Kenneth S. Burch

2008-2013 Physics University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada 
 2013- Boston College, Newton, MA, United States 
Theory Physics, Optics Physics, Condensed Matter Physics
"Kenneth Burch"

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Dimitri N. Basov grad student 2006 UCSD
 (Probing hybridization: Understanding the many faces of magnetism through optical spectroscopy.)
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Tartaglia TA, Tang JN, Lado JL, et al. (2020) Accessing new magnetic regimes by tuning the ligand spin-orbit coupling in van der Waals magnets. Science Advances. 6: eabb9379
Lei S, Lin J, Jia Y, et al. (2020) High mobility in a van der Waals layered antiferromagnetic metal. Science Advances. 6: eaay6407
Wang Y, Osterhoudt GB, Tian Y, et al. (2020) The range of non-Kitaev terms and fractional particles in α-RuCl3 Npj Quantum Materials. 5
Gray M, Freudenstein J, Zhao SYF, et al. (2019) Evidence for Helical Hinge Zero Modes in an Fe-Based Superconductor. Nano Letters
Brotons-Gisbert M, Branny A, Kumar S, et al. (2019) Coulomb blockade in an atomically thin quantum dot coupled to a tunable Fermi reservoir. Nature Nanotechnology
Osterhoudt GB, Diebel LK, Gray MJ, et al. (2019) Colossal mid-infrared bulk photovoltaic effect in a type-I Weyl semimetal. Nature Materials
Coulter J, Osterhoudt GB, Garcia CAC, et al. (2019) Uncovering electron-phonon scattering and phonon dynamics in type-I Weyl semimetals Physical Review B. 100
Zhou B, Wang Y, Osterhoudt GB, et al. (2019) Possible structural transformation and enhanced magnetic fluctuations in exfoliated α-RuCl3 Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids. 128: 291-295
Burch KS, Mandrus D, Park JG. (2018) Magnetism in two-dimensional van der Waals materials. Nature. 563: 47-52
Gao S, Flicker F, Sankar R, et al. (2018) Atomic-scale strain manipulation of a charge density wave. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
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