Weihong Fei, Ph.D.

2005 University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX, United States 
"Weihong Fei"
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George A. McMechan grad student 2005 UT Dallas
 (Fast seismic velocity analysis using parsimonious Kirchhoff depth migration.)
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Fei W, McMechan GA. (2007) “CRP-based seismic migration velocity analysis,” Weihong Fei and George A. McMechan, GEOPHYSICS, 71, no. 3, U21–U28 Geophysics. 72
Fei W, McMechan GA. (2007) Erratum: "CRP-based seismic migration velocity analysis" (Geophysics (2007) vol. 71 (3) (U21-U28)) Geophysics. 72
Fei W, McMechan GA. (2006) 3D common-reflection-point-based seismic migration velocity analysis Geophysics. 71
Fei W, McMechan GA. (2006) CRP-based seismic migration velocity analysis Geophysics. 71
Fei W, McMechan GA. (2005) Fast 3-D Common Reflection-point Based Tomographic Seismic Migration Velocity Analysis Seg Technical Program Expanded Abstracts
Fei W, McMechan GA. (2005) Fast model-based migration velocity analysis and reflector shape estimation Geophysics. 70
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