Rhett J. Allain, Ph.D.

2001 North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC 
Sciences Education
"Rhett Allain"
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Robert Beichner grad student 2001 NCSU
 (Investigating the relationship between student difficulties with the concept of electric potential and the concept of rate of change.)
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Allain R, Williams R. (2009) An Analysis of a Video Game The Physics Teacher. 47: 115-117
Allain R, Abbott D, Deardorff D. (2006) Using Peer Ranking to Enhance Student Writing. Physics Education. 41: 255-258
Beichner RJ, Saul JM, Allain RJ, et al. (2000) Promoting collaborative groups in large enrollment courses Asee Annual Conference Proceedings. 4851-4869
Saul JM, Deardorff DL, Abbott DS, et al. (2000) Evaluating introductory physics classes in light of the ABET criteria; An example from the SCALE-UP project Asee Annual Conference Proceedings. 2659-2673
Beichner RJ, Saul JM, Allain RJ, et al. (2000) Introduction to SCALE-UP: Student-centered activities for large enrollment university physics Asee Annual Conference Proceedings. 3833-3844
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