David J. Huntley, D. Phil.

Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada 
Condensed Matter Physics, Geophysics
"David Huntley"
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Robert Berman grad student 1963 Oxford
 (Thesis: "Thermal conductivity at low temperatures")


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Michel Lamothe collaborator (Geotree)
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Huntley DJ, Baril MR, Haidar S. (2007) Tunnelling in plagioclase feldspars Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 40: 900-906
Huntley DJ, Lian OB. (2006) Some observations on tunnelling of trapped electrons in feldspars and their implications for optical dating Quaternary Science Reviews. 25: 2503-2512
Baril MR, Huntley DJ. (2003) Infrared stimulated luminescence and phosphorescence spectra of irradiated feldspars Journal of Physics Condensed Matter. 15: 8029-8048
Baril MR, Huntley DJ. (2003) Optical excitation spectra of trapped electrons in irradiated feldspars Journal of Physics Condensed Matter. 15: 8011-8027
Wolfe SA, Huntley DJ, Ollerhead J. (2002) Optical dating of modern and late Holocene dune sands in the Brandon sand hills, southwestern Manitoba Geographie Physique Et Quaternaire. 56: 203-214
Lian OB, Huntley DJ, Wolfe SA. (2002) Optical dating of eolian dune sand from the Canadian prairies Geographie Physique Et Quaternaire. 56: 191-202
Huntley DJ. (2001) Comment on the Ages in “Paleoseismology of the Johnson Valley, Kickapoo, and Homestead Valley Faults: Clustering of Earthquakes in the Eastern California Shear Zone” by T. K. Rockwell, S. Lindvall, M. Herzberg, D. Murbach, T. Dawson, and G. Berger Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America. 91: 632-633
Huntley DJ, Lamothe M. (2001) Ubiquity of anomalous fading in K-feldspars and the measurement and correction for it in optical dating Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences. 38: 1093-1106
Wolfe SA, Huntley DJ, David PP, et al. (2001) Late 18th century drought-induced sand dune activity, Great Sand Hills, Saskatchewan Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences. 38: 105-117
Ollerhead J, Huntley DJ, Nelson AR, et al. (2001) Optical dating of tsunami-laid sand from an Oregon coastal lake Quaternary Science Reviews. 20: 1915-1926
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