Manik Talwani

1981 Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory Columbia University, New York, NY 
 1985-2006 Rice University, Houston, TX 
"Manik Talwani"
Mean distance: 6776


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W. Maurice Ewing grad student 1959 Columbia
 (Gravity anomalies in the Bahamas and their interpretation)
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Talwani M, Krishna KS, Ismaiel M, et al. (2017) Comment on a paper by Sibuet et al. (2016) entitled Thinned continental crust intruded by volcanics beneath the northern Bay of Bengal Marine and Petroleum Geology. 88: 1123-1125
Urbancic N, Ghent R, Johnson CL, et al. (2017) Subsurface density structure of Taurus-Littrow Valley using Apollo 17 gravity data Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets. 122: 1181-1194
Talwani M. (2016) The Apollo 17 gravity measurements on the moon The Leading Edge. 22: 786-789
Talwani M, Desa MA, Ismaiel M, et al. (2016) The Tectonic origin of the Bay of Bengal and Bangladesh Journal of Geophysical Research. 121: 4836-4851
Talwani M, Abreu V. (2013) Inferences regarding initiation of oceanic crust formation from the U.S. East Coast margin and conjugate South Atlantic margins Geophysical Monograph. 115: 211-233
Talwani M. (2011) Non linear inversion of gravity gradients and the GGI gradiometer Central European Journal of Geosciences. 3: 424-434
Talwani M. (2000) Inversion of gradiometer data and comparison with gravimetry and satellite altimetry Seg Technical Program Expanded Abstracts. 19: 418-419
Talwani M. (2000) The east coast magnetic anomaly and the ridge that vanished Seg Technical Program Expanded Abstracts. 19: 2480-2481
Talwani M, Reif C. (1998) Laxmi Ridge - A continental sliver in the Arabian Sea Marine Geophysical Researches. 20: 259-271
Zelt BC, Talwani M, Zelt CA. (1998) Prestack depth migration of dense wide-angle seismic data Tectonophysics. 286: 193-208
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