Charles Alfred Coulson

Theoretical chemistry University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom 
molecular physical chemistry
"Charles Coulson"

(1910 - 1974)
S. L. Altmann and E. J. Bowen, Charles Alfred Coulson. 1910-1974, Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society Vol. 20, (Dec., 1974), pp. 74-134
DOI: 10.1098/rsbm.1974.0004
Ph.D in 1936 from University of Cambridge

Mean distance: 10.2
Cross-listing: Chemistry Tree


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Brian Webster research assistant Oxford (Chemistry Tree)
Inga Fischer-Hjalmars research assistant 1948 Oxford
Derek W. Davies grad student Theoretical Chemistry (Chemistry Tree)
W. E. Duncanson grad student University College London
Alan  B. Lidiard grad student Oxford (Chemistry Tree)
Salvador Senent grad student (Chemistry Tree)
Chandra Shekhar Sharma grad student Birkbeck College
Hugh Christopher Longuet-Higgins grad student 1948 Oxford (Chemistry Tree)
Roy McWeeny grad student 1948 Oxford (Chemistry Tree)
William E. Moffitt grad student 1948 Oxford (Chemistry Tree)
Norman Henry March grad student 1951 King's College
Simon L. Altmann grad student 1952 King's College
Peter W. Higgs grad student 1952 King's College
Ronald Drayton Brown grad student 1950-1952 King's College (Chemistry Tree)
Geoffrey V. Chester grad student 1953 King's College
David Eisenberg grad student 1964 Oxford (Chemistry Tree)
Raphael David Levine grad student 1966 Oxford (Chemistry Tree)
Franco A. Gianturco grad student 1967 Oxford (Chemistry Tree)
R. Benny Gerber grad student 1968 Oxford (Chemistry Tree)
Bidyendu Mohan Deb grad student 1969 Oxford (Chemistry Tree)
Fraser W. Birss post-doc Oxford (Chemistry Tree)
Martin Karplus post-doc Oxford (Chemistry Tree)
Frank Albert Weinhold post-doc Oxford (Chemistry Tree)
Walter Clark Hamilton post-doc 1954-1955 Oxford (Chemistry Tree)
Louis Burnelle post-doc 1956-1957 Oxford (Chemistry Tree)
Oskar E. Polansky post-doc 1957-1958 Oxford (Chemistry Tree)
Lawrence J. Schaad post-doc 1957-1958 Oxford (Chemistry Tree)
Herbert L. Strauss post-doc 1961 Oxford (Chemistry Tree)
Asish Kumar Chandra post-doc 1963-1964 Oxford (Chemistry Tree)
Robert M. Glaeser post-doc 1963-1964 Oxford (Chemistry Tree)
Russell J. Boyd post-doc 1973 Oxford (Chemistry Tree)
Melethil Sankaran Gopinathan post-doc 1973-1974 Oxford (Chemistry Tree)
F. Al Matsen research scientist 1951-1952 Oxford (Chemistry Tree)
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Coulson CA, Robertson GN. (1975) A Theory of the Broadening of the Infrared Absorption Spectra of Hydrogen-Bonded Species. II. The Coupling of Anharmonic $\nu $(XH) and $\nu $(XH..Y) Modes Proceedings of the Royal Society a: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. 342: 289-315
Gopinathan MS, Whitehead MA, Coulson CA, et al. (1974) A reinvestigation of the crystal and molecular structure of hexachloroborazine. A correction Acta Crystallographica Section B Structural Crystallography and Crystal Chemistry. 30: 1650-1650
Gopinathan MS, Whitehead MA, Coulson CA, et al. (1974) A reinvestigation of the crystal and molecular structure of hexachloroborazine Acta Crystallographica Section B Structural Crystallography and Crystal Chemistry. 30: 731-737
Boyd RJ, Coulson CA. (1974) The Fermi hole in atoms Journal of Physics B: Atomic and Molecular Physics. 7: 1805-1816
Boyd RJ, Coulson CA. (1973) Coulomb hole in some excited states of helium Journal of Physics B: Atomic and Molecular Physics. 6: 782-793
Coulson CA. (1970) Recent developments in valence theory Pure and Applied Chemistry. 24: 257-288
Coulson CA, Gianturco FA. (1968) Inner-shell double ionization and chemical bonding I. Auger electrons Journal of Physics B: Atomic and Molecular Physcis. 1: 605-613
Coulson C, Gerber R. (1968) A lower-bound property of adiabatic phase shifts Molecular Physics. 14: 117-131
Coulson CA, Gerber RB. (1968) Effects of complex-valued electronic wave functions on nuclear motions International Journal of Quantum Chemistry. 2: 607-640
Coulson CA, Levine RD. (1967) On a Theory of Absolute Reaction Rates The Journal of Chemical Physics. 47: 1235-1247
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