Jean-Philippe Avouac
Affiliations: | Geophysics | California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA |
"Jean-Philippe Avouac"Bio:
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Sign in to add mentorPaul Tapponnier | grad student | 1991 | Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, France (Geotree) |
Sign in to add traineeJérôme Lavé | grad student | (Geotree) | |
Sebastien Leprince | grad student | 2008 | Caltech |
Steven B. Kidder | grad student | 2012 | Caltech |
Thomas J. Ader | grad student | 2013 | Caltech |
Yunung N. Lin | grad student | 2013 | Caltech |
Marion Y. Thomas | grad student | 2014 | Caltech |
Krittanon Sirorattanakul | grad student | 2018-2024 |
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Chen K, Wei G, Milliner C, et al. (2024) Super-shear ruptures steered by pre-stress heterogeneities during the 2023 Kahramanmaraş earthquake doublet. Nature Communications. 15: 7004 |
Park S, Avouac JP, Zhan Z, et al. (2023) Weak upper-mantle base revealed by postseismic deformation of a deep earthquake. Nature |
Im K, Avouac JP, Heimisson ER, et al. (2021) Ridgecrest aftershocks at Coso suppressed by thermal destressing. Nature. 595: 70-74 |
Gualandi A, Avouac JP, Michel S, et al. (2020) The predictable chaos of slow earthquakes. Science Advances. 6 |
Chen K, Avouac JP, Aati S, et al. (2020) Cascading and pulse-like ruptures during the 2019 Ridgecrest earthquakes in the Eastern California Shear Zone. Nature Communications. 11: 22 |
Smith JD, White RS, Avouac J, et al. (2020) Probabilistic earthquake locations of induced seismicity in the Groningen region, the Netherlands Geophysical Journal International. 222: 507-516 |
Im K, Saffer D, Marone C, et al. (2020) Slip-rate-dependent friction as a universal mechanism for slow slip events Nature Geoscience. 1-6 |
Dal Zilio L, Lapusta N, Avouac J. (2020) Unraveling Scaling Properties of Slow‐Slip Events Geophysical Research Letters. 47 |
Michel S, Gualandi A, Avouac JP. (2019) Similar scaling laws for earthquakes and Cascadia slow-slip events. Nature. 574: 522-526 |
Cappa F, Scuderi MM, Collettini C, et al. (2019) Stabilization of fault slip by fluid injection in the laboratory and in situ. Science Advances. 5: eaau4065 |