Timothy D. Herbert

1995- Earth, Environmental & Planetary Sciences Brown University, Providence, RI 
Geology, Geophysics
"Timothy Herbert"


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Alfred George Fischer grad student 1987 Princeton (Geotree)
 (Eccentricity and precessional orbital periodicities in a mid-cretaceous deep-sea sequence : identification and application to quantitative paleoclimatology.)
Gerta Keller grad student 1987 Princeton (Chemistry Tree)


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Angel Mojarro research assistant 2009-2012 Brown (Microtree)
Anson Cheung grad student Brown
Zhonghui Liu grad student 2004 Brown
Lorraine Lisiecki grad student 2005 Brown (Geotree)
Kira T. Lawrence grad student 2006 Brown
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Bridges JD, Tarduno JA, Cottrell RD, et al. (2023) Rapid strengthening of westerlies accompanied intensification of Northern Hemisphere glaciation. Nature Communications. 14: 3905
Herbert TD, Dalton CA, Liu Z, et al. (2022) Tectonic degassing drove global temperature trends since 20 Ma. Science (New York, N.Y.). 377: 116-119
Abell JT, Winckler G, Anderson RF, et al. (2021) Poleward and weakened westerlies during Pliocene warmth. Nature. 589: 70-75
Wang KJ, Huang Y, Majaneva M, et al. (2021) Group 2i Isochrysidales produce characteristic alkenones reflecting sea ice distribution. Nature Communications. 12: 15
Herbert TD, Caballero-Gill R, Novak JB. (2020) A Revised Mid-Pliocene Composite Section for ODP Site 846 Climate of the Past Discussions. 1-24
Herbert TD, Rose R, Dybkjær K, et al. (2020) Bihemispheric Warming in the Miocene Climatic Optimum as Seen From the Danish North Sea Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology. 35
Peterson LC, Lawrence KT, Herbert TD, et al. (2020) Plio‐Pleistocene Hemispheric (A)Symmetries in the Northern and Southern Hemisphere Midlatitudes Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology. 35
Marino M, Girone A, Gallicchio S, et al. (2020) Climate variability during MIS 20–18 as recorded by alkenone-SST and calcareous plankton in the Ionian Basin (central Mediterranean) Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 560: 110027
Liu J, Tian J, Liu Z, et al. (2019) Eastern equatorial Pacific cold tongue evolution since the late Miocene linked to extratropical climate. Science Advances. 5: eaau6060
Cheung A, Fox-Kemper B, Herbert T. (2019) Can we use sea surface temperature and productivity proxy records to reconstruct Ekman upwelling? Climate of the Past. 15: 1985-1998
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