Stephen Pratt, PhD
Affiliations: | Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, United States |
"Stephen Pratt"Mean distance: 13.84 | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add mentorThomas Seeley | grad student | 1997 | Cornell (Neurotree) | |
(This was his PhD advisor) | ||||
Simon Asher Levin | post-doc | Princeton (Biomechanics Tree) | ||
Naomi E. Pierce | post-doc | Harvard (FlyTree) | ||
Leonid Kruglyak | post-doc | 2005-2006 | Princeton (FlyTree) |
Sign in to add traineeAndrew Taylor Burchill | grad student | 2015- | Arizona State (FlyTree) |
Takao Sasaki | grad student | 2013 | Arizona State |
Zachary Shaffer | grad student | 2014 | Arizona State |
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Burchill AT, Pavlic TP, Pratt SC, et al. (2023) Weaver ants regulate the rate of prey delivery during collective vertical transport. The Journal of Experimental Biology. 226 |
Doering GN, Talken LW, Pratt SC, et al. (2023) Is collective nest site selection in ants influenced by the anchoring effect? Behavioural Processes. 104861 |
Valentini G, Pavlic TP, Walker SI, et al. (2021) Naïve individuals promote collective exploration in homing pigeons. Elife. 10 |
Valentini G, Mizumoto N, Pratt SC, et al. (2020) Revealing the structure of information flows discriminates similar animal social behaviors. Elife. 9 |
Sasaki T, Danczak L, Thompson B, et al. (2020) Route learning during tandem running in the rock ant . The Journal of Experimental Biology. 223 |
Valentini G, Masuda N, Shaffer Z, et al. (2020) Division of labour promotes the spread of information in colony emigrations by the ant . Proceedings. Biological Sciences. 287: 20192950 |
Sasaki T, Stott B, Pratt SC. (2019) Rational time investment during collective decision making in ants. Biology Letters. 15: 20190542 |
Baudier KM, Ostwald MM, Grüter C, et al. (2019) Changing of the guard: mixed specialization and flexibility in nest defense (Tetragonisca angustula) Behavioral Ecology. 30: 1041-1049 |
Ostwald MM, Shaffer Z, Pratt SC, et al. (2019) Multimodal cues facilitate nest recognition in carpenter bee aggregations Animal Behaviour. 155: 45-51 |
Buffin A, Sasaki T, Pratt SC. (2018) Scaling of speed with group size in cooperative transport by the ant Novomessor cockerelli. Plos One. 13: e0205400 |