Zhonghui Liu, Ph.D.

2004 Brown University, Providence, RI 
Geology, Geophysics
"Zhonghui Liu"
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Timothy D. Herbert grad student 2004 Brown
 (Pleistocene climate evolution in the eastern Pacific and implications for the orbital theory of climate change.)
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Chen W, Liu Z, Wei X, et al. (2024) Feasibility analysis of using short-term rainfall time series to evaluate rainwater harvesting systems considering climate change. The Science of the Total Environment. 175668
An Z, Zhou W, Zhang Z, et al. (2024) Mid-Pleistocene climate transition triggered by Antarctic Ice Sheet growth. Science (New York, N.Y.). 385: 560-565
Zhang R, Liu Z, Jiang D, et al. (2024) Cenozoic Indo-Pacific warm pool controlled by both atmospheric CO and paleogeography. Science Bulletin
Jiang J, Meng B, Wang H, et al. (2024) Spatial patterns of Holocene temperature changes over mid-latitude Eurasia. Nature Communications. 15: 1507
Herbert TD, Dalton CA, Liu Z, et al. (2022) Tectonic degassing drove global temperature trends since 20 Ma. Science (New York, N.Y.). 377: 116-119
Jiang Q, Meng B, Wang Z, et al. (2021) Exceptional terrestrial warmth around 4200-2800 years ago in Northwest China. Science Bulletin. 67: 427-436
Ao H, Rohling EJ, Zhang R, et al. (2021) Global warming-induced Asian hydrological climate transition across the Miocene-Pliocene boundary. Nature Communications. 12: 6935
Zhang Y, Zheng X, Kong D, et al. (2021) Enhanced North Pacific subtropical gyre circulation during the late Holocene. Nature Communications. 12: 5957
Zhao C, Rohling EJ, Liu Z, et al. (2020) Possible obliquity-forced warmth in southern Asia during the last glacial stage. Science Bulletin. 66: 1136-1145
Ao H, Dupont-Nivet G, Rohling EJ, et al. (2020) Orbital climate variability on the northeastern Tibetan Plateau across the Eocene-Oligocene transition. Nature Communications. 11: 5249
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