Jonah N. Gollub, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2008 | Physics | University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA |
Condensed Matter PhysicsGoogle:
"Jonah Gollub"Mean distance: (not calculated yet) | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add mentorDimitri N. Basov | grad student | 2008 | UCSD | |
(Characterizing artificial electromagnetic materials and their hybridization with fundamentally resonant magnetic materials.) | ||||
David R. Smith | grad student | 2008 | UCSD | |
(Characterizing artificial electromagnetic materials and their hybridization with fundamentally resonant magnetic materials.) |
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Boyarsky M, Sleasman T, Imani MF, et al. (2021) Electronically steered metasurface antenna. Scientific Reports. 11: 4693 |
Imani MF, Gollub JN, Yurduseven O, et al. (2020) Review of Metasurface Antennas for Computational Microwave Imaging Ieee Transactions On Antennas and Propagation. 68: 1860-1875 |
Mizrahi OS, Imani MF, Gollub JN, et al. (2020) Generating Information-Diverse Microwave Speckle Patterns Inside a Room at a Single Frequency With a Dynamic Metasurface Aperture Ieee Access. 8: 36829-36835 |
Pande D, Gollub J, Zecca R, et al. (2020) Symphotic Multiplexing Medium at Microwave Frequencies Physical Review Applied. 13 |
Mizrahi OS, Imani MF, Trofatter KP, et al. (2019) 2D Ray Tracing Analysis of a Dynamic Metasurface Antenna as a Smart Motion Detector Ieee Access. 7: 159674-159687 |
Del Hougne P, F Imani M, Sleasman T, et al. (2018) Dynamic Metasurface Aperture as Smart Around-the-Corner Motion Detector. Scientific Reports. 8: 6536 |
Pedross-Engel A, Arnitz D, Gollub JN, et al. (2018) Orthogonal Coded Active Illumination for Millimeter Wave, Massive-MIMO Computational Imaging With Metasurface Antennas Ieee Transactions On Computational Imaging. 4: 184-193 |
Zvolensky T, Gowda VR, Gollub J, et al. (2018) W-Band Sparse Imaging System Using Frequency Diverse Cavity-Fed Metasurface Antennas Ieee Access. 6: 73659-73668 |
Fromenteze T, Yurduseven O, Boyarsky M, et al. (2017) Computational polarimetric microwave imaging. Optics Express. 25: 27488-27505 |
Yurduseven O, Marks DL, Fromenteze T, et al. (2017) Millimeter-wave spotlight imager using dynamic holographic metasurface antennas. Optics Express. 25: 18230-18249 |