Tobias J. Kippenberg, Ph.D.

2004 California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 
Optics Physics
"Tobias Kippenberg"
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Kerry J. Vahala grad student 2004 Caltech
 (Nonlinear optics in ultra-high-Q whispering -gallery optical microcavities.)
H. Jeff Kimble post-doc Caltech
Theodor Wolfgang Hänsch research scientist 2006-2010 Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik


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Junqiu Liu grad student EPFL
Vivishek Sudhir grad student 2012-2016 EPFL (E-Tree)
Ewold Verhagen post-doc 2009-2012 EPFL
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Blésin T, Kao W, Siddharth A, et al. (2024) Bidirectional microwave-optical transduction based on integration of high-overtone bulk acoustic resonators and photonic circuits. Nature Communications. 15: 6096
Lukashchuk A, Yildirim HK, Bancora A, et al. (2024) Photonic-electronic integrated circuit-based coherent LiDAR engine. Nature Communications. 15: 3134
Huang G, Beccari A, Engelsen NJ, et al. (2024) Room-temperature quantum optomechanics using an ultralow noise cavity. Nature. 626: 512-516
Clementi M, Nitiss E, Liu J, et al. (2023) A chip-scale second-harmonic source via self-injection-locked all-optical poling. Light, Science & Applications. 12: 296
Ayan A, Liu J, Kippenberg TJ, et al. (2023) Towards efficient broadband parametric conversion in ultra-long SiN waveguides. Optics Express. 31: 40916-40927
Li Z, Wang RN, Lihachev G, et al. (2023) High density lithium niobate photonic integrated circuits. Nature Communications. 14: 4856
Churaev M, Wang RN, Riedhauser A, et al. (2023) A heterogeneously integrated lithium niobate-on-silicon nitride photonic platform. Nature Communications. 14: 3499
Wunderer T, Siddharth A, Johnson NM, et al. (2023) Single-frequency violet and blue laser emission from AlGaInN photonic integrated circuit chips. Optics Letters. 48: 2781-2784
Snigirev V, Riedhauser A, Lihachev G, et al. (2023) Ultrafast tunable lasers using lithium niobate integrated photonics. Nature. 615: 411-417
O'Malley NP, McKinzie KA, Alshaykh MS, et al. (2022) Architecture for integrated RF photonic downconversion of electronic signals. Optics Letters. 48: 159-162
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