Orang Alem, Ph.D.

2011 George Mason University, Washington, DC 
Atomic Physics, Electricity and Magnetism Physics
"Orang Alem"
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Karen L. Sauer grad student 2011 George Mason
 (Spin-Damping in an Ultra-Sensitive Tunable RF Atomic Magnetometer.)
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Alem O, Mhaskar R, Jiménez-Martínez R, et al. (2017) Magnetic field imaging with microfabricated optically-pumped magnetometers. Optics Express. 25: 7849-7858
Boto E, Meyer SS, Shah V, et al. (2017) A New Generation of Magnetoencephalography: Room Temperature Measurements using Optically-Pumped Magnetometers. Neuroimage
Knappe S, Alem O, Sheng D, et al. (2016) Microfabricated Optically-Pumped Magnetometers for Biomagnetic Applications Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 723
Alem O, Sander TH, Mhaskar R, et al. (2015) Fetal magnetocardiography measurements with an array of microfabricated optically pumped magnetometers. Physics in Medicine and Biology. 60: 4797-811
Alem O, Benison AM, Barth DS, et al. (2014) Magnetoencephalography of epilepsy with a microfabricated atomic magnetrode. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 34: 14324-7
Alem O, Sauer KL, Romalis MV. (2013) Spin damping in an rf atomic magnetometer Physical Review a - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. 87
Lee SK, Sauer KL, Seltzer SJ, et al. (2006) Subfemtotesla radio-frequency atomic magnetometer for detection of nuclear quadrupole resonance Applied Physics Letters. 89
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