Zhe Fei, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2014 | Physics | University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA |
Condensed Matter Physics, Optics PhysicsGoogle:
"Zhe Fei"Mean distance: (not calculated yet)
Sign in to add mentorDimitri N. Basov | grad student | 2014 | UCSD | |
(Infrared Nano-Spectroscopy and Nano-Imaging of Graphene Plasmons.) |
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B Iyer R, Luan Y, Shinar R, et al. (2022) Nano-optical imaging of exciton-plasmon polaritons in WSe/Au heterostructures. Nanoscale |
Luan Y, McDermott L, Hu F, et al. (2020) Tip- and Plasmon-Enhanced Infrared Nanoscopy for Ultrasensitive Molecular Characterizations Physical Review Applied. 13: 34020 |
Chen P, Wang X, Luan Y, et al. (2020) High-field electromagnetic radiation converts carbon nanotubes to nanoribbons embedded with carbon nanocrystals Journal of Applied Physics. 128: 24305 |
Hu F, Kim M, Zhang Y, et al. (2019) Tailor plasmons in pentacene/graphene heterostructures with interlayer electron transfer. Nano Letters |
Hu F, Luan Y, Speltz J, et al. (2019) Imaging propagative exciton polaritons in atomically thin WSe2 waveguides Physical Review B. 100: 121301 |
Fei Z. (2018) Electrically detecting infrared light. Nature Materials. 17: 950-951 |
Zhang J, Chen X, Mills S, et al. (2018) Terahertz Nanoimaging of Graphene Acs Photonics. 5: 2645-2651 |
Hu F, Das SR, Luan Y, et al. (2017) Real-Space Imaging of the Tailored Plasmons in Twisted Bilayer Graphene. Physical Review Letters. 119: 247402 |
Gilbert Corder SN, Chen X, Zhang S, et al. (2017) Near-field spectroscopic investigation of dual-band heavy fermion metamaterials. Nature Communications. 8: 2262 |
Hu F, Luan Y, Fei Z, et al. (2017) Imaging the localized plasmon resonance modes in graphene nanoribbons. Nano Letters |