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Max Born grad student 1931 Universität Göttingen
 (Zur Theorie der Resonanzfluoreszenz)
Werner Heisenberg post-doc 1931 Leipzig University
Niels Bohr post-doc 1932 Copenhagen University
Erwin Schrödinger post-doc 1932 Universität Berlin
Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac post-doc 1933 Cambridge
Wolfgang Ernst Pauli research scientist 1933-1936 ETH Zürich


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Esther M. Conwell research assistant 1945 Rochester (Chemistry Tree)
Edwin S. Lennox grad student Rochester (Chemistry Tree)
Robert H. Dicke grad student 1939-1941 Rochester
Ernest David Courant grad student 1943 Rochester
David H. Frisch grad student 1947 MIT
James Bruce French grad student 1948 MIT
David C. Peaslee grad student 1948 MIT
Lawrence Christian Biedenharn grad student 1949 MIT
J. David Jackson grad student 1949 MIT
Murray Gell-Mann grad student 1951 MIT
Kerson Huang grad student 1953 MIT
Arthur K. Kerman grad student 1953 MIT
Kurt Gottfried grad student 1955 MIT
Raymond Stora grad student 1958 MIT
J. Dirk Walecka grad student 1958 MIT
Loup Verlet post-doc
Larry Spruch post-doc 1948-1950 MIT


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Eugene Paul Wigner collaborator 1931 Universität Göttingen
 (Weiskopf got his degree under Born, see the NAS biography)
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Fano U, Goldhaber M, Weisskopf V. (1990) Edoardo Amaldi Physics Today. 43: 114-116
Brown B, Milonni PW, Laurikainen KV, et al. (1989) Should Quantum Physics Go Unquestioned Physics Today. 42: 13-104
Gottfried K, Weisskopf VF, Holstein BR. (1988) Concepts in Particle Physics, Vol. II. American Journal of Physics. 56: 187-187
Gottfried K, Weisskopf VF, Sanders TD. (1987) Concepts of Particle Physics, Volume 2 Physics Today. 40: 84-86
Weisskopf V. (1986) Good physics, bad history American Journal of Physics. 54: 393
Gottfried K, Weisskopf VF, Holstein BR. (1985) Concepts of Particle Physics, Volume I American Journal of Physics. 53: 920-920
Gottfried K, Weisskopf VF, Halzen F, et al. (1985) Concepts in Particle Physics, Vol. I and Quarks and Leptons Physics Today. 38: 99-100
Peierls R, Weisskopf VF. (1981) Surprises in Theoretical Physics Physics Today. 34: 64-65
Weisskopf VF. (1979) Contemporary frontiers in physics. Science (New York, N.Y.). 203: 240-4
Weisskopf V. (1978) What Happened in Physics in the Last Decade Physics Bulletin. 29: 401-403
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