Randolph Q. Hood

Physics and Astronomy Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 
 1999- Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, United States 
Quantum Physics
"Randolph Quentin Hood" OR " Randolph Q. Hood"


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Leopoldo M. Falicov grad student 1994 UC Berkeley
 (Magnetic metallic multilayers)
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Nazarov R, Shulenburger L, Morales M, et al. (2016) Benchmarking the pseudopotential and fixed-node approximations in diffusion Monte Carlo calculations of molecules and solids Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 93
Moriarty JA, Hood RQ, Yang LH. (2012) Quantum-mechanical interatomic potentials with electron temperature for strong-coupling transition metals. Physical Review Letters. 108: 036401
Hood RQ, Kent PRC, Reboredo FA. (2012) Diffusion quantum Monte Carlo study of the equation of state and point defects in aluminum Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 85
Tubman NM, DuBois JL, Hood RQ, et al. (2011) Prospects for release-node quantum Monte Carlo. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 135: 184109
Bajdich M, Tiago ML, Hood RQ, et al. (2010) Systematic reduction of sign errors in many-body calculations of atoms and molecules. Physical Review Letters. 104: 193001
Reboredo FA, Hood RQ, Kent PRC. (2009) Self-healing diffusion quantum Monte Carlo algorithms: Direct reduction of the fermion sign error in electronic structure calculations Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 79
Tiago ML, Kent PR, Hood RQ, et al. (2008) Neutral and charged excitations in carbon fullerenes from first-principles many-body theories. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 129: 084311
Hood RQ, Kent PR, Needs RJ, et al. (2003) Quantum Monte Carlo study of the optical and diffusive properties of the vacancy defect in diamond. Physical Review Letters. 91: 076403
Williamson AJ, Hood RQ, Grossman JC. (2001) Linear-scaling quantum Monte Carlo calculations. Physical Review Letters. 87: 246406
Puzder A, Chou MY, Hood RQ. (2001) Exchange and correlation in the Si atom: A quantum Monte Carlo study Physical Review a. Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. 64
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