Oded Aharonson
Affiliations: | Planetary Science | California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA |
Planetology, GeophysicsWebsite:
"Oded Aharonson"Bio:
Aharonson, Oded, The surface of Mars : morphology and process, Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences, 2002.
Mean distance: (not calculated yet)
Sign in to add mentorMaria Theresa Zuber | grad student | 2002 | MIT | |
(The surface of Mars : morphology and process.) |
Sign in to add traineeHudson T. Lee | grad student | 2008 | Caltech |
Alexander Hayes | grad student | 2011 | Caltech (Astronomy Tree) |
Margaret A. Rosenburg | grad student | 2014 | Caltech |
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Ofir A, Xie J, Jiang C, et al. (2018) A Spectral Approach to Transit Timing Variations The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series. 234: 9 |
Fisher EA, Lucey PG, Lemelin M, et al. (2017) Evidence for surface water ice in the lunar polar regions using reflectance measurements from the Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter and temperature measurements from the Diviner Lunar Radiometer Experiment. Icarus. 74-85 |
Keller JW, Gaddis L, Petro N, et al. (2017) Preface: The Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Icarus. 298: 1 |
Smith DE, Zuber MT, Neumann GA, et al. (2017) Summary of the results from the lunar orbiter laser altimeter after seven years in lunar orbit Icarus. 283: 70-91 |
Hayne PO, Aharonson O. (2015) Thermal stability of ice on Ceres with rough topography Journal of Geophysical Research E: Planets. 120: 1567-1584 |
Rosenburg MA, Aharonson O, Sari R. (2015) Topographic power spectra of cratered terrains: Theory and application to the Moon Journal of Geophysical Research E: Planets |
Schorghofer N, Aharonson O. (2014) The lunar thermal ice pump Astrophysical Journal. 788 |
Kite ES, Williams JP, Lucas A, et al. (2014) Low palaeopressure of the martian atmosphere estimated from the size distribution of ancient craters Nature Geoscience. 7: 335-339 |
Lucas A, Aharonson O, Deledalle C, et al. (2014) Insights into Titan's geology and hydrology based on enhanced image processing of Cassini RADAR data Journal of Geophysical Research E: Planets. 119: 2149-2166 |
Lewis KW, Aharonson O. (2014) Occurrence and origin of rhythmic sedimentary rocks on Mars Journal of Geophysical Research E: Planets. 119: 1432-1457 |