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Oleg Lunin, Ph.D.

2000 Ohio State University, Columbus, Columbus, OH 
 2010- State University of New York, Albany, Albany, NY, United States 
Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics
"Oleg Lunin"

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Stephen Sidney Pinsky grad student 2000 Ohio State
 (Supersymmetry and light cone quantization.)


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Yuri Chervonyi grad student SUNY Albany (MathTree)
BETA: Related publications


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Lunin O, Tian W. (2019) Scalar fields on λ-deformed cosets Nuclear Physics. 938: 671-713
Lunin O. (2019) Excitations of the Myers-Perry Black Holes Journal of High Energy Physics. 2019: 30
Lunin O, Tian W. (2018) Analytical structure of the generalized λ-deformation Nuclear Physics. 929: 330-352
Lunin O. (2017) Maxwell’s equations in the Myers-Perry geometry Journal of High Energy Physics. 2017: 138
Chervonyi Y, Lunin O. (2016) Generalized λ-deformations of AdS p × S p Nuclear Physics. 913: 912-941
Chervonyi Y, Lunin O. (2016) Supergravity background of the λ-deformed AdS 3 × S 3 supercoset Nuclear Physics. 910: 685-711
Lunin O, Roiban R, Tseytlin A. (2015) Supergravity backgrounds for deformations of AdSn×Sn supercoset string models Nuclear Physics. 891: 106-127
Lunin O. (2015) Bubbling geometries for AdS 2 × S 2 Journal of High Energy Physics. 2015: 167
Chervonyi Y, Lunin O. (2015) Killing(-Yano) tensors in string theory Journal of High Energy Physics. 2015: 182
Chervonyi Y, Lunin O. (2014) (Non)-integrability of geodesics in D-brane backgrounds Journal of High Energy Physics. 2014: 61
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