravitational collapse of a scalar field Annals of Mathematics. 140: 607-653
Christodoulou D. (1993) Bounded variation solutions of the spherically symmetric einstein‐scalar field equations Communications On Pure and Applied Mathematics. 46: 1131-1220
Christodoulou D, Tahvildar-Zadeh AS. (1993) On the regularity of spherically symmetric wave maps Communications On Pure and Applied Mathematics. 46: 1041-1091
Christodoulou D, Klainerman S. (1990) Asymptotic properties of linear field equations in minkowski space Communications On Pure and Applied Mathematics. 43: 137-199
Christodoulou D. (1987) A mathematical theory of gravitational collapse Communications in Mathematical Physics. 109: 613-647
Christodoulou D. (1987) The structure and uniqueness of generalized solutions of the spherically symmetric Einstein-scalar equations Communications in Mathematical Physics. 109: 591-611
Christodoulou D. (1986) Global existence of generalized solutions of the spherically symmetric Einstein-scalar equations in the large Communications in Mathematical Physics. 106: 587-621
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