Donald J. Priour, Ph.D.

2000 Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 
Condensed Matter Physics
"Donald Priour"
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Shivaji Lal Sondhi grad student 2000 Princeton
 (Background gauge fields in condensed matter: Surface superconductivity and frustrated Ising magnets.)
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Priour DJ, Das Sarma S. (2010) Critical behavior of diluted magnetic semiconductors: Apparent violation and eventual restoration of the Harris criterion for all regimes of disorder Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 81
Priour DJ, Das Sarma S. (2006) Clustering in disordered ferromagnets: The Curie temperature in diluted magnetic semiconductors Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 73
Priour DJ, Hwang EH, Das Sarma S. (2005) Quasi-two-dimensional diluted magnetic semiconductor systems. Physical Review Letters. 95: 037201
Priour DJ, Hwang EH, Das Sarma S. (2005) Quasi-two-dimensional diluted magnetic semiconductor systems Physical Review Letters. 95
Priour DJ, Hwang EH, Das Sarma S. (2004) Disordered RKKY lattice mean field theory for ferromagnetism in diluted magnetic semiconductors. Physical Review Letters. 92: 117201
Priour DJ, Hwang EH, Das Sarma S. (2004) Disordered RKKY Lattice Mean Field Theory for Ferromagnetism in Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors Physical Review Letters. 92: 117201-1
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