Rafael A. Porto, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2007 | Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA |
Theory PhysicsGoogle:
"Rafael Porto"Mean distance: (not calculated yet)
Sign in to add mentorIra Z. Rothstein | grad student | 2007 | Carnegie Mellon | |
(An effective field theory of gravity for spinning extended objects.) |
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Green D, Porto RA. (2020) Signals of a Quantum Universe. Physical Review Letters. 124: 251302 |
Baumann D, Chia HS, Porto RA, et al. (2020) Gravitational collider physics Physical Review D. 101 |
Kälin G, Porto RA. (2020) From boundary data to bound states. Part II. Scattering angle to dynamical invariants (with twist) Journal of High Energy Physics. 2020 |
Baumann D, Chia HS, Porto RA. (2019) Probing ultralight bosons with binary black holes Physical Review D. 99 |
Konstandin T, Porto RA, Rubira H. (2019) The effective field theory of large scale structure at three loops Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics. 2019: 027-027 |
Maia NT, Galley CR, Leibovich AK, et al. (2017) Radiation reaction for spinning bodies in effective field theory. I. Spin-orbit effects Physical Review D. 96 |
Maia NT, Galley CR, Leibovich AK, et al. (2017) Radiation reaction for spinning bodies in effective field theory. II. Spin-spin effects Physical Review D. 96 |
Porto RA. (2017) Lamb shift and the gravitational binding energy for binary black holes Physical Review D. 96 |
Porto RA, Rothstein IZ. (2017) Apparent ambiguities in the post-Newtonian expansion for binary systems Physical Review D. 96 |
Galley CR, Leibovich AK, Porto RA, et al. (2016) Tail effect in gravitational radiation reaction: Time nonlocality and renormalization group evolution Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology. 93 |