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James Calvin Walker grad student 1966 Johns Hopkins
 (Mössbauer Effect of the Second Excited State of Fe57.)


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Larry W. Oberley grad student 1974 University of Iowa (Chemistry Tree)
Brian A. Nelson grad student 1987 UW Madison (E-Tree)
Gregory D. Severn grad student 1980-1987 UW Madison
Ahmed M. Hala grad student 2000 UW Madison
Taihyeop Lho grad student 2000 UW Madison
Lutfi Oksuz grad student 2000 UW Madison
James H. Gilland grad student 2004 UW Madison
Eunsuk Ko grad student 2005 UW Madison
Puthajat Machima grad student 2005 UW Madison
Benjamin W. Longmier grad student 2007 UW Madison
Young-chul Ghim grad student 2006-2008 UW Madison
Alan R. Hoskinson grad student 2009 UW Madison
J. P. Sheehan grad student 2012 UW Madison
Chi-Shung Yip grad student 2013 UW Madison
Matthew J. Goeckner post-doc 1991-1994 UW Madison (E-Tree)
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Li P, Hershkowitz N, Severn G. (2021) Building Langmuir Probes and Emissive Probes for Plasma Potential Measurements in Low Pressure, Low Temperature Plasmas. Journal of Visualized Experiments : Jove
YIP C, ZHANG W, XU G, et al. (2020) Automated electron temperature fitting of Langmuir probe I–V trace in plasmas with multiple Maxwellian EEDFs Plasma Science and Technology. 22: 085404
Li P, Hershkowitz N, Wackerbarth E, et al. (2020) Experimental studies of the difference between plasma potentials measured by Langmuir Probes and Emissive Probes in presheaths Plasma Sources Science and Technology. 29: 25015
Yip C, Jin C, Zhang W, et al. (2020) Experimental investigation of sheath effects on I–V traces of strongly electron emitting probes Plasma Sources Science and Technology. 29: 025025
Sheehan JP, Raitses Y, Hershkowitz N, et al. (2017) Recommended Practice for Use of Emissive Probes in Electric Propulsion Testing Journal of Propulsion and Power. 33: 614-637
Severn G, Yip C, Hershkowitz N, et al. (2017) Experimental studies of ion flow near the sheath edge in multiple ion species plasma including argon, xenon and neon Plasma Sources Science and Technology. 26: 055021
Hershkowitz N. (2016) 43 Years of Fun Basic Plasma Physics Experiments Ieee Transactions On Plasma Science
Yip C, Hershkowitz N, Severn G. (2016) Ion velocity-locking in the neighborhood of virtual cathodes via instability enhanced collisional friction Plasma Sources Science and Technology. 26: 015008
Yip CS, Hershkowitz N, Severn G, et al. (2016) Laser-induced fluorescence measurements of argon and xenon ion velocities near the sheath boundary in 3 ion species plasmas Physics of Plasmas. 23
Siddiqui MU, Thompson DS, Jackson CD, et al. (2016) Models, assumptions, and experimental tests of flows near boundaries in magnetized plasmas Physics of Plasmas. 23
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