Fakharul Inam, Ph.D.

2009 Department of Physics & Astronomy Ohio University, Athens, OH, United States 
Theory Physics, Condensed Matter Physics
"Fakharul Inam"
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David Alan Drabold grad student 2009 Ohio University
 (Theoretical studies of structure and dynamics of chalcogenide glasses.)
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Bhattacharya SK, Inam F, Scandolo S. (2014) Excess electrons in ice: a density functional theory study. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics : Pccp. 16: 3103-7
Pfanner G, Freysoldt C, Neugebauer J, et al. (2013) Dangling-bond defect in a-Si:H: Characterization of network and strain effects by first-principles calculation of the EPR parameters Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 87
Li Y, Inam F, Kumar A, et al. (2011) Pentagonal puckering in a sheet of amorphous graphene Physica Status Solidi (B) Basic Research. 248: 2082-2086
Chen G, Inam F, Drabold DA. (2010) Structural origin of the intermediate phase in Ge-Se glasses Applied Physics Letters. 97
Inam F, Lewis JP, Drabold DA. (2010) Hidden structure in amorphous solids Physica Status Solidi (a) Applications and Materials Science. 207: 599-604
Biswas P, Tafen DN, Inam F, et al. (2009) Materials modeling by design: applications to amorphous solids. Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter : An Institute of Physics Journal. 21: 084207
Chaudhuri I, Inam F, Drabold DA. (2009) Ab initio determination of ion traps and the dynamics of silver in silver-doped chalcogenide glass Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 79
Inam F, Tafen DN, Chen G, et al. (2009) Competing stoichiometric phases and the intermediate phase in GexSe1-x glasses Physica Status Solidi (B) Basic Research. 246: 1849-1853
Pan Y, Inam F, Zhang M, et al. (2008) Atomistic origin of urbach tails in amorphous silicon. Physical Review Letters. 100: 206403
Zhang M, Pan Y, Inam F, et al. (2008) Semiquantitative scattering theory of amorphous materials Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 78
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