Nan Zong, Ph.D.

2005 Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA, United States 
Mechanical Engineering
"Nan Zong"
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Vigor Yang grad student 2005 Penn State
 (Modeling and simulation of cryogenic fluid injection and mixing dynamics under supercritical conditions.)
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Li HG, Zong N, Lu XY, et al. (2012) A consistent characteristic boundary condition for general fluid mixture and its implementation in a preconditioning scheme Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. 4: 72-92
Zong N, Yang V. (2008) Cryogenic fluid dynamics of pressure swirl injectors at supercritical conditions Physics of Fluids. 20
Zong N, Yang V. (2007) An efficient preconditioning scheme for real-fluid mixtures using primitive pressure-temperature variables International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics. 21: 217-230
Ribert G, Zong N, Yang V, et al. (2007) Counterflow diffusion flames of general fluids: Oxygen/hydrogen mixtures Collection of Technical Papers - 45th Aiaa Aerospace Sciences Meeting. 24: 16845-16858
Zong N, Yang V. (2006) Cryogenic fluid jets and mixing layers in transcritical and supercritical environments Combustion Science and Technology. 178: 193-227
Zong N, Meng H, Hsieh SY, et al. (2004) A numerical study of cryogenic fluid injection and mixing under supercritical conditions Physics of Fluids. 16: 4248-4261
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