
Sign in to add mentor
Niels Bohr grad student 1954 Københavns Universitet
 (Rotational States of Atomic Nuclei)


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Kurt Alder research assistant 1953-1956 University of Kopenhagen
Francis Eugene Low grad student 1950 Columbia
Ole Hansen grad student 1967 Københavns Universitet
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Bohr A, Mottelson BR, Ulfbeck O. (2008) The geometric and the atomic world views Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 105: 17301-17306
Bohr A, Mottelson BR, Ulfbeck O. (2004) The principle underlying quantum mechanics Foundations of Physics. 34: 405-417
Ulfbeck O, Bohr A. (2001) Genuine Fortuitousness. Where Did That Click Come From Foundations of Physics. 31: 757-774
Bohr A, Mottelson BR. (1984) Lev A. Sliv Soviet Physics - Uspekhi. 27: 397
Bohr A, Mottelson BR. (1981) Single-particle and collective aspects of nuclear rotation Physica Scripta. 24: 71-76
Bohr A, Mottelson BR. (1981) The structure of angular momentum in rapidly rotating nuclei Nuclear Physics, Section A. 354: 303-316
Bohr A, Mottelson BR. (1981) On the role of the Δ resonance in the effective spin-dependent moments of nuclei Physics Letters B. 100: 10-12
Bohr A, Mottelson BR. (1980) Features of Nuclear Deformations Produced by the Alignment of Individual Particles or Pairs Physica Scripta. 22: 468-474
Bohr A, Mottelson BR. (1980) Solutions for Particle-Rotor and Cranking Models for Single j Configuration Physica Scripta. 22: 461-467
Bohr A, Mottelson BR. (1979) Physics of rapidly rotating nuclei Physics Today. 32: 25-30
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