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Subramanyan Chandrasekhar grad student 1950 Chicago
 (Two problems in radiative transfer theory.)
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Edmonds FN, Hsu JC. (1983) A statistical analysis of NaI D1 profile fluctuations at the center of the solar disk - I. Data reduction and resolvable velocities Solar Physics. 83: 217-232
Edmonds FN, Hinkle KH. (1977) Spectral analyses of solar photospheric fluctuations - V: A two-dimensional analysis of granulation at the center of the disk Solar Physics. 51: 273-292
Edmonds FN. (1975) Spectral analyses of solar photospheric fluctuations - IV: The low-wavenumber power of granulation brightness fluctuations Solar Physics. 44: 293-297
Edmonds FN. (1974) Convective flux in the solar photosphere as determined from fluctuations Solar Physics. 38: 33-41
Edmonds FN, Webb CJ. (1972) Spectral analyses of solar photospheric fluctuations - III. Bi-dimensional power, coherence and phase spectra of deep-seated radial velocity and photometric fluctuations Solar Physics. 25: 44-70
Edmonds FN. (1972) Spectral analyses of solar photospheric fluctuations - II. Profile fluctuations in the wings of the λ5183.6 Mg i b1 line Solar Physics. 23: 47-57
Edmonds FN, Webb CJ. (1972) Spectral analyses of solar photospheric fluctuations - I. Power, coherence and phase spectra calculated by fast-Fourier-transform techniques Solar Physics. 22: 276-296
Edmonds FN. (1969) Radiative transfer within a stellar absorption line. The contribution curves of fine-analysis methods Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer. 9: 1427-1446
Edmonds FN. (1968) Line absorption coefficient profiles for velocity-dependent broadening Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer. 8: 1447-1453
Edmonds FN. (1967) Amplitude distributions of solar photospheric fluctuations Solar Physics. 1: 5-15
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