H. Eugene Stanley, Ph.D.

1969-1976 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, United States 
 1976- Physics Boston University, Boston, MA, United States 
Statistical physics
"H. Eugene Stanley"

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Mean distance: 9.35
Cross-listing: Chemistry Tree


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Thomas Allen Green research assistant 1962 Wesleyan
Max Delbrück research assistant 1963 Universität zu Köln
 (Fulbright Fellowship)
Thomas A. Kaplan grad student 1967 Harvard
 (Critical phenomena in Heisenberg models of magnetism)
John H. van Vleck grad student 1967 Harvard
Charles Kittel research scientist 1968-1969 UC Berkeley


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Paul A Trunfio research assistant 1987- Boston University (SocTree)
Daniel C. Hong grad student Boston University
Greg Huber grad student Boston University
Peter H. Poole grad student
Francis W. Starr grad student
Paul A Trunfio grad student 1990- Boston University (SocTree)
Sava Milosevic grad student 1969-1971 MIT
Judith Herzfeld grad student 1972 MIT (Chemistry Tree)
Kenneth J. Rothschild grad student 1974 MIT (Microtree)
Rama D Bansil grad student 1975 Rochester (Chemistry Tree)
Sidney Redner grad student 1977 MIT
Hisao Nakanishi grad student 1980 Harvard
Edward T. Gawlinski grad student 1983 Boston University
Alla Margolina grad student 1980-1983 Boston University
Robin L. B. Selinger grad student 1984-1989 Boston University
Sharon C. Glotzer grad student 1993 Boston University
Albert-Laszlo Barabasi grad student 1994 Boston University (MathTree)
Luís A. Nunes Amaral grad student 1996 Boston University (Chemistry Tree)
Hernan A. Makse grad student 1993-1996 Boston University (Chemistry Tree)
Stefano Zapperi grad student 1994-1997 Boston University
Nikolay Dokholyan grad student 1999 Boston University
Ivo Grosse grad student 2000 Boston University
Parameswaran Gopikrishnan grad student 2001 Boston University
Emilla La Nave grad student 2002 Boston University
Antonio Scala grad student 2002 Boston University
Anna Skibinsky grad student 2003 Boston University
Masako Yamada grad student 2003 Boston University
Feng Ding grad student 2004 Boston University
Nicolas Giovambattista grad student 2004 Boston University
Jose M. Borreguero grad student 2005 Boston University
Kun Hu grad student 2005 Boston University
Eduardo Lopez grad student 2005 Boston University
Zhi Chen grad student 2006 Boston University
Kaushik Matia grad student 2006 Boston University
Shouyong Peng grad student 2006 Boston University
Sameet Sreenivasan grad student 2007 Boston University
Sijung Yun grad student 2007 Boston University
Dongfeng Fu grad student 2008 Boston University
Alfonso R. Lam Ng grad student 2008 Boston University
Zhenhua Wu grad student 2008 Boston University
Limei Xu grad student 2008 Boston University
Yiping Chen grad student 2009 Boston University
Maksim Kitsak grad student 2009 Boston University
Marco G. Mazza grad student 2009 Boston University
Irena Vodenska-Chitkushev grad student 2009 Boston University
Fengzhong Wang grad student 2009 Boston University
Zhenyu Yan grad student 2009 Boston University
Andrew Inglis grad student 2010 Boston University
Arnab Majumdar grad student 2010 Boston University
Y Z grad student 2010 Boston University
Sungho Han grad student 2011 Boston University
Alexander M. Petersen grad student 2011 Boston University
Jia Shao grad student 2011 Boston University
Mark E. Dickison grad student 2012 Boston University
Elena G. Strekalova grad student 2012 Boston University
Joel Tenenbaum grad student 2012 Boston University
Guanliang Li grad student 2013 Boston University
Jiayuan Luo grad student 2013 Boston University
Kevin C. Stokely grad student 2013 Boston University
Erik Lascaris grad student 2014 Boston University
Will Z. Morrison grad student 2015 Boston University
Francesco Sciortino post-doc
Fereydoon Family post-doc 1974-1976 MIT
Marcia Barbosa post-doc 2000-2001 Boston University
Paul A Trunfio research scientist 1999- Boston University (SocTree)
BETA: Related publications


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Vilela ALM, Zubillaga BJ, Wang C, et al. (2020) Three-State Majority-vote Model on Scale-Free Networks and the Unitary Relation for Critical Exponents. Scientific Reports. 10: 8255
Li M, Lü L, Deng Y, et al. (2020) History-dependent percolation on multiplex networks National Science Review. 7: 1296-1305
Schmidt AL, Peruzzi A, Scala A, et al. (2020) Measuring social response to different journalistic techniques on Facebook Palgrave Communications. 7: 1-7
O Gomes G, Stanley HE, Souza M. (2019) Enhanced Grüneisen Parameter in Supercooled Water. Scientific Reports. 9: 12006
Cerdeiriña CA, Troncoso J, González-Salgado D, et al. (2019) Water's two-critical-point scenario in the Ising paradigm. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 150: 244509
Larralde H, Lereah Y, Trunfio P, et al. (2019) Reaction kinetics of diffusing particles injected into a d-dimensional reactive substrate. Physical Review Letters. 70: 1461-1464
Schwarzer S, Wolf M, Havlin S, et al. (2019) Multifractal spectrum of off-lattice three-dimensional diffusion-limited aggregation. Physical Review. a, Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. 46: R3016-R3019
Zheng Z, Gui J, Qiao Z, et al. (2019) New dynamics between volume and volatility Physica a: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications. 525: 1343-1350
Vilela AL, Wang C, Nelson KP, et al. (2019) Majority-vote model for financial markets Physica a: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications. 515: 762-770
Mallamace D, Chen S, Corsaro C, et al. (2019) Hydrophilic and hydrophobic competition in water-methanol solutions Science China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy. 62
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