Polykarp Kusch, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 1937-1972 | Columbia University, New York, NY | |
1972-1982 | University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX, United States |
"Polykarp Kusch"Bio:
(1911 - 1993)
Kusch, Polykarp, The Molecular Spectra of Caesium and Rubidium, Dissertation University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (1936)
The Nobel Prize in Physics 1955 was divided equally between Willis Eugene Lamb "for his discoveries concerning the fine structure of the hydrogen spectrum" and Polykarp Kusch "for his precision determination of the magnetic moment of the electron".
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Mean distance: 10.53 | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add mentorF. Wheeler Loomis | grad student | 1936 | UIUC | |
(The Molecular Spectra of Caesium and Rubidium) | ||||
John Torrence Tate | post-doc | 1936-1937 | UMN |
Sign in to add traineeDaniel Isadore Bolef | research assistant | 1952 | Columbia |
Peter Alden Franken | grad student | 1952 | Columbia |
Seymour H. Koenig | grad student | 1952 | Columbia (Neurotree) |
Eugene David Commins | grad student | 1958 | Columbia |
Thomas G. Eck | grad student | 1958 | Columbia |
Sheldon Schultz | grad student | 1960 | Columbia |
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Commins ED, Kusch P. (1958) Upper limit to the magnetic moment of He6 Physical Review Letters. 1: 208-209 |
Eck TG, Kusch P. (1957) Hfs of the 5 P322 State of In115 and In113: Octupole Interactions in the Stable Isotopes of Indium Physical Review. 106: 958-964 |
Eck TG, Lurio A, Kusch P. (1957) Hfs of the 5 P122 State of In115 and In113: Hfs Anomalies in the Stable Isotopes of Indium Physical Review. 106: 954-957 |
Prodell AG, Kusch P. (1957) Hyperfine structure of tritium in the ground state Physical Review. 106: 87-89 |
Kusch P. (1956) Magnetic Moment of the Electron. Science (New York, N.Y.). 123: 207-11 |
Heberle JW, Reich HA, Kusch P. (1956) Hyperfine structure of the metastable hydrogen atom Physical Review. 101: 612-620 |
Kusch P, Eck TG. (1954) Hyperfine structure of In115. Evidence of a nuclear octupole moment [13] Physical Review. 94: 1799 |
Koenig SH, Prodell AG, Kusch P. (1952) The anomalous magnetic moment of the electron Physical Review. 88: 191-199 |
Logan RA, Coté RE, Kusch P. (1952) The sign of the quadrupole interaction energy in diatomic molecules Physical Review. 86: 280-287 |
Koenig S, Prodell AG, Kusch P. (1951) The anomalous spin gyromagnetic ratio of the electron [52] Physical Review. 83: 687-688 |