Maria V. Castillo, Ph.D.

2001 University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, U.S.A. 
"Maria Castillo"
Mean distance: 1644.12


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William L. Fisher grad student 2001 UT Austin
 (Structural analysis of Cenozoic fault systems using three-dimensional seismic data in the southern Maracaibo Basin, Venezuela.)
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Castillo MV, Mann P. (2006) Cretaceous to Holocene structural and stratigraphic development in south Lake Maracaibo, Venezuela, inferred from well and three-dimensional data Aapg Bulletin. 90: 529-565
Castillo MV, Mann P. (2006) Deeply buried, Early Cretaceous paleokarst terrane, southern Maracaibo Basin, Venezuela Aapg Bulletin. 90: 567-579
Mann P, Escalona A, Castillo MV. (2006) Regional geologic and tectonic setting of the Maracaibo supergiant basin, western Venezuela Aapg Bulletin. 90: 445-477
Castillo MV, Mann P. (2002) ABSTRACT: Deeply Buried, Mid-Cretaceous Limestone Karst Surface, Southern Maracaibo Basin, Inferred from 3D Seismic Reflection Data Aapg Bulletin. 86
Castillo MV, Mann P, Bally A. (2002) ABSTRACT: 3-D Seismic Reflection Interpretation of the Southern End of the Icotea and VLE Fault Trends in the Southern Maracaibo Basin, Venezuela Aapg Bulletin. 86
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