Radu S. Roiban, Ph.D.

2001 Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY, United States 
Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics
"Radu Roiban"
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Martin Rocek grad student 2001 SUNY Stony Brook
 (Advances in noncommutative field theories and string dualities.)
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Bern Z, Cheung C, Roiban R, et al. (2019) Scattering Amplitudes and the Conservative Hamiltonian for Binary Systems at Third Post-Minkowskian Order. Physical Review Letters. 122: 201603
Bern Z, Parra-Martinez J, Roiban R. (2018) Canceling the U(1) Anomaly in the S Matrix of N=4 Supergravity. Physical Review Letters. 121: 101604
Bern Z, Carrasco JJ, Chen WM, et al. (2017) Gravity Amplitudes as Generalized Double Copies of Gauge-Theory Amplitudes. Physical Review Letters. 118: 181602
Roiban R, Volovich A. (2004) All conjugate-maximal-helicity-violating amplitudes from topological open string theory in twistor space. Physical Review Letters. 93: 131602
Mocioiu I, Pospelov ME, Roiban R. (2002) Breaking CPT by mixed noncommutativity Physical Review D. 65: 107702
Lazaroiu CI, Roiban R, Vaman D. (2002) Graded Chern-Simons field theory and graded topological D-branes Journal of High Energy Physics. 6: 515-580
Kakushadze Z, Roiban R. (2001) Brane-bulk duality and non-conformal gauge theories Journal of High Energy Physics. 2001: 43-43
Chepelev I, Roiban R. (2001) Convergence theorem for non-commutative Feynman graphs and renormalization Journal of High Energy Physics. 5: XI-71
Roiban R, Siegel W. (2001) Superstrings on AdS5 × S5 supertwistor space Journal of High Energy Physics. 2000: 24
Chepelev I, Roiban R. (2000) Renormalization of quantum field theories on non-commutative ℝd, 1. Scalars Journal of High Energy Physics. 4: 23-30
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