Eric I. Barnes, Ph.D.

2001 Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, United States 
Astronomy and Astrophysics
"Eric Barnes"
Mean distance: 5420.8


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Joel E. Tohline grad student 2001 Louisiana State
 (A study of stellar orbits in a rotating, gaseous bar.)
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Barnes EI, Ragan RJ. (2014) Dynamics of one-dimensional self-gravitating systems using Hermite-Legendre polynomials Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 437: 2340-2350
Barnes EI, Lanzel PA, Williams LLR. (2009) The radial orbit instability in collisionless N-body simulations Astrophysical Journal. 704: 372-384
Bellovary JM, Dalcanton JJ, Babul A, et al. (2008) The role of the radial orbit instability in dark matter halo formation and structure Astrophysical Journal. 685: 739-751
Reese AS, Williams TB, Sellwood JA, et al. (2007) Photometric decomposition of barred galaxies Astronomical Journal. 133: 2846-2858
Barnes EI, Kosowsky A, Sellwood JA. (2007) Milgrom relation models for spiral galaxies from two dimensional velocity maps Astronomical Journal. 133: 1698-1709
Barnes EI, Sellwood JA, Kosowsky A. (2004) Mass models for spiral galaxies from two-dimensional velocity maps Astronomical Journal. 128: 2724-2742
Cohl HS, Rau ARP, Tohline JE, et al. (2001) Useful alternative to the multipole expansion of 1/r potentials Physical Review a. Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. 64: 525091-525095
Barnes EI. (2001) Using correlation integrals to characterize three-dimensional stellar orbits Astrophysical Journal. 559: 736-753
Barnes EI, Tohline JE. (2001) Populating stellar orbits inside a rotating, gaseous bar Astrophysical Journal. 551: 80-102
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