Lilia K. Anguelova, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2003 | Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY, United States |
Elementary Particles and High Energy PhysicsGoogle:
"Lilia Anguelova"Mean distance: (not calculated yet)
Sign in to add mentorMartin Rocek | grad student | 2003 | SUNY Stony Brook | |
(Special holonomy spaces, M/string-theory and supergravity.) |
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Anguelova L, Babalic EM, Lazaroiu CI. (2019) Hidden symmetries of two-field cosmological models Journal of High Energy Physics. 2019: 1-67 |
Anguelova L, Babalic EM, Lazaroiu CI. (2019) Two-field cosmological α -attractors with Noether symmetry Journal of High Energy Physics. 2019: 1-56 |
Anguelova L, Suranyi P, Wijewardhana LCR. (2018) Systematics of constant roll inflation Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics. 2018: 4-4 |
Anguelova L. (2016) A gravity dual of ultra-slow roll inflation Nuclear Physics. 911: 480-499 |
Anguelova L, Suranyi P, Wijewardhana LCR. (2015) De Sitter space in gauge/gravity duality Nuclear Physics. 899: 651-676 |
Anguelova L, Suranyi P, Wijewardhana LCR. (2014) On the stability of D7–D7¯ probes in near-conformal backgrounds Nuclear Physics. 881: 309-326 |
Anguelova L, Suranyi P, Wijewardhana LCR. (2014) Stability of D-brane embeddings in nontrivial backgrounds Journal of High Energy Physics. 2014: 143 |
Anguelova L, Suranyi P, Wijewardhana LCR. (2013) Glueball spectrum in a gauge theory with two dynamical scales Journal of High Energy Physics. 2013: 3 |
Anguelova L, Suranyi P, Wijewardhana LCR. (2012) Scalar Mesons in Holographic Walking Technicolor Nuclear Physics. 862: 671-690 |
Anguelova L, Suranyi P, Wijewardhana LCR. (2011) Holographic walking technicolor from D-branes Nuclear Physics. 852: 39-60 |