Mark S. Marley

New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM, United States 
Astronomy and Astrophysics
"Mark Scott Marley" OR "Mark S Marley"

Mean distance: 4517.33
Cross-listing: Astronomy Tree


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William B. Hubbard grad student 1984-1990 University of Arizona
 (Nonradial oscillations of Saturn : implications for ring system structure.)
James B. Pollack post-doc NASA Ames Research Center (Astronomy Tree)


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Tyler D. Robinson grad student (Astronomy Tree)
Charles Walter grad student New Mexico State
Christopher R. Gelino grad student 2002 New Mexico State
Denise C. Stephens grad student 2002 New Mexico State
Sarah E. Moran post-doc 2022-2024 (Astronomy Tree)
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Zhang Z, Liu MC, Hermes JJ, et al. (2020) COol Companions ON Ultrawide orbiTS (COCONUTS). I. A High-gravity T4 Benchmark around an Old White Dwarf and a Re-examination of the Surface-gravity Dependence of the L/T Transition The Astrophysical Journal. 891: 171
Millar-Blanchaer MA, Girard JH, Karalidi T, et al. (2020) Detection of Polarization due to Cloud Bands in the Nearby Luhman 16 Brown Dwarf Binary The Astrophysical Journal. 894: 42
Kitzmann D, Heng K, Oreshenko M, et al. (2020) Helios-r2: A New Bayesian, Open-source Retrieval Model for Brown Dwarfs and Exoplanet Atmospheres The Astrophysical Journal. 890: 174
Arriaga P, Fitzgerald MP, Duchêne G, et al. (2020) Multiband Polarimetric Imaging of HR 4796A with the Gemini Planet Imager The Astronomical Journal. 160: 79
Esposito TM, Kalas P, Fitzgerald MP, et al. (2020) Debris Disk Results from the Gemini Planet Imager Exoplanet Survey's Polarimetric Imaging Campaign The Astronomical Journal. 160: 24
Miles BE, Skemer AJI, Morley CV, et al. (2020) Observations of Disequilibrium CO Chemistry in the Coldest Brown Dwarfs The Astronomical Journal. 160: 63
Stark CC, Dressing C, Dulz S, et al. (2020) Toward Complete Characterization: Prospects for Directly Imaging Transiting Exoplanets The Astronomical Journal. 159: 286
Duchêne G, Rice M, Hom J, et al. (2020) The Gemini Planet Imager View of the HD 32297 Debris Disk The Astronomical Journal. 159: 251
Nguyen MM, De Rosa RJ, Wang JJ, et al. (2020) HD 165054: An Astrometric Calibration Field for High-contrast Imagers in Baade’s Window The Astronomical Journal. 159: 244
Lew BWP, Apai D, Zhou Y, et al. (2020) Cloud Atlas: Weak Color Modulations Due to Rotation in the Planetary-mass Companion GU Psc b and 11 Other Brown Dwarfs The Astronomical Journal. 159: 125
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