James Cordes

1979- Astronomy Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, United States 
Astrophysics, Pulsars
"James Cordes"
Mean distance: 2258.67


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Barney J. Rickett grad student 1971-1975 UCSD
 (Pulsar Microstructure: Time Scales, Spectra, Polarization, and Radiation Models)


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Dan Stinebring grad student
John H. Simonetti grad student 1985 Cornell
Michael Blaskiewicz grad student 1984-1991 Cornell
Andrew Clegg grad student 1984-1991 Cornell
Scott Lundgren grad student 1987-1994 Cornell
Alexandre Zepka grad student 1987-1994 Cornell
Joseph Lazio grad student 1990-1997 Cornell
Maura A. McLaughlin grad student 1994-2001 Cornell
Shamibrata Chatterjee grad student 1996-2003 Cornell
Iulia S. Deneva grad student 2003-2010 Cornell
Ryan M. Shannon grad student 2004-2011 Cornell
Laura G. Spitler grad student 2006-2013 Cornell
Dustin R. Madison grad student 2008-2015 Cornell
Robert Wharton grad student 2010-2017 Cornell
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Arzoumanian Z, Baker PT, Blumer H, et al. (2021) Searching for Gravitational Waves from Cosmological Phase Transitions with the NANOGrav 12.5-Year Dataset. Physical Review Letters. 127: 251302
Psaltis D, Medeiros L, Christian P, et al. (2020) Gravitational Test beyond the First Post-Newtonian Order with the Shadow of the M87 Black Hole. Physical Review Letters. 125: 141104
Ferdman RD, Freire PCC, Perera BBP, et al. (2020) Asymmetric mass ratios for bright double neutron-star mergers. Nature. 583: 211-214
Vallisneri M, Taylor SR, Simon J, et al. (2020) Modeling the Uncertainties of Solar System Ephemerides for Robust Gravitational-wave Searches with Pulsar-timing Arrays The Astrophysical Journal. 893: 112
Shapiro-Albert BJ, McLaughlin MA, Lam MT, et al. (2020) Analysis of Multi-hour Continuous Observations of Seven Millisecond Pulsars The Astrophysical Journal. 890: 123
Gourdji K, Michilli D, Spitler LG, et al. (2019) A Sample of Low-energy Bursts from FRB 121102 The Astrophysical Journal. 877: L19
Eftekhari T, Berger E, Margalit B, et al. (2019) A Radio Source Coincident with the Superluminous Supernova PTF10hgi: Evidence for a Central Engine and an Analog of the Repeating FRB 121102? The Astrophysical Journal. 876: L10
Hessels JWT, Spitler LG, Seymour AD, et al. (2019) FRB 121102 Bursts Show Complex Time–Frequency Structure The Astrophysical Journal. 876: L23
Madison DR, Agarwal D, Aggarwal K, et al. (2019) A Deep Targeted Search for Fast Radio Bursts from the Sites of Low-redshift Short Gamma-Ray Bursts The Astrophysical Journal. 887: 252
Parent E, Kaspi VM, Ransom SM, et al. (2019) Eight Millisecond Pulsars Discovered in the Arecibo PALFA Survey The Astrophysical Journal. 886: 148
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