Te-Yu Chen, Ph.D.

2012 Physics University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN 
Electricity and Magnetism Physics
"Te-Yu Chen"
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Paul Adams Crowell grad student 2012 UMN
 (Magnetic vortex dynamics: Non-linear dynamics, pinning mechanisms, and dimensionality Magnetic Vortex Dynamics: Non-linear Dynamics, Pinning Mechanisms, and Dimensionality Crossover.)
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Chen TY, Erickson MJ, Crowell PA, et al. (2012) Surface roughness dominated pinning mechanism of magnetic vortices in soft ferromagnetic films. Physical Review Letters. 109: 097202
Chen TY, Crowell PA. (2010) Non-linear dynamics of a magnetic vortex Ieee Transactions On Magnetics. 46: 1457-1459
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